just a blog

A Tribute.

Last time on OpenDiary, I remember I was pretty close to this OD clique and everyday, without fail, we would visit each other's diaries and leave them comments. If we don't have intelligent comments, we leave stupid ones. If we don't even have stupid ones, people like darkart would just leave a smile.

That was a very little-kid fragment of my life, but I still have really fond memories.

And it was a very common practice for a ODer to leave comments for every single mother father son he/she could think of whenever a special occasion comes up, and especially, when he/she has decided to "leave" OD.

This kind of posts would be followed by torrents of touching emails telling him/her why he/she should/shouldn't leave.

Well, them being such fond memories, I've decided to do it again today, though I'm now a true-blue old man liao!

Though this is of a very different nature from OD, where nobody knows nobody in real life, not initially anyway, and these people I'm gonna mention are probably really close to me in real life but probably won't read my blog.

In fact, I've only given my blog URL to a very small handful of people, and I really have no idea how others found my blog, except perhaps through links from those other blogs.

So I expect this to be a super long entry, and probably 90% of these people won't even read this. And please note that I'm not listing them in any particular order. It's all free-style.

So thanks.

To Xun Ming, for being a great person to work with, for making us laugh, for being ridiculous, dreamy, and introducing me to the world of elitism.

To Shervenne, for being so super duper cute, for glaring and pouting, for looking like 5 years my junior instead of 5 years my senior, my apologies for credit notes and invoices, and oh ya I still owe you three treats and you owe me one.

To Jolene, for hiring me, for giving me a great working experience, for being one of the, if not the, most capable female I've ever known, for being a great manager, for being giving me the chance to OT with Shervenne muahahah and of course, for granting us the PAY RISE of $10/hour.

To Jia Hui, for being a great lunching matey, for being naive and true, for sharing stories, for honest opinions, for being nice!

To WST, for showing me the path towards my eventual passion, basketball, for Saturday morning ball sessions, for fun, for promoting me from stranger to acquaintance, back to stranger and then to acquaintance again.

To ben, for being intelligent and brutally critical, to Alvin and Ivan the newest additions to the team, for reminding me that I'm really growing old fast and helping me make up my mind to go for IVP next year, to piggy for being helpful and for generous treats, to yun for being so blur, for lending me your bike, apologies for nearly buanging it.

To Gao Qing, Peijun and Xiao Fen, for having your brithdays today as well.

To Malcolm Gladwell, for writing Blink and The Tipping Point, books that have changed my entire outlook of life in general.

To Guang Hao, for being an exemplary superior and friend, one of the best officers I've seen, to madam, for being so motherly and taking care of us all during our NS stint.

To bud, for being a real help despite being a pain in the ass oftentimes, for your cigarettes, for doing ridiculous things at times, for showing me that there are people in this world I truly do not understand.

To Zheng Yi, for being remarkably different, for your cheese cake recipe, for being a kuai lan kia, and damn you for rubbing some of that onto me.

To Mrs Richards, for scaring the hell out of me when you said if don't read newspapers confirm fail GP, thus cultivating my habit of reading papers, to my last minute GP tutor, for also playing a huge role in achieving the grades I could only dream of. To Mdm Jancy, for bluffing me by saying I would confirm fail Physics and scaring me so much that I studied overshot and topped the class that semester in the end, for tirelessly teaching.

To the first ah beng in the world who tried to find trouble with me, for showing me how ah bengs disturb people. I hope you have grown up well and have not proceeded further down the path of destruction.

(Shit I'm getting sleepy....)

To father, for teaching me tons of stuff about money and life in general, for cultivating saving habits, for being uptight about everything though I'd rather you be more relaxed, for truly caring, though other people might think you're cold, for pulling me back when I was near the edge, for being the best dad I could wish for, actually.

To mother, for Tom Turtle, for never making us starve, for teaching us to be nice to people, for teaching me spelling until you nearly vomitted blood, for bringing me to the doctor, for endless nagging, for being there.

To sis for being a great sis, for being irritating at times, for taking care of me when I was a stupid goondoo who didn't dare to go to the toilets alone, for always making useless comments while I'm driving, for always buying supper home, for being such a little woman.

To brother, for being such a little boy though you're physically bigger than me, for good times, for trust in your big brother.

To Weisi's ex-, for wanting to beat me up, for confirming my hatred for useless ah bengs, for a funny experience.

To Lixian for giving me the entire set of Tian Long Ba Bu, for being a great comic buddy.

To Bill Gates for Microsoft.

To buang for being much more intelligent than I initially thought, for advice, for lame jokes, for deep insights.

To Dalgaard, Wilson, Chex, Paul, for being great business buddies/partners though things didn't work out in the end.

To the studious NUS gang, for teaching me school work and encouraging me to spend more time with studies though it didn't work hahaha. To Kenny for talking kok, for being smart, for being willing to share your knowledge. To Ming Yuan for introducing me to the Sage job, to you and your brother, for all your help academically.

To Shambaa, for a great orientation camp. To Joanne, for being so cute. To Alvin, for being nice, for being a fellow Pioneer. To Dominic, for being cheeky, Demure, for being a great "brother" for being so demure. To Ruo Xuan and Geri, for being funky, to Yiwei, for being super duper nice and obliging. To Zhong Yu, for being supportive and not giving up when others already have. To Gabriel, for liking cars, for liking Mazda6 when I did. (Jie Ying, you not yet, hahaha) To wonderful councillors like Chu Hui, Jia Li, Eugene, for making it all go so well.

(Shit, I'm really falling asleep)

To Xyz, for the gift, for being ah-mah-ish, for being a funky SP, for being cute, for company.

To Daphne, for teaching me to take things more easily, to take things as they come, that some things you don't have a choice, for teaching me that life is more than achievements, for changing me in a way no one and nothing could.

To Ting, for being hands-down the person with the greatest impact on me, for teaching me to take life more seriously, for teaching me kindness, patience and humility, making me less indecisive, for making me a better person, for good times, for everything you gave me, for everything you brought away with you but yet left behind, for being the "greatest gift from God", and of course, for being probably the only person on Earth to truly know me.

To Jie Ying, my best friend and biao mei, for being extraordinarily hao mai, for being the epitomy of tiki-ness, for insulting me till I feel like shit despite actually not treating me all that badly, for the PORNO dvd, for the rock, for everything you did for me today, for differing opinions, for being a wonderful companion DESPITE vastly differing opinions and paradigms, for being amazing.

Actually still got alot of people, but it's 2.25 a.m. now and I'm damn sleepy and I'm working tomorrow, so screw it.

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