just a blog

My Birthday Wish List muahaha~


If you're reading this, I guess you are either Ting or you actually saw what I added to my nick on MSN.

If you're Ting, you probably already know what I want and WON'T get anything on my wish list for me.

If you are from the latter group, you must be either 1) damn free or 2) damn kaypoh or 3) so niceeeeeeee and sincerely is thinking of getting a present for me! That is so commendable. For that I thank you already. Haha.

In case you do not know, my birthday is on the 25th June! My 21st. Supposed to be a big deal, I think, but I guess I'm not that excited cos' I'm a cold-hearted man.

Generous gifts will warm my heart though. MUAHAHAHAHA.

Caution: Listed are all pretty expensive stuff! However, you could choose to share the gift.

I don't mind. MUAHAHHAHAHA.

So here goes:
1) Biggest dream. A CAR. (This shall remain as a dream)
Whoever buys me a car shall have my UTMOST GRATITUDE for life. 100% guaranteed.

2) Apple IPOD. Hmm, I guess I might as well hope for an APPLE instead.

3) Naruto comics! Yeah okay fat hope.

4) Or just buy me a book; I love reading~ Think and Grow Rich, Automatic Wealth, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, First Things First, whatever.

5) Shoe bag. Nike one is good. This one cheap, $19.95 only.

6) If above-listed are all too expensive, fret not. Just gimmi an ANG PAO. Any amount will do.
Preferably more than $50 though.

In conclusion, I hope you realize that this is a joke entry.

However, I don't mind getting extra presents.

Nobody does.


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