just a blog

Hating studying for exams

I don't hate studying as it is, but studying for exams really suck. Okay this is redundant cos WHO likes studying oh well I just need to whine.

Went out with YL and YH, my PRIMARY SCHOOL classmates today. Haven't hung out together in like, 8 years? We were very close last time ah, when we were still BOYS.

YL changed alot man. YH's still the same. Think I've changed quite abit too. The scars that time has left on me~ We were reminiscing about old times of course; times where pocket money was 50 cents per day and I'd drop the 20 cents left over from the 30 cents I use to eat noodles with.


Talked about the funny funny crushes we had. I have no idea why I liked SQ -_-;; Think I just decided to like her cos everyone was liking someone else so I just wanted to follow the crowd. C'mon what did you expect, I was in PRIMARY SCHOOL!

I still remember last time SQ register number 13. I number 1. So one time during exams she sat beside me and I was so happy!

OKOK remember, primary school!

And last time we all used to walk home from school together. This whole bunch of them used to like to come to my place to play Sega Saturn. But YH says they come to study one but I totally have no recollection of that whatsoever.

I mean, primary school study WHAT? Algebra?

Yeah we used to WALK to places, and today that fella DROVE us to Bugis.

In a few years we'd all have our own careers and meet up with our spouses and kids and that'd be so uber cool.

I hope they get married soon so that I can go attend their wedding dinners.

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