just a blog

The Return of the Kang

Whoa, been a gazillion years since I posted man. Heh much has happened since. The biggest difference being that I'm now considered an official "ORD personnel"! Hoho.

Haven't been searching for a job much though. Only some self-improvement and doing some stuff that I won't have time to do when school starts. Most significant job was my stint at a CAR WASHER from around March.

Life as a car washer is a sad sad life man. Damn freakin tiring. Wash like 10-15 cars a day on average, and 5-6 cars for grooming. A team effort of course, but trust me it's still damn freakin tiring. And the pay is damn pathetic too. $3 plus an hour! Right from the start people around me have been saying I'm crazy to take up this job. Haha but well, I guess I had my fun.

At least I get to drive or at least touch cool cool cars(my passion) everyday duing that period of time. On my last day there was a Maserati man! Black one. Ultra cool.

I also saw for myself, firsthand, the plight of foreign workers. The malaysian friends I met there were really nice, but their pay was even less than me! Somemore, for the first 3 months, almost 50 percent was taken away by agencies! Oh man.

I guess the worst part is that fact that at the end of the day I always feel so degraded. I still remember that on the first day there were 2 ah sia kias who came for car-grooming, and one was dirving an Audi, the other a Honda sports car I think. I remember thinking that I was a little ASK too, but why am I WASHING cars instead of driving one? Haha. And my sister was saying like, if I run into my family friends sure very paiseh one.

Therefore, I quit!

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