just a blog

Donald Trump.

The second book I finished over the weekend was actually by Donald Trump.

He made me regret not watching The Apprentice. I wonder if I can download the series online. Should be can right.

I think having muscle aches from IPPT was a blessing in disguise. The whole weekend I was snuggling in bed manifesting my true desire as a geeeeek.

Anyway, xunming hates Donald Trump as he thinks he's too xia lan, but I think a multi-billionaire with HIS achievements, which are many, and not even restricted to monetary ones, has every right to be xia lan.

In any case, since we are not multi-billionaires ourselves, we don't understand how they think, and we ourselves can't say we won't be xia lan if we ARE multi-bills, so we shouldn't comment in this aspect.

Anyway, I think he's kick-ass cool cos he leads a very well-rounded lifestyle, he plays golf, he contributes to charity organizations, he has friends, he does The Apprentice, and he's, well, xia lan.

Isn't that the reason why people like Jose Mourinho as well? Okay maybe not that many people like him, but oh well.

Plus sometimes he doesn't even TRY to be xia lan, but was only speaking the truth. Like when he gave advice on buying real estate.

"It might not matter to me, but for you, you might have to take into consideration the cost..." etc etc.

It's true wad.

Oh ya there's this piece of statistics about Bill Gates from some magazine that I thought was quite cool.

The amount of money a movie ticket costs, when taken in proportion to an averge joe's networth is let's say X%. If a movie ticket costs Bill Gates X% as well, that bloody ticket would be worth, erm, I forgot the exact amount, but I think it's in the range of tens of thousands.

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