Because when I'm sick, I tend to sleep alot, and it isn't even peaceful blissful sleep! I slept not because I felt like sleeping, but simply because I didn't have the energy to do anything else.
Aww, ultra waste of time.
I decided to make up for the loss of a Sunday by going to play bball. I didn't feel it when I was playing, but I not only feel energy-less, I'm having a headache too.
The ultimate display of tee-kee-ness.
So tomorrow's Monday again. I hope I'll be fine by tomorrow. Falling sick sucks. Falling sick on HOLIDAYS sucks even more.
Aww, ultra waste of time.
I decided to make up for the loss of a Sunday by going to play bball. I didn't feel it when I was playing, but I not only feel energy-less, I'm having a headache too.
The ultimate display of tee-kee-ness.
So tomorrow's Monday again. I hope I'll be fine by tomorrow. Falling sick sucks. Falling sick on HOLIDAYS sucks even more.
I remember I have always been fascinated by the amount of time I've spent with her.
See ah, we've been together for about 3 years - 1 month = 36 months = 144 weeks. I think we saw each other at least 4 times per week. Didn't see her as much during NS but there were alot of weeks we saw each other EVERY DAY.
So like, 144 * 4 = a whooping FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX.
Now isn't that amazing?
See ah, we've been together for about 3 years - 1 month = 36 months = 144 weeks. I think we saw each other at least 4 times per week. Didn't see her as much during NS but there were alot of weeks we saw each other EVERY DAY.
So like, 144 * 4 = a whooping FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX.
Now isn't that amazing?
I just realized how ugly my blog actually looks. When I chose this skin I thought it looked pretty cool and simple and plain, like me! But now I think it looks TOO plain. (Like me?)
One day when I get the mood, I'm gonna change to a uber chio skin!
I saw a Lamborghini on the road for the second time in my life today. 29th October 2005. Another yellow one. I was on bus 151. I think it was a Gallardo.
The engine sounded like there was a beast hidden inside a cage waiting to be released and growling and shuffling its feet. When the lights turned green it simply chionged forth, leaving all the other cars in dust behind it.
One day.
I shall go and test drive a Lamborghini.

Critical Thinking and Writing sucks.
Thank heavens the position paper trauma is over! We had oral defence yesterday.
What is oral defence you ask? How come not oral offense? I have no idea, I just thought it sounded very weird and er.. dental? It basically means a session where we stand there and get bombarded by our tutor with tons of questions.
It was on that day the the 3 of us fully utilized the training we've recieved from army. The whole thing was a dressed up wayang show.
She asked us about how we would improve our project if we were given more time. We gave her really sweet and politically correct answers like how we'd do more research and better quantify our findings and conduct more surveys.
In reality I'd probably just bochup the whole thing or, if I had the choice, drop the friggin module.
We were also made to make up questionnaires and give them out to people to fill in. Guess what, we invented all the results hur hur.
I hope she doesn't ever get to read this ah. And whoever's reading this, don't bao tou ah.
One day when I get the mood, I'm gonna change to a uber chio skin!
I saw a Lamborghini on the road for the second time in my life today. 29th October 2005. Another yellow one. I was on bus 151. I think it was a Gallardo.
The engine sounded like there was a beast hidden inside a cage waiting to be released and growling and shuffling its feet. When the lights turned green it simply chionged forth, leaving all the other cars in dust behind it.
One day.
I shall go and test drive a Lamborghini.

Critical Thinking and Writing sucks.
Thank heavens the position paper trauma is over! We had oral defence yesterday.
What is oral defence you ask? How come not oral offense? I have no idea, I just thought it sounded very weird and er.. dental? It basically means a session where we stand there and get bombarded by our tutor with tons of questions.
It was on that day the the 3 of us fully utilized the training we've recieved from army. The whole thing was a dressed up wayang show.
She asked us about how we would improve our project if we were given more time. We gave her really sweet and politically correct answers like how we'd do more research and better quantify our findings and conduct more surveys.
In reality I'd probably just bochup the whole thing or, if I had the choice, drop the friggin module.
We were also made to make up questionnaires and give them out to people to fill in. Guess what, we invented all the results hur hur.
I hope she doesn't ever get to read this ah. And whoever's reading this, don't bao tou ah.
This entry is abit late because I really couldn't find the time and effort to post man. But I'm really glad Rendezvous is over because I finally have no more commitements!
No more IFG!
No more Rendezvous!
Next few weeks are gonna be uber catch-up weeks. I have also returned ALL my library books in a resolve to work hard and spend as little on other stuff besides studies as usual. But I still need my usual breathers once in awhile, my weekly bball, a little pinch of comics and some time with my pals.
Anyway Rendezvous was great; not because of some spectacular organizational efforts, but because all of us worked together as a whole.
Resonance's singing was uber cool. The acapella damn spectacular. (Is that how you spell acapella) They had like 3 performances, the last one being the most impressive. A remix of all the chiong music we hear in clubs.
