10 things about me that have/have not changed since she left.
2 Comments Published by kang on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 9:29 AM.

1) I have cut down on SMSes alot.
2) I used to always have my phone with me. Even when I'm watching TV or out doing sports. Now I don't.
3) I've been watching KOREAN SOAPY DRAMAS. And I actually like them, cos they're so soapy. I can't believe it myself.
4) I'm alone more now though I still have biao mei to accompany me much of the time.
5) I realize I could be like a helpless child when it comes to troublesome stuff like relationships.
6) It's easier to make me happy nowadays; I'm a more positive person now.
7) I still get melancholic when I'm all alone sometimes.
8) I still think she reads my blog, but I'm no longer that sure.
9) I'm no longer sure she still thinks about me. In fact, I think she doesn't.
10) But I still miss her.
Ah well I'm not a firm believer but really-some of the stuff they say is pretty interersting hahah.
When I saw this part I nearly fainted: "He is bound to be involved in sports, preferably those requiring a team effort as he is drawn towards the camaraderie of a team. His hobbies usually involve collecting things. He never throws away anything."
So check this out.
Cancer Personality
![]() | Certainly not the easiest person to understand, you are an introvert with a capital I. Emotions are hidden beneath the tough exterior that you possess -- quite similar to the crustacean that represents your zodiac sign. Although you can be kind and affable, your mood swings are unpredictable, tending to be bitter and melancholic, often feeling hurt unnecessarily. While you like to draw sympathy, you can be fairly insensitive towards others, snapping, being rude and short-tempered. However, your seemingly cruel behavior is only a clever means to hide your own insecurities and complexes. Inside, you are almost like a timid, hurt child. You can be admirably kind, generous, understanding and gracious, if all is well with you. Cancerians can be seen involved in many charitable activities, although they will all be at a very public level. No matter how unpleasant you may seem to some people, you have a conscience that prompts you to do the right things - like standing by people in their time of need. Like most water signs, you too have good intuitive powers and mostly put them to good use in managing your life. You have an urge to travel to distant lands but you are a home-loving person. You can do without being so crabby, if one may say so. Keep your moods in check. Remember the people you hurt most often are the ones who have been good to you. You tend to make a mountain out of the molehill and are prone to self-pity. Reserve some of your sensitivity for others who may need it. You can be a tad untidy which won't endear you to more stable signs. |
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First, you will always be the best and happiest at something that you love to do. If you could afford it, you would do it without pay. It brings out thevery best in you and you get a tremendous amount of satisfaction and enjoyment in that particular work.
Second, you do it well. You seem to have a natural ability to perform in this area.
Third, this talent has been responsible for most of your success and happiness in life, up until now. From an early age, it has been something that you have enjoyed doing and brought you the greatest rewards and compliments from other people.
Fourth, it is something that was easy for you to learn and easy to do. In fact, it was so easy to learn that you actually forget when and how you learned it. You just found yourself doing it easily and well one day.
Fifth, it holds your attention. It absorbs you and fascinates you. You like to think about it , read about it, talk about it, and find out more about it. It seems to attract you like a moth to a flame.
Sixth, you love to learn about it and become better at it all your life. You have a deep inner desire to really excel in tha particular area.
Seventh, when you do it, time stands still. You can often work in your area of special talent for long periods without eating or sleeping, hour after hour,
because you get so involved in it.
And eighth, you really admire and respect other people who are good at what you are most suited to do. You want to be like them and emulate them in every
If the above descriptions apply to anything that you are doing now, or anything that you have done in the past, they can lead you into what you were uniquely put on this earth to do, to your "heart's desire."
What is YOUR special talent?
Today was a great revelation for me cos I realize that the answer is a resounding "YES"!
Introducing the 3 cute babies from the Ang family!!
Let me outta here!!
Just to show the contrast.
I was just thinking about how mundane some things could actually seem like when viewed at within the bigger picture.
Like, I could sit here using my laptop and cursing and swearing at low connection speed while people in backward countries worry to death about their family trying to make a living in some other developed country and has no means to get back to their family.
