just a blog

Another day of doing what I want to do

Bball with world's saddest team today. I hate playing after rainy weather cos the ball doesn't go where it's supposed to go and it's damn slippery, cannot run!

I was a filial son today and bought laksa yong tau foo home and ate with my mum. So yummy leh.

Then basically just played warcraft and slacked on my bed and read until bth and fell asleep hahahah what a decadent lifestyle, but I like.


Cow just came back from Taiwan. He was telling us about this fortune teller they went to see, so interesting. I also want to go and see a fortune teller! But I scared they talk rubbish. Wait tell me I will die of cancer or get dumped by 99 women in my life or will die broke then I will be very sad.

Talking of dying of cancer, I just realized a few days ago that because of my insurance, if I die today, my family will be $150,000 richer!

Might not be that significant a sum to them, cos like my mum always says, if choi choi choi already, give them how much money also no use. That's why my parents forbid us from buying insurance one. Especially my dad, who thinks it's very suei to buy insurance.

Budden eh, it's like, the only way I could do a little something for my family ah. Plus I'm so tee kee, of course don't listen lah hahah.

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