Stolen from:
希望你的每一天都是sunny day,
因为 你快乐 所以我快乐~
希望你的每一天都是sunny day,
因为 你快乐 所以我快乐~
That cow, sent me the link to this video while I was in Central Library, made me watch until I had to lie on the table trying to stifle my laughter and my whole body was shaking like mad.
It's really sibeh funny laaaaaaaaarh!
It's really sibeh funny laaaaaaaaarh!
Decided to quit FSAE.
I've also quitted Funka.
I think it's kinda funny how nowadays nobody seems to know what I'm thinking anymore haha.
People are judging my decisions based on superficial reasons. Loss of enthusiasm, lack of time, stress?
Aiyah, I guess there is no need to explain either, so so be it!
I've also quitted Funka.
I think it's kinda funny how nowadays nobody seems to know what I'm thinking anymore haha.
People are judging my decisions based on superficial reasons. Loss of enthusiasm, lack of time, stress?
Aiyah, I guess there is no need to explain either, so so be it!
I was quite surprised last night at Macau Crystal Jade I got pretty full after eating only half my "yuan yang".
My appetite is going really cranky. I was quite hungry leh!
Die.. I think there's really something wrong with me. And then when I got home, I kena nose bleed again.
Just a few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and nose felt kinda itchy.. So I rubbed it abit and yeah, I was bleeding!
Wah raaaaaao. Sounds very morbid right.
I really wonder what is wrong with me.
My appetite is going really cranky. I was quite hungry leh!
Die.. I think there's really something wrong with me. And then when I got home, I kena nose bleed again.
Just a few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and nose felt kinda itchy.. So I rubbed it abit and yeah, I was bleeding!
Wah raaaaaao. Sounds very morbid right.
I really wonder what is wrong with me.
Luckily for some reason, I had this premonition that something was going to happen...
So when the cat chionged across the road, I was like, semi-prepared and was like, "ni nabeh!" and slammed on the brakes.
So when the cat chionged across the road, I was like, semi-prepared and was like, "ni nabeh!" and slammed on the brakes.
Haven't been to Plaza in quite long.
Couldn't resist borrowing books even though I know it's a sin to be indulging myself in books when I can't even catch up with my tutorials.
Borrowed two light books which I'll hopefully finish in a day and a super heavy one, but one that I've been wanting to read for a long long time, The Intelligent Investor, written by the legenadary Benjamin Graham, who was very much a mentor to my idol Warren Buffett.
Did my lab report at Mac's, where there was this very good-looking girl right opposite my seat. I think she's doing JC, cos she was studying, and didn't look like she was in uni yet.
Looks like she stays in Cashew as well!
This must be fate.
Couldn't resist borrowing books even though I know it's a sin to be indulging myself in books when I can't even catch up with my tutorials.
Borrowed two light books which I'll hopefully finish in a day and a super heavy one, but one that I've been wanting to read for a long long time, The Intelligent Investor, written by the legenadary Benjamin Graham, who was very much a mentor to my idol Warren Buffett.
Did my lab report at Mac's, where there was this very good-looking girl right opposite my seat. I think she's doing JC, cos she was studying, and didn't look like she was in uni yet.
Looks like she stays in Cashew as well!
This must be fate.
My butt hurts from all that cycling.
Team Slackers and Team Like 2 Smell were supposed to go the same route and slack together, but Like 2 Smell kei kiang and decided to go competitive and tua-ed Slackers then in the end lao kui cos they couldn't finish all the 10 stations as well hahaha.
Never imagined cycling from ECP to Yio Chu Kang. Anyway we gave up halfway and had supper at Newton.
I still feel damn bad for making bm fall. Lucky she's not hurt. Sorry bm!
Team Slackers and Team Like 2 Smell were supposed to go the same route and slack together, but Like 2 Smell kei kiang and decided to go competitive and tua-ed Slackers then in the end lao kui cos they couldn't finish all the 10 stations as well hahaha.
Never imagined cycling from ECP to Yio Chu Kang. Anyway we gave up halfway and had supper at Newton.
I still feel damn bad for making bm fall. Lucky she's not hurt. Sorry bm!
Our joys as winged dreams do fly;
Why then should sorrows last?
Since grief but aggravates the loss,
Grieve not for what is past.
Why then should sorrows last?
Since grief but aggravates the loss,
Grieve not for what is past.
I apologize for the low quality of the picture, but do try to help if you know anyone who's just lost a Husky.

(Blogger likes to piss me off by taking 200 years to upload a picture and then end up telling me it CANNOT find the dashboard, and after 300 attempts I frickin' gave up and uploaded the pic to my own website and I have a test tomorrow and I have no mood to reduce the image size and hence the gigantic picture. I hope it loads fine for you.)
Well I know this is probably an incredulous and quite stupid idea, but I thought I'll still give it a shot because well, I like Huskies, and it's really sad to see one separated from her owner.
It's found in Cashew Heights, so it could belong to one of the residents here or one of those neighbouring terraces.
It would be great if the owner could be found, but sadly, I strongly strongly suspect that she has been abandoned by her owner.
1) A Husky is not cheap at all. Her owner would probably be looking for her all over the place and a notice like this would be like a god-sent. There shouldn't be any problem at all for a Husky owner to retrieve his/her lost Husky if someone willingly steps forward to return her.
2) I've seen a Husky walking around with her owner in Cashew before. Y'know, Huskies aren't found all over the place, so I believe that that was the one I saw. So if the owner stays in Cashew, he/she would definitely have seen the notice.
