just a blog

Bleeding Pockets.

Haven't seen bm for so long. She's now a gim moh mei, cos she dyed her hair in Taiwan, and now she looks like ah lian!

K lah but she so nice, brought me goodies to devour. And she bought me a PINK shirt. I wonder if I'll ever wear it -_-;;

And whole day she's been insulting my fashion sense cos I've been refusing to wear bright colours and sticking to my black and white t-shirts and jeans.

I never knew I had so many weaknesses until she always say until her bg boring, unromantic, miserly, scrawny, ungentlemanly, has bad fashion sense, and to add salt to the wound, ugly!

Qi si wo le.

No wonder her friends also think she treats her poor bg very badly.
We were browsing through the pics she took in Taiwan, at kopitiam, on her laptop.

I was happily clicking through all the pics when suddenly got one naked woman appeared on the screen scare me half to death and I quickly clicked to the next pic and scolded her.

It was a pic she took of those very erotic "bin1 lang2" boxes. And in this case it wasn't just erotic, it was pornographic.

I hope the old uncle behind me didn't see it, else he kena heart attack then I die.
I really really spent alot of money today.

$137 - External hard disk
$28 - Hrd disk casing
$20 - DVDs
$110 - DVD burner
$20.30 - Office shirt
$15.90 - Slippers
$3 - Wheels Asia

For a total of a whooping $361.20. I must go find my mum to sponsor me for the computer stuff or at least force my brother to split the costs with me.

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