Me and my obssession with BOOKS.
0 Comments Published by kang on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 10:35 AM.

Don't even remember since when I started liking books so much.
I dream to be like those ang mohs you see in Starbucks and Coffeebean who like to buy a cuppa hot Cappucino or Mocha and sit inside and just reeeead.
Dammit, why am I so poor? A trip to Starbucks/Coffeebean would cost me more than half an hour of my pay.
I read somewhere that if you compare the cost of everything to the hourly rate you're being paid, you would spend alot less. I think that's really true. And my hourly rate isn't even really low for a temp job.
I mean, my pay as a car washer was like $4.50!
I digress.
Anyway, I had that so-near-yet-so-far sense of loss as I walked into Times bookshop again that day.
Why is it that some people just choose whatever books they want and drop it into their shopping cart and just buy them? While I could only walk around salivating and standing there, like the child looking at his favorite red sports shoes through the shopping window?
Added a book list to the side bar.
Aye, I have decided. When I become damn rich one day (I said when, not IF).
I shall have a study room with tons of books and I would shop at Amazon and drop stuff into my shopping cart at will and I shall read my books over a cuppa hot coffee every morning!
I dream to be like those ang mohs you see in Starbucks and Coffeebean who like to buy a cuppa hot Cappucino or Mocha and sit inside and just reeeead.
Dammit, why am I so poor? A trip to Starbucks/Coffeebean would cost me more than half an hour of my pay.
I read somewhere that if you compare the cost of everything to the hourly rate you're being paid, you would spend alot less. I think that's really true. And my hourly rate isn't even really low for a temp job.
I mean, my pay as a car washer was like $4.50!
I digress.
Anyway, I had that so-near-yet-so-far sense of loss as I walked into Times bookshop again that day.
Why is it that some people just choose whatever books they want and drop it into their shopping cart and just buy them? While I could only walk around salivating and standing there, like the child looking at his favorite red sports shoes through the shopping window?
Added a book list to the side bar.
Aye, I have decided. When I become damn rich one day (I said when, not IF).
I shall have a study room with tons of books and I would shop at Amazon and drop stuff into my shopping cart at will and I shall read my books over a cuppa hot coffee every morning!
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