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Harry Potter

I think Xiaxue did a very good review of the movie leh, now that I've watched it. I agree with most of what she's said.

Dumbledore is so badly portrayed. He's supposed to be all-knowing and super capable in the book. He 'smiles knowingly' to himself even when things go wrong. He's in control all the time. And he NEVER loses his temper.

But in the movie he was like quite useless. Gets anxious when shit happens. And he screams at students and Harry!! That's so not him.

I don't understand why the director places so much emphasis on the part where Harry and Ron were looking for dance partners. I won't think that's so bad if not for the fact that he actually cut out the Quidditch World Cup part!

I don't think it's just me ba; Quidditch is such an essential part of the series; how could they omit that part? Well maybe removing the Dobby and other house elves part was understandable but I think removing Quidditch is a big no-no.

Mad Eye Moody is eccentric. But he's the cool cool kind of eccentric. He's not so violent one wad! He doesn't shout at the class like that. And when he first appeared in Hogwarts he was already drinking Polyjuice. But isn't that supposed to be the REAL Moody?? Drink Polyjuice for what? Well maybe I remember wrongly. If the director remembers this wrongly maybe they should hire me instead.

Olympe Maxime is taller than Hagrid meh? I thought they're about the same height. Same height then cute wad.

Well to conclude, I think if I haven't read the book in the first place, I won't know what's happening in the movie. But precisely because I've watched it, I think the standard's kinda low.

So either way, I guess this movie could be better.

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