just a blog


Hai, I'm still trying to master the art of couchpotatoism. Why do I keep going out and wasting money?

Y'know, these few days I've spent more than a hundred bucks already.

Went to print jersey with WST today. We were comtemplating if we should print out our "team name" in full. But they said that they will NEVER want to walk around in jerseys with "World's Saddest Team" printed on it. So in the end we just had "WST".

And then we went for dim sum buffet at ZHONG1 GUO2 CHA2 LOU2. What a song2 name that is.

After slacking at home for awhile, went to play bball with again, with Aylwin and gang. We ran into the walking cactus again!! Sheesh.


It's a duel between young, energetic kids and freshly orded slackers leh.

I KNEW something bad was gonna happen between the walking cactus and my friends. After awhile I was slacking at our side of the court waiting for the ball to come to me and looking downwards when I suddenly heard "CHEE BYE LAH!!" across the court.

I was like, oh fuck, and started running over.

Then I heard "YOU THEN CHEEYBYE LAH!!!" and had to virtually teleport all the way across the court to hold back my friend while Tong Whye kid held back his friend.

Walking cactus-es are dangerous lah.

Well we played on and y'know what, unbelievably we actually won. Frickin awesome man, I thought we sure lose one, cos their side was really quite strong.

Maybe we played with our brains more lah.

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