just a blog

Stairway to Heaven

Welcome to another episode of drama preview by the cynical and unromantic reporter lorlilorsor!

But I like this show! Damn soapy, damn Korean.

What I don't understand is, why do they always keep RUNNING and RUNNING?! Every episode at least run once! Guy run after girl, girl run after guy, yada yada.

But I feel very uncomfortable when I see the girl run, she looks like she's gonna fall down anytime. But I like seing the guy run; I think in real life he's a sprinter or something also.

The guy is damn shuai. I know I sound gay by saying this kinda thing but he's really damn shuai; he has a very very heavy aura of melancholy and 沧 桑 感 ..

The name of the show also reminded me of some stupid sentence I made up when I was still damn small. It gives me the goosebumps now but apparently it sounds very romantic to little girls cos my friend actually stole it and put it in her blog. Oh we called it opendiary.com last time haha. And her friends all say very nice hahah.

Maybe I have a flair for poetry leh? Can use to bluff girls muahahah.

"If I had a grain of sand each time I thought of you, I could build a stairway right up into the heavens so blue, and beyond to the stars so bright."

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