Like, I could complain about my chicken chop not being well-cooked enough while my counterparts in Cambodia are dying to hunger by the hundreds every single day.
So the point is, be content with what you have, cos so many people are working so hard and suffering so much and we are actually very fortunate.
The fact that you are reading a friggin blog now and I am writing a friggin blog now means that we both are damn fortunate!
Hmm. This principle could be applied to human relationships as well, I guess.
Like, you were someone's boyfriend for so many years. You think you're so indispensible, so don't-have-will-die. One day you break up with her and you suddenly realize she's really living just as well and she has her own friends too and she doesn't give two hoots whether you're missing her or thinking about her!
Well I guess if you apply the relativity principle again you could say that people are dying of famine and disease in some country and here you are feeling damn sad about a past relationship!
How can?!
But still, above all principles and logic is this ultimate killer called emotions. You could tell yourself a billion times that it's all meant to be and time heals all wounds and she happy you happy and all that stuff but ultimately, if you're SAD, you're SAD!!
No matter what words you use to "soothe your soul" or what, it still boils down to this simple law!
Another week without tutorials!
0 Comments Published by kang on Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 10:35 AM.

Anyway yeah, I also realized from this experience, that I am actually quite slack?!
Alamak must be more serious man, else die. I see all my friends like starting to panic and I'm starting to panic too, over the fact that I don't feel panick about my studies yet!
I guess everything SEEMS like it's still under control, but I better buck up and stop being so yaya about things.
Went for Adam Khoo and Stuart Tan's seminar today! They're really damn powerful speakers. Stuart stunned me especially cos the way he speaks is really damn charismatic. I think if I'm his friend I will feel like a chao ah beng. The way he lowers his voice and "acts gentlemanly" is really damn gentlemanly.
If I'm a girl I might just like him man, but too bad he's not good-looking sigh. Heaven's fair.
So yeah I went to wait for 963. From SOC there I saw 963 cruise by. SO I was like, okay, shit, and bought a can of Milo and slowly walked towards the bus stop. By the way, I've had lots of milo, 2 cups n one can today, cos they have free milo at arts bazaar, and I love milo!
So I was sitting at the bus-stop and waiting for 963. Suddenly I started sneezing. And I realized I was having nosebleed. Wonderful. Maybe cos of lack of sleep and too much milo. And damn miraculously, I put tissue in my bag just this morning; I normally don't have tissue with me!
Okay so after some time it stopped. I took out The Family by Mario Puzo to read cos I was getting kinda bored. After like 10 minutes I saw 963 wheezing past happily. Great. I missed the bus again. And I wa feeling kinda dizzy form the nose bleed.
I think Murphy really loves me, he likes to haunt me. Shit also must come in pairs.
And so I suddenly realize I was there waiting for the last bus, tired, hungry, and dizzy from nose-bleed. Hahah.
Okay lah maybe I was exaggerating.
Quite a few hiccups during the performance though. The mike had some problem and kept giving off a 'kok kok kok' sound. I think she handled the same situation very well though, kept the atmosphere un-awkward.
But quite funny, like she was waiting for the sound to disappear and after awhile it did, so she said something like 'okay i think it's okay now'. Then immediately we hear a damn loud "KOK" and her expression was damn cute and the audience all laughed at her.
And she kept DRINKING WATER. In between all the songs she must pour water n drink. Then she got one orange water bottle on stage, and cos it's quite near the mike, so when she pours water there'll be the "gulu gulu" sound one, and plus the audience damn quiet, she says "haha, now everyone's watching me pour water."
"We're never too far apart, cos' we're seeing the same side of the moon."
There was one part she was like going "and I wish you'd hold me closer cos you're the aww man I forgot the lyrics again I did it at Borders and LA and now I'm doing it again it's so funny and embarassing." I think you'd have to be there to understand the funny-ness.
