just a blog


Buang: Hey, u're in NUS engineering right, u know about this student engineering club?

Me: Ah? Yeah, every person in engin is forced to join one lah, no choice one.

Buang: Oh, are they good? Do they organize alot of activities? And what's the response like?

Me: Them?? They never organize anything one leh. I only remember engin day. Nothing much one loh, nobody go one also. The only interesting thing about it is the pageant, cos can see people go there and malu themselves haha. Besides that nothing much, once in awhile got stuff like recently got 3on3, only 4 teams took part, very bad lah.

And wah lau, force us to join, no democracy one, join liao also dunno for what.

Eh, anyway, why leh?

Buang: Oh, nothing much lah. Cos they're asking us for sponsorship. Sent us a proposal but it looks very loser so I just call to see what they're really like.

Me: Sponsorship? Fuck! Never tell me earlier, did I just saboh them?

Buang: Haha. I'm gonna reject them.

Me: Fuck! Jia lat. Then what, are they gonna improvise on their proposals and send u more?

Buang: Ya. But nevermind lah, I'll reject them all.

Me: !!!!!!

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