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Engineers and Lawyers

It is said that the word 'engineers' comes from the word 'ingenius'. So word has it that when engineers die, they all go to heaven, for all the ingenius ideas they have made to better humankind.

One day, an engineer passes away. However, due to some mistake at the admin office, he is sent to hell instead.

When God realizes the mistake, he is horrified and calls Satan downstairs.

God: Hello old friend, how ya doin?

Satan: Doin good man, how about you?

God: Yeah I'm fine. Actually I called regarding the engineer I accidentally sent down a few days ago. How's he doing?

Satan: Oh him, yes we all like him alot. Since he's here he's installed air-cons for us so this place is not so hot anymore. He also installed lifts so we could travel more easily. Yeah he's cool.

God: (Abit pissed) Oh really. Actually I called to request him back. Can you send him back to me?

Satan: Aww come on, you have so many engineers up there, can't you just leave one for me?

God: This is a matter of principles.

Satan: So whatcha gonna do if I don't oblige?

God: (Very pissed) YOU SHALL FEEL GOD'S WRATH.

Satan: Screw you.


Satan: Oh really?

God: YES.

Satan: (Smirks) And where are you gonna get a lawyer?

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