just a blog

Old people, new people.

Met up with Xunming, Sharon, Chia Hui and Shervenne for lunch today. "Weather" was bad in the office I think, I heard Shervenne got bullied by Jo hur hur.

She never ceases to amuse me with her cuteness. She is daaaaamn adorable and likeable lah. Damn I'm so entertained by her I'm disgusted with myself.

Xunming the Strong managed to get his coffee treat from his heart's desire, in addition to her phone number and MSN!

Strong lah him. That day sent me one damn kuai lan sms: "I'm strong, you're weak. Fortune favours the strong."
Can you believe it?

I'm going back to school next Tuesday for FSAE lecture.
Met Kenny, Ming Yuan and Dennis, their supervisor at night.

Dennis is a super car-enthusiast. From Philipines.

And he drifts. Damn cool. If I run into any problems in FSAE I can ask him.


First month in Singapore, he already kena-ed 3 speeding tickets. Cos he saw "Pan-Island Expressway", looked like road that allows very high speeds. So he drove at like 140km/h, so fast he probably never even saw the cameras flashing.

Smart thing was he got his aunt to pay the fines. And his aunt managed to get her company to pay the fines because she's some director there.

Me: Wah then nothing happened to your driving record?
Him: Driving record? I no driving license.
Me: !!!!

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