just a blog


Gee, I've got profanities on the tagboard I was forced to delete again, sorry *censored* face.

As a sign of respect, I have manually copied and pasted your entire tag, censoring off only the obscenities. Hope you don't mind! If you don't like me doing that, don't use so chor de language lah~

Are you huat? How come change name?

Anywayz, here's the tag!

<*censored* face>: nabeh pwah ter bye ! you think you go NUS means you very great isit ? fuck you understand. Let me tell you something, *censored*. NUS most of the graduates all unemployed. End up having to *censored* people *censored* to make ends meet.

Firstly, hahaha!

I thought "*censored* face" is something you use to scold people one, how come you use it as your own nick? Anyway, I've always thought it was a very nonsensical way of scolding people, that doesn't make sense at all, and I'm truly sorry that you have a face that looks like a female body part.

Holy shit, did I censor the word for nothing?

And no, I don't think going to NUS makes me very great. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings cos I'm sure you're from some lesser institution.


No lah kidding lah. You sound like you're from poly but hey, I have many friends from poly whom I think are really street-smart and intelligent, so why're you getting so worked up?

"NUS most of the graduates all unemployed."


I'm sorry if this sounds insulting, but which cave do you stay at? I shan't bother to attack your obvious lack of proficiency in grammar, but holy cow, at least get your facts right?

And regarding your last comment...

I hope you ARE a poly student and not a uni-grad who's unfortunately been unable to find a job for 20 years and chose to degrade yourself and done that kinda thing...

If the latter were true, I'm truly sorry if I've hurt your feelings and I take back my words because not only do you have a misformed face, you've also worked damn hard at your studies only to end up... Like this...

Disclaimer: The owner of lorlilorsor.blogspot.com bears no grudge against any mentioned party, and definitely has no biased opinion towards any institution of learning. If he has shown signs of any of the above, he sincerely apologizes, because he was merely attempting to piss off the funny bugger who's been persistently trying to taint his usually quite-profanities-free blog.

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