The people who put up the notice were really kind, because they already own two dogs themselves, and as we all know, taking care of a Husky is super ma fan as they have to blow air-con all day long. And that is in addition to the two dogs they already have.
They mention that if they don't find the owners soon, they'll have to send her to SPCA.
Which is a sad thing.
So I'm trying to do what I can for the poor doggie, though I guess I probably won't end up with any positive results.
But hey, if you're from Cashew and know anything, do let me know. Or if you're a Husky lover, well, I don't know, maybe we could co-share her cos I really don't mind taking of her but my family can't stand dogs, so we'll need someone to provide her with a home -_-;;
Just drop me an email at
So yeah, hope something comes out of this.
On a stupid note, the fucker Daniel says I should claim that the Husky is mine, and then SELL it. Obviously he was kidding lah haha, and I thought it was quite funny.

(Blogger likes to piss me off by taking 200 years to upload a picture and then end up telling me it CANNOT find the dashboard, and after 300 attempts I frickin' gave up and uploaded the pic to my own website and I have a test tomorrow and I have no mood to reduce the image size and hence the gigantic picture. I hope it loads fine for you.)
Well I know this is probably an incredulous and quite stupid idea, but I thought I'll still give it a shot because well, I like Huskies, and it's really sad to see one separated from her owner.
It's found in Cashew Heights, so it could belong to one of the residents here or one of those neighbouring terraces.
It would be great if the owner could be found, but sadly, I strongly strongly suspect that she has been abandoned by her owner.
1) A Husky is not cheap at all. Her owner would probably be looking for her all over the place and a notice like this would be like a god-sent. There shouldn't be any problem at all for a Husky owner to retrieve his/her lost Husky if someone willingly steps forward to return her.
2) I've seen a Husky walking around with her owner in Cashew before. Y'know, Huskies aren't found all over the place, so I believe that that was the one I saw. So if the owner stays in Cashew, he/she would definitely have seen the notice.
The people who put up the notice were really kind, because they already own two dogs themselves, and as we all know, taking care of a Husky is super ma fan as they have to blow air-con all day long. And that is in addition to the two dogs they already have.
They mention that if they don't find the owners soon, they'll have to send her to SPCA.
Which is a sad thing.
So I'm trying to do what I can for the poor doggie, though I guess I probably won't end up with any positive results.
But hey, if you're from Cashew and know anything, do let me know. Or if you're a Husky lover, well, I don't know, maybe we could co-share her cos I really don't mind taking of her but my family can't stand dogs, so we'll need someone to provide her with a home -_-;;
Just drop me an email at
So yeah, hope something comes out of this.
On a stupid note, the fucker Daniel says I should claim that the Husky is mine, and then SELL it. Obviously he was kidding lah haha, and I thought it was quite funny.
Was having duty at Central Library when I got kinda bored and did something quite uncharacteristic of me.
I signed up at WhoLivesNearYou.Com! To be precise, I made myself a verified member.
I've always thought these social networks are for desperados and I even felt a tinge of embarrassment at registering and didn't dare to let passers-by see and think "wtf, this supervisor is playing with WLNY on duty!"
I didn't know why, but I just did. I even kinda regretted it once I completed the process even though it costs only $2 per year.
But when I got home, I heard my calling. I knew why I registered. It has all been predestined in the book of fate.
Because, again, I saw the notice for the lost and found Husky.
To be continued in the next post, which I would post a link to from
I signed up at WhoLivesNearYou.Com! To be precise, I made myself a verified member.
I've always thought these social networks are for desperados and I even felt a tinge of embarrassment at registering and didn't dare to let passers-by see and think "wtf, this supervisor is playing with WLNY on duty!"
I didn't know why, but I just did. I even kinda regretted it once I completed the process even though it costs only $2 per year.
But when I got home, I heard my calling. I knew why I registered. It has all been predestined in the book of fate.
Because, again, I saw the notice for the lost and found Husky.
To be continued in the next post, which I would post a link to from
This post is especially lovingly dedicated to the person who thinks I am very free.
Here's a breakdown of my schedule next week.
In addition to the normal lectures and tutorials and labs of xiong xiong Engineering...
Monday got quiz and FSAE lecture.
Tuesday after lab got CBLC duty.
Wednesday got another quiz.
Thursday got FSAE duty.
Friday got CBLC AGM.
On a lighter note, after that would be mid-term break, and we'll be going night-cycling on Saturday!
Here's a breakdown of my schedule next week.
In addition to the normal lectures and tutorials and labs of xiong xiong Engineering...
Monday got quiz and FSAE lecture.
Tuesday after lab got CBLC duty.
Wednesday got another quiz.
Thursday got FSAE duty.
Friday got CBLC AGM.
On a lighter note, after that would be mid-term break, and we'll be going night-cycling on Saturday!
I so wanted to go for Girl's Nation at Zouk.
But Monday got test, Wednesday got test, lab report haven't finish, how to go??
And now bm tells me they all "strip till left bra and mini skirt dat show everything" and "all the guys nose bleed".
I realize I got very bad tiko luck.
The one and only time I ponned lecture, the engineers told me that "the bimbo" wore super revealing clothes and all eyes were on her that day.
I know, I have bad tiko luck, because I'm a decent guy!
But Monday got test, Wednesday got test, lab report haven't finish, how to go??
And now bm tells me they all "strip till left bra and mini skirt dat show everything" and "all the guys nose bleed".
