just a blog

Merry Christmas!

Went out on a HOT DATE with bm but she says that going out with bg is not considered a HOT DATE so nevermind -_-;;

Had bball with WST in the morning somemore. Plus the fact that we got home at about 3 a.m. from Shambaa outing, can imagine how tired I was.

After dinner at Swensen's Orchard started to swarm with people.

People mountain people sea.

There were people spraying snow (read: SOAP) all over the place man. Bm kept managing to dodge off everything but I kena-ed abit by this ah beng behind us. I think he was purposely aiming at both of us loh, budden bm ran away and left me there to die.

There were performances outside Civic Plaza. These were Taiwan tribal performances though I doubt the performers were really from these tribes. And I didn't know that taiwan tribes 'worship' Jesus. Or is it just another example of religion commercialisation -_-;;

Oh yeah, they suddenly started playing TECHNO music and these people in tribal costumes starting dancing to TECHNO music! We were like, wtf??

After squeezing through the disgusting crowd like crazy, we went to Zara where bm tried on some high heeled shoes.

She nearly reached same height as me loh! So tall. Felt so weird. But quite cool lah.

Then we went to er.. play pool. Sigh, pool is really one game I really like but really suck at. Don't understand why so lousy leh, need someone to teach me properly haha. Bm won me one game~~~

Yeah and then we went home.

And I'm so frickin tired.

Tomorrow I'm gonna sleep until I wake up by myself.

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