just a blog

Celebrity look-alike.

Cow was telling me there's this new service at http://www.myheritage.com/

You go there, upload a pic of yours, then they analyze the image of your face and tells you which celebrity you look like.

That cow.

He took a very unsightly picture of mine to play with!

And it ended up saying that I look 49% like San Neill and 49% like...like...
Kate Winslet!


And so I decided to run the test myself and see what happens.

Try driving license first.

Wtf!! BOA?!

Try matric card next.

Char bor again??!!? Ha ji-won!

Don't believe!! Try again.

Finally, a man. But why so old?! But hey, he's a japanese emperor, so I probably look very royal.

Then I decided to saboh someone...

Biao mei!

Xiao Qiao!! Bm looks like xiao qiao!!

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