I realize I got very bad tiko luck.
The one and only time I ponned lecture, the engineers told me that "the bimbo" wore super revealing clothes and all eyes were on her that day.
I know, I have bad tiko luck, because I'm a decent guy!
And the more I study, the more I realize I don't know, the more I realize that I am actually quite stupid.
Prof Thermodynamics is such an inspiring role model.
He stresses the importance of dilligent practice and thorough understanding of our study materials so that one day, we could reach the highest level ever known to mankind:
Whatever you write, is the answer.
Therefore, when he made a mistake in his calculations during one of his lecture demonstrations, instead of correcting his mistake, he goes ahead to amend the answer key.
And then, with a twinkle in his eyes, he looks at us and goes again.
Whatever you write, is the answer.
Damn zai.
He stresses the importance of dilligent practice and thorough understanding of our study materials so that one day, we could reach the highest level ever known to mankind:
Whatever you write, is the answer.
Therefore, when he made a mistake in his calculations during one of his lecture demonstrations, instead of correcting his mistake, he goes ahead to amend the answer key.
And then, with a twinkle in his eyes, he looks at us and goes again.
Whatever you write, is the answer.
Damn zai.
There are garang people who take on one thousand commitments like CCAs and leadership positions and part time jobs and whatever shit they desire.
And then they whole day complain never sleep enough and rant on and on about how busy and important they are and how, without them, the pillars of their respective commitees, their clubs and societies would simply fall apart!
Well most importantly, due to my inborn disdain for authority, this especially pisses me off.
Aye I think that was too generalized; I don't dislike all authority. I think PAP is fine. I'm referring to student societies.
Look, go and be the cult leader or godfather of whatever student society you like, but do it out of passion for the society or out of a keen interest in contributing, playing a part.
Don't do it because you think would become a demi-god once you become the head of so and so, because that is pure bull shit!
I think all you need to be in any committee is 20% capability, and 80% enthusiasm. And enthusiasm is not something to hao lian about.
Of course, I'm not denying the fact that there are capable heads. I'm just referring to the majority.
I super duper ultra sibeh buei song people who become heads and then speak as if they have become authority figures overnight and start speaking corporate talk.
I must have been killed by a student councillor in my previous life.
I think daphne knows what I'm talking about -_-;; Tried to dissuade her from joining council at the beginning and after failing, tried to be a supportive person, to absolutely no avail. Terms like "the councillors and the student body" really made me want to crush chicken eggs. Sounds like "the almighty and the lesser mortals" to me.
Maybe I'm biased.
But that's not the point.
I'm writing this entry because, I just recently got pissed!
"Oh so you now only got three CCAs? Then bu shi hen free?"
*Thunder roars and lightning strikes.*
I don't really give a damn about making people think that I am sibeh busy or what shit.
I just hate being judged.
And what does he know? Firstly and least importantly, I don't believe 3 CCAs is few.
But that's not the point.
He also does not know what being in Engineering is like.
Still, not the point.
He also does not know how badly I've done and how much I need to make up.
He doesn't know how stupid I am and how much I need to do simply to catch up to others too. Okay, maybe this one he knows. Probably the whole world is stupid in his eyes.
Okay, enough rambling, and I should get back to work. But the bottomline is, I hate being judged, so mind your own frickin' business and stop trying to advertise your busy-ness, cos we are all busy, okay?
And then they whole day complain never sleep enough and rant on and on about how busy and important they are and how, without them, the pillars of their respective commitees, their clubs and societies would simply fall apart!
Well most importantly, due to my inborn disdain for authority, this especially pisses me off.
Aye I think that was too generalized; I don't dislike all authority. I think PAP is fine. I'm referring to student societies.
Look, go and be the cult leader or godfather of whatever student society you like, but do it out of passion for the society or out of a keen interest in contributing, playing a part.
Don't do it because you think would become a demi-god once you become the head of so and so, because that is pure bull shit!
I think all you need to be in any committee is 20% capability, and 80% enthusiasm. And enthusiasm is not something to hao lian about.
Of course, I'm not denying the fact that there are capable heads. I'm just referring to the majority.
I super duper ultra sibeh buei song people who become heads and then speak as if they have become authority figures overnight and start speaking corporate talk.
I must have been killed by a student councillor in my previous life.
I think daphne knows what I'm talking about -_-;; Tried to dissuade her from joining council at the beginning and after failing, tried to be a supportive person, to absolutely no avail. Terms like "the councillors and the student body" really made me want to crush chicken eggs. Sounds like "the almighty and the lesser mortals" to me.
Maybe I'm biased.
But that's not the point.
I'm writing this entry because, I just recently got pissed!
"Oh so you now only got three CCAs? Then bu shi hen free?"
*Thunder roars and lightning strikes.*
I don't really give a damn about making people think that I am sibeh busy or what shit.
I just hate being judged.
And what does he know? Firstly and least importantly, I don't believe 3 CCAs is few.
But that's not the point.
He also does not know what being in Engineering is like.
Still, not the point.
He also does not know how badly I've done and how much I need to make up.
He doesn't know how stupid I am and how much I need to do simply to catch up to others too. Okay, maybe this one he knows. Probably the whole world is stupid in his eyes.
Okay, enough rambling, and I should get back to work. But the bottomline is, I hate being judged, so mind your own frickin' business and stop trying to advertise your busy-ness, cos we are all busy, okay?
Work like you don't need money.
Dance like no one's looking.
Love like you've never been hurt before.
