just a blog


As I was coming back today the FRIENDLY SECURITY GUARD stopped me to chat again. Okay, I know he's bored chat chat abit nevermind, budden today he was really extreme!!

He started asking me whether I got gf, WHY I DON'T HAVE, and why I should go get one. Say "cannot be lah, you so tall, play bball, how come no gf?! u dun bluff me!"

I was like, ......

Then he went on to ask me how much money I spend. I mean, not fixed one wad! He say, if got go out, one day spend how much. I say, maybe $20?

Then he very smart aleck, go and start multiplying $20 by 7 and then by 4 and concluding that I spend so much a month and I am very rich!! Nabeh.. Even though I kept insisting that I don't spend $20 EVERY DAY.

I so wanted to go home budden he won't stop talking to me! I don't wanna appear unfriendly lah, so I had to stand there and chat with him, but I so wanted to go home and bathe and sleep loh!

Then it was my turn to be smart aleck. I wanted to take out my phone and pretend that someone is asking me to go home faster when I realized my mistake.

He asked me "You got my number not?"

My first reaction was. Shit. Die. Why I so stupid.

Argh... And yes, we ended up exchanging phone numbers. He say next time he free wan to jio me out for movie.

Nabeh!! WTF!!!

1) I'm not GAY.
2) No offense meant, but why would I want to go and watch movie with my..er..security guard?!

Wah lau eh... Made me feel so helpless. I don't mean to be hostile and all, but hey, friendly also must have limits one, right?? He ask me for my number lydat, how I refuse??

Say, CANNOT, cos u are a security guard. Cannot right?!

I hope he never calls me.

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