just a blog

Indoor Gay Bash

Went to THE CHAIRMAN's place yesterday for mahjong and ps2 and potluck mini-party with da saddest team.

Man, the his dogs (Pepsi and Milo) started screaming (barking) like mad when they saw me. I think they do that to strangers. Or do I look like a robber?

When I got in they started they started scrambling all over me and snuggling against me and clawing me and licking me while the rest just acted like it's very normal.


To my dismay, nobody responded. Well that wasn't entirely the truth lah, I not really scared of dogs but I hate getting licked by them, so dirty!!

When I was having lunch on the sofa Pepsi and Milo were like, sitting there and watching me eat and I felt so funny.

Alvin has a funny reaction whenever they come near him. He just says "fuck off fuck off", though it doesn't work at all.

Later on they started fighting over a piece of bone. Me and my kind "mistress" Ivan wanted to get another piece of bone for them so that they can stop fighting but alas, in their violent mood at the moment, they started chasing after Ivan!! I think they didn't chase me cos Ivan ran but I didn't.

Damn funny cos Ivan was like jumping up and down and running all over the place while the rest of us were clapping and basically just enjoying the show haha!

Had usual bball today followed by my beloved laksa yong tau foo. Coconut milk alot alot type, damn shiok.

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