Live like today's your last day alive.
Yeah I know this is all lao diao ya, but I think it helps puts us into perspective.
So, if today's my last day alive, would I be trying to finish up my stupid Thermodynamics tutorial?
Reality bites!
Dance like no one's looking.
Love like you've never been hurt before.
Live like today's your last day alive.
Yeah I know this is all lao diao ya, but I think it helps puts us into perspective.
So, if today's my last day alive, would I be trying to finish up my stupid Thermodynamics tutorial?
Reality bites!
Dear。。 如果有一天,我死掉的话。。你会不会哭。。?
I think Groove Nation was super good.
Dunno why bm, yiwei they all seemed quite unimpressed, haha, maybe I'm just being a moutain tortoise but I thought most of the contestants were really really good and I thoroughly enjoyed the show.
Sheikh Haikel was a superb MC as well providing alot of unpretentious and ah beng type random humour.
Probably what struck me the most was the camaraderie those people showed towards each other even though they were competing against each other.
Maybe it's the way they structured the results. All consolations and only one winner. I think that makes the environment much more "friendly" as compared to have a first, a second, a third, and a few consolations.
Anywayz, I think the mutual respect they had for each other was really damn admirable and I think they're a bunch of really happy people and you can't help but feel very happy, for lack of a better word, when you see them on stage!
And because some of the contestants were little kids, their mothers came bringing Macdonalds for them during the break.
So ke ai neh!!
Dunno why bm, yiwei they all seemed quite unimpressed, haha, maybe I'm just being a moutain tortoise but I thought most of the contestants were really really good and I thoroughly enjoyed the show.
Sheikh Haikel was a superb MC as well providing alot of unpretentious and ah beng type random humour.
Probably what struck me the most was the camaraderie those people showed towards each other even though they were competing against each other.
Maybe it's the way they structured the results. All consolations and only one winner. I think that makes the environment much more "friendly" as compared to have a first, a second, a third, and a few consolations.
Anywayz, I think the mutual respect they had for each other was really damn admirable and I think they're a bunch of really happy people and you can't help but feel very happy, for lack of a better word, when you see them on stage!
And because some of the contestants were little kids, their mothers came bringing Macdonalds for them during the break.
So ke ai neh!!
I like bimbos.
I mean, I think they're quite cute lah, and unlike the majority of my friends who look upon bimbos as merely "stupid women", I find them highly entertaining, plus I don't think they're really stupid.
Let's look at a dictionary definition.

Pronunciation: 'bim-(")bO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bimbos
Etymology: perhaps from Italian bimbo baby
used as a generalized term of disapproval especially for an attractive but vacuous person
For the sake of folks with limited vocabulary who don't know what the word "vacuous" means (like limpeh), here's a definition for that word too.

Pronunciation: 'va-ky&-w&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vacuus
1 : emptied of or lacking content
Okay, now that we've done away with the hay-dry definitions, let's look at the society we live in and find out what kinds of people we label as bimbos.
In NUS, of course, without question, the example of choice would be... *drum rolls...*
Okay shit, I think I will get clobbered to death by heels if this gets out, but look, I'm admitting this IS stereotyping and, I know I have intelligent artsy fartsy friends, so if you're reading this, and you're from arts, I'm not referring to you! ;)
*Wipes sweat off brows*
Anyway, like I said, I like bimbos!
No lah, actually, I just dislike girls who think they're smart. Even if they ARE smart. Damn turn-off. Maybe I'm a MCP.
Probably that's why I'm 105% sure that if I were a girl, I would be labelled as a bimbo too. Okay damn, let's drop the "if I were a girl" notion, I think already want to puke.
Maybe I just prefer a solitary life, where you no need to prove anything to anyone, and you don't give a flying banana what opinion others have of you.
Alas, this is not the case and the older you get, the more the world becomes a wayang world. Stupid must act smart. Smart must act sibeh smart. Sibeh smart must act stupid.
Sometimes I kind of miss the olden days of school. Where everybody is so not competitive and willing to help each other. I will never forget last time everytime we supposed to write composition my table will become like nasi lemak store lydat, everyone will come and queue to ask me how to write da chinese words, hahaha!
And that was a period of time during which you could get free frag buei pai results, and people really helped people out if there were academic issues.
NUS is quite disgusting in the sense that it's really damn competitive and everyone wants to kill everyone. And I'm competing with people who are probably smarter, more dilligent, and more results-oriented than I am.
Not only am I stupid, I am also un-motivated and have the very unfortunate belief that results don't mean anything. I KNOW results are the number one priority in school, but whenever I think of the fact that I'm probably not gonna be an engineer in future anyway, it just seems harder to work hard.
I KNOW that's an incorrect mindset but it's just easier said than done to change it.
So I find it very amusing that the smart aleck huat actually thinks that I am hao lian to be in NUS. If uni were not such a predominant path of progress for the normal Singaporean, I would definitely have chosen another.
Holy cows and bananas, I was talking about bimbos wasn't I?!
Now I don't even remember what I want to say.
Oh ya, that time in the library there was this very obviously artsy girl who picked up the phone in the library. The conversation was something along the lines of...
Ya... YA!!!!
Ya... Yayayaya!!
Ya how you know!
Hee hee hee!
Ya, now I'm very tall!
Dunno leh, I think quite tall.
Errr.... 168 ah.
(Me stifles laughter)
Omg you're taller than meeeeee!!
Erm ya lah, alot of bimboism in the conversation, but I found it quite funny wad.