Towards the end she also thanked her parents. She said her mum's the one in blue and she doesn't know what her father's wearing, and that they're somewhere in the audience. Added that this is her funny way of making them feel very paiseh.
And I was stunned when I heard her say that term.
"All beaches are the same. You walk on the sand, you leave footprints, the waves come, and then the footprints look like they were never there before."
When she was singing Fly Away I peeped at Ting beside me.
And I wonder if she understands how I feel.
After I think at least 15 games till now, I am still a frickin noob! Today I achieved the all-time record of dying NINETEEN frickin times.
I think I died at least 10 times in the last 10 minutes. Which is like one death per minute. Which is like dying 2 minutes after I revive everytime.
People just chase me and I'm dead. I can't run at all! They've got bigger guns, more life, and they run faster!! I'm just like an ant being chased around by a naughty kid; there's simply no way out!!
After that went to Sentosa for some hard-core vball action again. There was this bunch of bengs there and I think they were supposed to be quite funny, but I think they were so NOT-FUNNY. Maybe it's just my hatred for bengs.
I mean, I think cool bengs are alright, but kpkb bengs are damn frickin irritating. Bball also got alot one. Damn alot of things to say one. And vulgarities used in a "joking way" flow from their mouths like once every 5 sentences. If that is how they define humour, I guess I can only say I do not know how to appreciate that sort of twisted humour.
But anyway towards the end where we had our full team out there, we won like every match we played~ I don't think we were really that good lah, so I had no idea how come we kept winning.
And I'm still playing like a noob.
My spikes are like dunks. My blocks are like rejections. My sets are like passes. Basically, my STYLE is like bball applied to vball. That is so noob.
And I haven't really played bball with the AES gang in a long time. I think they are going to officially declare me a STRANGER again, down from ACQUAINTANCE.
Guys, I wanna play with y'all one, but our schedules always clash!
Aye I'm like so tired now.
Feel like sleeping.
School is really starting soon
0 Comments Published by kang on Thursday, August 04, 2005 at 12:18 PM.

So this first sem I'd be taking 1)Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2)Physics, 3) Maths, 4) Critical Thinking and Writing and 5) Making Sense of Society, got a grand modular credits total of 19. Well I hope I get used to school life soon enough.
CCAs wise I've decided to give it a shot, to try going for bball IVP... IVP means Inter Varsity and Polytechnics I think. Basically means playing for NUS, and it's gonna be damn frickin xiong if I do get in. Ah well.
Besides that I've joined IES: Institute of Engineering Singapore and iPlay@NUS: a LAN gaming club. Wanted to join guitar club too but dropped the idea after I decided to try for bball IVP.
NUS really has quite alot of eye candy~~ But contrary to popular belief that I am a big bad wolf, I AM NOT INTERESTED. It's good to see chio bus lah, budden in my current situation, I'd much rather be a funky nerd and focus on bball and studies etc. Okay sounds abit not me but that's exactly what I'm thinking.
What in the world happened to Tagboard?
0 Comments Published by kang on Monday, August 01, 2005 at 9:24 AM.

Today I was watching Huang Se Shou Pa, some soapy korean show. And god damn it, I nearly CRIED watching it. Anyone who knows kanger well enough should know that this phenomenon is extremely rare.
I guess I'm just more prone to heartbreaks nowadays hur hur.
The show also led me to think of some interesting scenarios. What if I realize that I've contracted some uncurable disease and have only 3-4 months left to live? I could opt to go for treatment and stay in hospital, but the treatment might fail and I could just spend the last days of my life in he hospital bed.
Like him, I believe I would opt to give up treatment as well and make the best use of my remaining life.
In the show, his ex-wife finds out about his condition and begs him to go stay in hospital. Prior to this, she's been damn cold to him because of some situation I shall not bother to explain in this entry. I guess it's precisely because she was so cold that her begging him became so touching.
I wonder if I contract some disease like this, will I tell Ting? Will she cry? Will she be like the female lead and beg me to go stay in hospital?
But then again, I guess I wouldn't tell her.
Should just die alone or something.