just a blog

The whacky Taxi driver

After purchasing our stuff from Giant in preparation for theBBQ on Tue, we hailed a cab and after we loaded the stuff, bm went to push back the trolley cos she spotted the trolley loading area first.

She got into the front seat while me and Alvin got into the back seat.

After we set off he started on a massive tirade of how we guys were damn ungentlemanly to let bm push back the trolley and let her sit in front. Ho ho ho, he said that in a 'lecturely' manner lah, not say scold us, but in a I-cross-bridges-more-than-u-tread-on-flat-ground-and-I-eat-salt-more-than-
you-eat-rice-so-I-am-powerful-you-are-not-muahahahah tone.

Which was so pathetic!! Okay starting I felt it was quite funny lah, and I saw Alvin show him the middle finger to me.

Then we started getting abit peeved when he started going onto stuff like how mutual communication is vital to all relationships. Like between friends, couples, and TAXI-DRIVERS AND PASSENGERS. How that is so very important. Hahaha so funny!!

Well I guess I'm glad me and Alvin looked like little kids. I don't think he realizes that he is trying to lecture 3 university students. No offence meant, but if he were such a great communicator and is as wonderful as he thinks he is, I doubt we would have met that very day, and on a taxi somemore.

What an ego-maniac!

If there is one model of guy I don't like, it is gentlemen.

If there is one model of guy I detest, it is gentlemen who think that being a gentleman is the number one virtue on planet Earth.

They think that holding the door for a girl, pulling out the chair for her, buying flowers for her, ect etc, are the best things a man could do.

Which is bullshit, I think. Well yeah I agree it could be nice at times, but priding your existence on such mundane and bo liao things is stupid and I would say, hypocritical.

Would you do all that for a not-good-looking girl? A girl whom u don't give a damn what she thinks of you? An old lady? If so, I give u the thumbs up. If not, I think u're just a chao buaya.

Which is not wrong, because being a chao buaya is but a natural instinct. Just stop behaving like u do all that because u are nice and "gentlemanly"!

In this sense I really admire xiao lee fei dao. He is damn power lah, and he was damn frickin rich, but he retired cos he buei tahan all the hypocrites in the jiang hu. He never gives a damn about the damage his actions will do to his reputation; he only does what is right.

"If something is wrong, it is wrong even if the whole world does it. If something is right, it is right even though nobody is doing it."

But it takes alot of courage to be that kind of person, and I believe that kind of person only exists in novels like xiao lee fei dao.

Therefore, I admit that I am hypocritical too. Whoever says he is not a hypocrite sometimes, is an ultimate hypocrite.

What are people skills? Hypocricism!! Okay I think no such word, but u get my point.

If an ugly girl asks u if she's ugly, what do u say? If a cleaner asks u if his job is glamorous, what do u say? If u reply the TRUTH, well, good luck to u in surviving on this planet.

Oh yeah, back to the cabby. He asked bm what me and Alvin were to him. Me is his bg loh. Then he made some bullshit comment that bg should not bully bm etc. And some shitty stuff about boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends. Then asked bm who Alvin was. She say friend loh.

Then the uncle said "There, I told u so."

I mean, WTF?! Just pick one guy and one girl walking in the same group, whether alone or with other people, and out of 100 attempts, at least 95 will say that they are friends loh!

What is so there-I-told-u-so about that?


But amusingly ridiculous; I know I'd never forget this incident in a long long time haha.

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