On hindsight, I think that my "projects" idea is quite bimbotic. Maybe there needs to be a new term for this. Cos I'm not a bimbo. Maybe bambo? Eh, like bamboo!
Bamboo it shall be then. If you hear this term used this way from elsewhere, know that it was first coined by the great kangster.
And I digress.(Again)
There is this breed of human beings who don't seem to be bothered by the fact that people think they are better than them. For example, let's say I'm bad at directions. (Which I am)
If I were the standard super garang egoistic alpha male, I would be damn upset by that fact and spend time analysing street directories to prove to the mortal world that, oi, I can go to Orchard from Pasir Ris, blindfolded!
But no, I am a bamboo, and I would say "hannorh hannorh, my sense of direction damn bad leh".
Now let's analyse this from an objective point of view. The bamboo is not trying to say that he is humble. Rather, he is putting forward another question. Is it really so difficult to be good at directions? If the average uni kid is able to understand complex equations and scientific theories and postulates, surely directions are easy to master?
If directions were a 3MC course, you can be assured that the average bamboo would score as well, if not even better than the macho power baby guy who just made it from Pasir Ris to Orchard. Blind-folded.
So I think bimbos are really not as unintelligent as they seem to be. They just don't see the need to prove themselves to others. Of course, there are also exceptions, and there are some breeds of screaming specimen that are truly airheads filled to the brim with air and nothing else.
Note that in our careful analysis, we have happily left out the "chio" factor in the "chio but stupid" layman definition of the word "bimbo".
This brings us to a very critical juncture.
Being "chio" is a very very important criteria to being a well-liked bimbo, as in any other female role in society.
This brings me to my bamboo ultimatum.
Char bor attitude problem but chio, got character.
Char bor attitude problem and ugly, *censored*
Sibeh jialat.. Here I am, utterly destroying my plans for Project SleepALot, blabbering on and on and on about bimbos.
What a bamboo.
I mean, I think they're quite cute lah, and unlike the majority of my friends who look upon bimbos as merely "stupid women", I find them highly entertaining, plus I don't think they're really stupid.
Let's look at a dictionary definition.
One entry found for bimbo. Main Entry: bim·bo
Pronunciation: 'bim-(")bO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bimbos
Etymology: perhaps from Italian bimbo baby
used as a generalized term of disapproval especially for an attractive but vacuous person
For the sake of folks with limited vocabulary who don't know what the word "vacuous" means (like limpeh), here's a definition for that word too.
One entry found for vacuous. Main Entry: vac·u·ous
Pronunciation: 'va-ky&-w&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vacuus
1 : emptied of or lacking content
Okay, now that we've done away with the hay-dry definitions, let's look at the society we live in and find out what kinds of people we label as bimbos.
In NUS, of course, without question, the example of choice would be... *drum rolls...*
Okay shit, I think I will get clobbered to death by heels if this gets out, but look, I'm admitting this IS stereotyping and, I know I have intelligent artsy fartsy friends, so if you're reading this, and you're from arts, I'm not referring to you! ;)
*Wipes sweat off brows*
Anyway, like I said, I like bimbos!
No lah, actually, I just dislike girls who think they're smart. Even if they ARE smart. Damn turn-off. Maybe I'm a MCP.
Probably that's why I'm 105% sure that if I were a girl, I would be labelled as a bimbo too. Okay damn, let's drop the "if I were a girl" notion, I think already want to puke.
Maybe I just prefer a solitary life, where you no need to prove anything to anyone, and you don't give a flying banana what opinion others have of you.
Alas, this is not the case and the older you get, the more the world becomes a wayang world. Stupid must act smart. Smart must act sibeh smart. Sibeh smart must act stupid.
Sometimes I kind of miss the olden days of school. Where everybody is so not competitive and willing to help each other. I will never forget last time everytime we supposed to write composition my table will become like nasi lemak store lydat, everyone will come and queue to ask me how to write da chinese words, hahaha!
And that was a period of time during which you could get free frag buei pai results, and people really helped people out if there were academic issues.
NUS is quite disgusting in the sense that it's really damn competitive and everyone wants to kill everyone. And I'm competing with people who are probably smarter, more dilligent, and more results-oriented than I am.
Not only am I stupid, I am also un-motivated and have the very unfortunate belief that results don't mean anything. I KNOW results are the number one priority in school, but whenever I think of the fact that I'm probably not gonna be an engineer in future anyway, it just seems harder to work hard.
I KNOW that's an incorrect mindset but it's just easier said than done to change it.
So I find it very amusing that the smart aleck huat actually thinks that I am hao lian to be in NUS. If uni were not such a predominant path of progress for the normal Singaporean, I would definitely have chosen another.
Holy cows and bananas, I was talking about bimbos wasn't I?!
Now I don't even remember what I want to say.
Oh ya, that time in the library there was this very obviously artsy girl who picked up the phone in the library. The conversation was something along the lines of...
Ya... YA!!!!
Ya... Yayayaya!!
Ya how you know!
Hee hee hee!
Ya, now I'm very tall!
Dunno leh, I think quite tall.
Errr.... 168 ah.
(Me stifles laughter)
Omg you're taller than meeeeee!!
Erm ya lah, alot of bimboism in the conversation, but I found it quite funny wad.
On hindsight, I think that my "projects" idea is quite bimbotic. Maybe there needs to be a new term for this. Cos I'm not a bimbo. Maybe bambo? Eh, like bamboo!
