just a blog


I have been frequenting this blog pretty much recently.

The blogger is this guy who's in the honeymoon period with his latest lover and seriously, I have no doubt regarding their state of bliss, and I'm sure they're really enjoying each other's company and stuff.

But he really damn mushy lor!!!

Well it's really got nothing to do with me though, cos I don't even know him, but really, this kinda public show of affection really turns me off. I mean, it turns me off in a way, but it also entertains me in a sense too lah.

Especially since a few weeks ago he's been advertising his singlehood, and never forgetting to comment afterwards that he CHOSE to be single.

Remember leh, he CHOSE to be single!! If he want gf, anytime he also can get one, okay?! Even went to the extent of making resolutions like "being single" and "staying single".

And what happens when, a hot babe comes along? Well, he gets attached!


And what's up with these people who passionately declare their undying love for their other halves, and then go on to mutter a bunch of romantic-sounding gibberish in FRENCH or some other gosu language I doubt neither them nor their other halves understand?

Must love be declared like this? Worse, must it be declared in a language the neither declarer nor declaree understand?!

I don't understand.

But perhaps it's just me.

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