just a blog

'Tis the season for love~

Seems like nowadays everyone and their neighbours are getting hit by Cupid's arrows! Seeing them blissful and happy makes kang kang feel good too!

In retrospect, it's been like, almost 5 months since we split. 5 months is close to half a year! I think that's pretty long, considering the fact that she was one person I've been seeing, or at least hearing or sms-ing almost every single day for a whole 3 years of my life.

Haha okok, this ain't supposed to sound sad, cos it's not!

Y'know, she was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Up till now, at least. Like I always say, I'm no prophet and I don't know if anyone BETTER is going to come into my life.

We never regretted it, I think. (And hope)

At least I don't ; )

Cos even if kang kang dies tomorrow or something, he could jolly well say that he's once treated someone with all his heart before, and he is fairly sure that he could say the same for his other half too!

Good enough ain't it. This kinda thing is never perfect. Like I always say, happy before can liao, ahahah.

Now she's just like Nerubian Queen, cold and far and distant. Can't seem to ask her out at all~ But I guess it's good for both of us this way.

Well sometimes I really wonder how come soapy korean dramas can get so soapy. Want to die because someone you love doesn't love you anymore? 'S that dumb or what?

Yeah it was really painful when we splitted I guess. Nobody had any idea of the magnitude of confusion and bouts of sadness I was overcome with, but I was NEVER anywhere near suicide or anything like that, hahaha.

So yeah, Christmas is coming, and I see that it's brought much love along the way!

May she be happy. May EVERYONE be happy! May everyone find their Mr and Mrs Rights soon enough!

Cos 'tis the season for love!

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