Bamboo it shall be then. If you hear this term used this way from elsewhere, know that it was first coined by the great kangster.
And I digress.(Again)
There is this breed of human beings who don't seem to be bothered by the fact that people think they are better than them. For example, let's say I'm bad at directions. (Which I am)
If I were the standard super garang egoistic alpha male, I would be damn upset by that fact and spend time analysing street directories to prove to the mortal world that, oi, I can go to Orchard from Pasir Ris, blindfolded!
But no, I am a bamboo, and I would say "hannorh hannorh, my sense of direction damn bad leh".
Now let's analyse this from an objective point of view. The bamboo is not trying to say that he is humble. Rather, he is putting forward another question. Is it really so difficult to be good at directions? If the average uni kid is able to understand complex equations and scientific theories and postulates, surely directions are easy to master?
If directions were a 3MC course, you can be assured that the average bamboo would score as well, if not even better than the macho power baby guy who just made it from Pasir Ris to Orchard. Blind-folded.
So I think bimbos are really not as unintelligent as they seem to be. They just don't see the need to prove themselves to others. Of course, there are also exceptions, and there are some breeds of screaming specimen that are truly airheads filled to the brim with air and nothing else.
Note that in our careful analysis, we have happily left out the "chio" factor in the "chio but stupid" layman definition of the word "bimbo".
This brings us to a very critical juncture.
Being "chio" is a very very important criteria to being a well-liked bimbo, as in any other female role in society.
This brings me to my bamboo ultimatum.
Char bor attitude problem but chio, got character.
Char bor attitude problem and ugly, *censored*
Sibeh jialat.. Here I am, utterly destroying my plans for Project SleepALot, blabbering on and on and on about bimbos.
What a bamboo.
Project 5.5
Project X
Project BABABA!
Nature of above projects are highly confidential and will not be revealed until completed.
Difficulty and payoffs for all top secret projects are 10/5.
Project X
Project BABABA!
Nature of above projects are highly confidential and will not be revealed until completed.
Difficulty and payoffs for all top secret projects are 10/5.
Difficulty: 4/5
Payoff: 5/5
Project Description:
Realizes that me has extremely bad eating and sleeping habits. History of mild high blood pressure and high glucose level. Has the misfortune of having KFC as me favorite food.
1) KFC = Extremely unhealthy.
2) But extremely accessible, so me always eats.
Sooka sooka will feel giddy and experience loss of appetite. Does not want to die young.
Hence, I must change my daily habits!
A) Project SleepALot!
B) An apple every 2 days, keeps the doctor away!
C) Can eat KFC only at most... (plunges knife into heart) once per week.
P.S. Difficulty of goals has been artificially and intentionally been reduced to lessen the probability that me will give up on them.
Payoff: 5/5
Project Description:
Realizes that me has extremely bad eating and sleeping habits. History of mild high blood pressure and high glucose level. Has the misfortune of having KFC as me favorite food.
1) KFC = Extremely unhealthy.
2) But extremely accessible, so me always eats.
Sooka sooka will feel giddy and experience loss of appetite. Does not want to die young.
Hence, I must change my daily habits!
A) Project SleepALot!
B) An apple every 2 days, keeps the doctor away!
C) Can eat KFC only at most... (plunges knife into heart) once per week.
P.S. Difficulty of goals has been artificially and intentionally been reduced to lessen the probability that me will give up on them.
Difficulty: 2/5
Payoff: 4/5
Project Description:
Realizes that me sleeps very little these days.
Lack of sleep not only results in lack of concentration, it also causes health to deteriorate and hence, this must be stopped!
Goal: At least 7 hours of sleep a day.
Payoff: 4/5
Project Description:
Realizes that me sleeps very little these days.
Lack of sleep not only results in lack of concentration, it also causes health to deteriorate and hence, this must be stopped!
Goal: At least 7 hours of sleep a day.
I realize the previous post was damn whiny and un-hao-mai.
Just got home from beer and taitee and supper from Kenny and the signallers.
Damn shagged cos I joined them after bball.
Was playing with the subclub folks when suddenly I saw that IVP having trials on the other court, so I went to try out.
Didn't get in.
Well can't say I don't feel anything at all but also can't say I'm damn depressed also.
It's just a fucked up feeling. Disappointment, maybe. Might be just as well, so I could spend more time on my priorities.
But still, it's fucked up.
Well I knew I didn't get in even before they announced cos I was having stitch and here pain there pain and played really badly. Of course, even if I'm on form, my full court sucks.
Maybe I'm fated to play 3on3 my whole life.
Reminds me of the time I got chopped from PJ bball and I had the accountant to cheer me up. (Ok she didn't mean to or try to, but she did)
Ray tried to console me haha, saying he's been to trials for his 2nd and 3rd year, now fourth year then get in.
And yeah, I hate being consoled lah, it feels so loserish.
I said nah, nevermind lah, I also anyhow come trial one, don't get in don't get in lo.
Sometimes I'm quite amazed at how good I am at acting nonchalant also.
Damn shagged cos I joined them after bball.
Was playing with the subclub folks when suddenly I saw that IVP having trials on the other court, so I went to try out.
Didn't get in.
Well can't say I don't feel anything at all but also can't say I'm damn depressed also.
It's just a fucked up feeling. Disappointment, maybe. Might be just as well, so I could spend more time on my priorities.
But still, it's fucked up.
Well I knew I didn't get in even before they announced cos I was having stitch and here pain there pain and played really badly. Of course, even if I'm on form, my full court sucks.
