just a blog

恩 公 。

After Math lecture today I was walking towards IT cluster when I realized that my butt felt slightly lighter than usual and to my horror, I found my wallet missing!

Chionged back to the LT where people coming for the next lecture were getting seated.

I couldn't find it. Was muttering "fuck fuck fuck" all the way as I proceeded to AV room to ask about lost and found items and stuff.

Decided to come back to the LT at their one-hour break to ask the lecturer if anyone reported having found anything.

Meanwhile, went to IT cluster to grieve and to figure out back-up plans. Cos I had my license, matric card and 11B inside, and losing them could mean serious hassle and money!

Well went back to the LT after 45 minutes to sit in for the lecture, after visiting Engin AVA unit and Dean's offfice. Waited for the lecturer to announce the break. But hell, nobody reported anything.

Feeling extremely depressed, I went back to IT cluster to grieve for another hour while waiting for the next lecture. I was telling Kenny whoever finds my wallet and gives it back to me, I'm gonna marry her.

Aye, losing wallets really suck. Borrowed 10 bucks from him and some coins so I can take bus home. So pathetic. After the lecture, made one last
垂 死 的 挣 扎 and went back to where I was sitting before to search for it again.

And yeah, nothing.

With pain in my heart, I walked out, whipped out my phone and was gonna call my papa as a last resort to ask him to check if I dropped it in the car while driving. And yeah, was prepared for one hell of a earful.

As I was selecting papa's number from the phonebook, I happened to see security guard so I closed the phone and asked her what the procedure was like if I wanna report loss. Well thought it better to have my ass covered everywhere.

She started asking me what colour my wallet was, what was inside etc, and I nearly jumped up in joy as she said a wallet was found this morning in LT7A!!

So yeah, I chionged all the way to YIH to recover the wallet without further trouble. I still remember the scene where the person took out the wallet from the drawer and asked "Is this is one?"

My wallet never looked more beautiful and reassuring. I told myself I'm never gonna lose it again.

Went on to ask if they knew who brought them the wallet. They said the security people would know and I should ask them. And that's just what I'm gonna do tomorrow!

I must at least treat the person to a meal or something man. I think he/she just saved me lots of hassle, worry, and like, a hundred bucks.

Bm says maybe a very kind chiobu picked it up. Wah lau, like that very fairy tale loh. I think this kind of thing only happens in dramas hahah.

So exciting, I wonder who the person was.

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