Maybe I'm fated to play 3on3 my whole life.
Reminds me of the time I got chopped from PJ bball and I had the accountant to cheer me up. (Ok she didn't mean to or try to, but she did)
Ray tried to console me haha, saying he's been to trials for his 2nd and 3rd year, now fourth year then get in.
And yeah, I hate being consoled lah, it feels so loserish.
I said nah, nevermind lah, I also anyhow come trial one, don't get in don't get in lo.
Sometimes I'm quite amazed at how good I am at acting nonchalant also.
I like bimbos.
I mean, I think they're quite cute lah, and unlike the majority of my friends who look upon bimbos as merely "stupid women", I find them highly entertaining, plus I don't think they're really stupid.
Let's look at a dictionary definition.

Pronunciation: 'bim-(")bO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bimbos
Etymology: perhaps from Italian bimbo baby
used as a generalized term of disapproval especially for an attractive but vacuous person
For the sake of folks with limited vocabulary who don't know what the word "vacuous" means (like limpeh), here's a definition for that word too.

Pronunciation: 'va-ky&-w&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vacuus
1 : emptied of or lacking content
Okay, now that we've done away with the hay-dry definitions, let's look at the society we live in and find out what kinds of people we label as bimbos.
In NUS, of course, without question, the example of choice would be... *drum rolls...*
Okay shit, I think I will get clobbered to death by heels if this gets out, but look, I'm admitting this IS stereotyping and, I know I have intelligent artsy fartsy friends, so if you're reading this, and you're from arts, I'm not referring to you! ;)
*Wipes sweat off brows*
Anyway, like I said, I like bimbos!
No lah, actually, I just dislike girls who think they're smart. Even if they ARE smart. Damn turn-off. Maybe I'm a MCP.
Probably that's why I'm 105% sure that if I were a girl, I would be labelled as a bimbo too. Okay damn, let's drop the "if I were a girl" notion, I think already want to puke.
Maybe I just prefer a solitary life, where you no need to prove anything to anyone, and you don't give a flying banana what opinion others have of you.
Alas, this is not the case and the older you get, the more the world becomes a wayang world. Stupid must act smart. Smart must act sibeh smart. Sibeh smart must act stupid.
Sometimes I kind of miss the olden days of school. Where everybody is so not competitive and willing to help each other. I will never forget last time everytime we supposed to write composition my table will become like nasi lemak store lydat, everyone will come and queue to ask me how to write, hahaha!
And that was a period of time during which you could get free frag average results, and people really helped people out if there were academic issues.
NUS is quite disgusting in the sense that it's really damn competitive and everyone wants to kill everyone. And I'm competing with people who are probably smarter, more dilligent, and more results-oriented than I am.
Not only am I stupid, I am also un-motivated and have the very unfortunate belief that results don't mean anything. I KNOW results are the number one priority in school, but whenever I think of the fact that I'm probably not gonna be an engineer in future anyway, it just seems harder to work hard.
I KNOW that's an incorrect mindset but it's just easier said than done to change it.
So I find it very amusing that the smart aleck huat actually thinks that I am hao lian to be in NUS. If uni were not such a predominant path of progress for the normal Singaporean, I would definitely have chosen another.
Holy cows and bananas, I was talking about bimbos wasn't I?!
Now I don't even remember what I want to say.
Oh ya, that time in the library there was this very obviously artsy girl who picked up the phone in the library. The conversation was something along the lines of...
Ya... YA!!!!
Ya... Yayayaya!!
Ya how you know!
Hee hee hee!
Ya, now I'm very tall!
Dunno leh, I think quite tall.
Errr.... 168 ah.
(Me stifles laughter)
Omg you're taller than meeeeee!!
Erm ya lah, alot of bimboism in the conversation, but I found it quite funny wad.
On hindsight, I think that my "projects" idea is quite bimbotic. Maybe there needs to be a new term for this. Cos I'm not a bimbo. Maybe bambo? Eh, like bamboo!
Bamboo it shall be then. If you hear this term used this way from elsewhere, know that it was first coined by the great kangster.
And I digress.(Again)
There is this breed of human beings who don't seem to be bothered by the fact that people think they are better than them. For example, let's say I'm bad at directions. (Which I am)
If I were the standard super garang egoistic alpha male, I would be damn upset by that fact and spend time analysing street directories to prove to the mortal world that, oi, I can go to Orchard from Pasir Ris, blindfolded!
But no, I am a bamboo, and I would say "hannorh hannorh, my sense of direction damn bad leh".
Now let's analyse this from an objective point of view. The bamboo is not trying to say that he is humble. Rather, he is putting forward another question. Is it really so difficult to be good at directions? If the average uni kid is able to understand complex equations and scientific theories and postulates, surely directions are easy to master?
If directions were a 3MC course, you can be assured that the average bamboo would score as well, if not even better than the macho power baby guy who just made it from Pasir Ris to Orchard. Blind-folded.
So I think bimbos are really not as unintelligent as they seem to be. They just don't see the need to prove themselves to others. Of course, there are also exceptions, and there are some breeds of screaming specimen that are truly airheads filled to the brim with air and nothing else.
Note that in our careful analysis, we have happily left out the "chio" factor in the "chio but stupid" layman definition of the word "bimbo".
This brings us to a very critical juncture.
Being "chio" is a very very important criteria to being a well-liked bimbo, as in any other role in society.
This brings me to my bamboo ultimatum.
Char bor attitude problem but chio, got character.
Char bor attitude problem and ugly, *censored*
Sibeh jialat.. Here I am, utterly destroying my plans for Project SleepALot, blabbering on and on and on about bimbos.
What a bamboo.
I mean, I think they're quite cute lah, and unlike the majority of my friends who look upon bimbos as merely "stupid women", I find them highly entertaining, plus I don't think they're really stupid.
Let's look at a dictionary definition.
One entry found for bimbo. Main Entry: bim·bo
Pronunciation: 'bim-(")bO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bimbos
Etymology: perhaps from Italian bimbo baby
used as a generalized term of disapproval especially for an attractive but vacuous person
For the sake of folks with limited vocabulary who don't know what the word "vacuous" means (like limpeh), here's a definition for that word too.
One entry found for vacuous. Main Entry: vac·u·ous
Pronunciation: 'va-ky&-w&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vacuus
1 : emptied of or lacking content
Okay, now that we've done away with the hay-dry definitions, let's look at the society we live in and find out what kinds of people we label as bimbos.
In NUS, of course, without question, the example of choice would be... *drum rolls...*
Okay shit, I think I will get clobbered to death by heels if this gets out, but look, I'm admitting this IS stereotyping and, I know I have intelligent artsy fartsy friends, so if you're reading this, and you're from arts, I'm not referring to you! ;)
*Wipes sweat off brows*
Anyway, like I said, I like bimbos!
No lah, actually, I just dislike girls who think they're smart. Even if they ARE smart. Damn turn-off. Maybe I'm a MCP.
Probably that's why I'm 105% sure that if I were a girl, I would be labelled as a bimbo too. Okay damn, let's drop the "if I were a girl" notion, I think already want to puke.
Maybe I just prefer a solitary life, where you no need to prove anything to anyone, and you don't give a flying banana what opinion others have of you.
Alas, this is not the case and the older you get, the more the world becomes a wayang world. Stupid must act smart. Smart must act sibeh smart. Sibeh smart must act stupid.
Sometimes I kind of miss the olden days of school. Where everybody is so not competitive and willing to help each other. I will never forget last time everytime we supposed to write composition my table will become like nasi lemak store lydat, everyone will come and queue to ask me how to write, hahaha!
And that was a period of time during which you could get free frag average results, and people really helped people out if there were academic issues.
NUS is quite disgusting in the sense that it's really damn competitive and everyone wants to kill everyone. And I'm competing with people who are probably smarter, more dilligent, and more results-oriented than I am.
Not only am I stupid, I am also un-motivated and have the very unfortunate belief that results don't mean anything. I KNOW results are the number one priority in school, but whenever I think of the fact that I'm probably not gonna be an engineer in future anyway, it just seems harder to work hard.
I KNOW that's an incorrect mindset but it's just easier said than done to change it.
So I find it very amusing that the smart aleck huat actually thinks that I am hao lian to be in NUS. If uni were not such a predominant path of progress for the normal Singaporean, I would definitely have chosen another.
Holy cows and bananas, I was talking about bimbos wasn't I?!
Now I don't even remember what I want to say.
Oh ya, that time in the library there was this very obviously artsy girl who picked up the phone in the library. The conversation was something along the lines of...
Ya... YA!!!!
Ya... Yayayaya!!
Ya how you know!
Hee hee hee!
Ya, now I'm very tall!
Dunno leh, I think quite tall.
Errr.... 168 ah.
(Me stifles laughter)
Omg you're taller than meeeeee!!
Erm ya lah, alot of bimboism in the conversation, but I found it quite funny wad.
On hindsight, I think that my "projects" idea is quite bimbotic. Maybe there needs to be a new term for this. Cos I'm not a bimbo. Maybe bambo? Eh, like bamboo!
Bamboo it shall be then. If you hear this term used this way from elsewhere, know that it was first coined by the great kangster.
And I digress.(Again)
There is this breed of human beings who don't seem to be bothered by the fact that people think they are better than them. For example, let's say I'm bad at directions. (Which I am)
If I were the standard super garang egoistic alpha male, I would be damn upset by that fact and spend time analysing street directories to prove to the mortal world that, oi, I can go to Orchard from Pasir Ris, blindfolded!
But no, I am a bamboo, and I would say "hannorh hannorh, my sense of direction damn bad leh".
Now let's analyse this from an objective point of view. The bamboo is not trying to say that he is humble. Rather, he is putting forward another question. Is it really so difficult to be good at directions? If the average uni kid is able to understand complex equations and scientific theories and postulates, surely directions are easy to master?
If directions were a 3MC course, you can be assured that the average bamboo would score as well, if not even better than the macho power baby guy who just made it from Pasir Ris to Orchard. Blind-folded.
So I think bimbos are really not as unintelligent as they seem to be. They just don't see the need to prove themselves to others. Of course, there are also exceptions, and there are some breeds of screaming specimen that are truly airheads filled to the brim with air and nothing else.
Note that in our careful analysis, we have happily left out the "chio" factor in the "chio but stupid" layman definition of the word "bimbo".
This brings us to a very critical juncture.
Being "chio" is a very very important criteria to being a well-liked bimbo, as in any other role in society.
This brings me to my bamboo ultimatum.
Char bor attitude problem but chio, got character.
Char bor attitude problem and ugly, *censored*
Sibeh jialat.. Here I am, utterly destroying my plans for Project SleepALot, blabbering on and on and on about bimbos.
What a bamboo.