I admit I don't know how to appreciate Social and Ballroom dance ah, but I think their coordination was super power and I'm sure it takes gazillion years to learn their steps.
Of course, as usual, I loved the guitar performance! The rockers really rocked man. Electric guitars are damn cool.
I didn't get to watch much of the rest of the performances because I had to ferry people to and fro once in awhile.
After I drove the guitar people back to YIH the president was asking me if I was in any of the sub clubs. I said no ah, I'm from basketball and he nearly fainted. Maybe I should have mentioned I was in SWC as well? Ah whatever.
Anyway I haven't driven a manual car in like 9 months and the experience was damn exhilarating. I'm sure the people who sat in the van for the first trips must have had the RIDE OF THEIR LIVES.
Couldn't get used to it at the start ah.
There was one point of time I let bm try driving for fun and I forgot to ask her to switch back to neutral gear and pull the handbrake after her engine died.
So once I started the engine the van started to move! It was uber scary I tell you, and I thought I was gonna crash into something. Finally found the brakes at the last instance and stepped damn hard on it.
When I told my papa that I drove a van, he told me not to do it again cos it's he said if something happens I will get into deep trouble because it ain't exactly very legal -_-;;
Today's weekly bball session with the World's Saddest Team was very very shaggening ah. We played alot alot and I was really really tired out at the end of it.
I had the most expensive but powerful laksa yong tao fu I've had in my life till now. I was too tired to think so I just picked whatever came to my mind and when it was done I realized I picked 8 or 9 and it costed my $4.50.
But I felt it was worth it!
No more IFG!
No more Rendezvous!
Next few weeks are gonna be uber catch-up weeks. I have also returned ALL my library books in a resolve to work hard and spend as little on other stuff besides studies as usual. But I still need my usual breathers once in awhile, my weekly bball, a little pinch of comics and some time with my pals.
Anyway Rendezvous was great; not because of some spectacular organizational efforts, but because all of us worked together as a whole.
Resonance's singing was uber cool. The acapella damn spectacular. (Is that how you spell acapella) They had like 3 performances, the last one being the most impressive. A remix of all the chiong music we hear in clubs.
I admit I don't know how to appreciate Social and Ballroom dance ah, but I think their coordination was super power and I'm sure it takes gazillion years to learn their steps.
Of course, as usual, I loved the guitar performance! The rockers really rocked man. Electric guitars are damn cool.
I didn't get to watch much of the rest of the performances because I had to ferry people to and fro once in awhile.
After I drove the guitar people back to YIH the president was asking me if I was in any of the sub clubs. I said no ah, I'm from basketball and he nearly fainted. Maybe I should have mentioned I was in SWC as well? Ah whatever.
Anyway I haven't driven a manual car in like 9 months and the experience was damn exhilarating. I'm sure the people who sat in the van for the first trips must have had the RIDE OF THEIR LIVES.
Couldn't get used to it at the start ah.
There was one point of time I let bm try driving for fun and I forgot to ask her to switch back to neutral gear and pull the handbrake after her engine died.
So once I started the engine the van started to move! It was uber scary I tell you, and I thought I was gonna crash into something. Finally found the brakes at the last instance and stepped damn hard on it.
When I told my papa that I drove a van, he told me not to do it again cos it's he said if something happens I will get into deep trouble because it ain't exactly very legal -_-;;
Today's weekly bball session with the World's Saddest Team was very very shaggening ah. We played alot alot and I was really really tired out at the end of it.
I had the most expensive but powerful laksa yong tao fu I've had in my life till now. I was too tired to think so I just picked whatever came to my mind and when it was done I realized I picked 8 or 9 and it costed my $4.50.
But I felt it was worth it!
Unless you live in Ulu Hill, you should know who xiaxue is ba.
Well her last entry was very controversial and she actually put up a podcast to apologize for all the things she said.
Here's the link to the podcast.
If you wanna view the entry just go to her blog ba.
Anyway my point is, she sounds quite sweet ah. No like the ah lian you see in her blog.
Once again, we experience the power of the internet in masking a person's identity and character~~
Well her last entry was very controversial and she actually put up a podcast to apologize for all the things she said.
Here's the link to the podcast.
If you wanna view the entry just go to her blog ba.
Anyway my point is, she sounds quite sweet ah. No like the ah lian you see in her blog.
Once again, we experience the power of the internet in masking a person's identity and character~~
Went to Pasir Panjang market for a feast with my family just now! Butter crabs, gong gong, oysters, and some other shell food I forgot the name of.
SO yummy!
But it was pretty ex; spent 50 plus bucks on just supper~~ Next time when I'm rich I shall treat my family to a seafood feast too.
Played bball with aes gang in the morning.
Today's session very tiring ah, what with all the half-court plus full-court games. But we rarely get to play until so tired I think. So fun.
I still think we should go and make jerseys or t-shirts lah. Quite cool wad. Our team name can really be "World's Saddest Team."
SO yummy!
But it was pretty ex; spent 50 plus bucks on just supper~~ Next time when I'm rich I shall treat my family to a seafood feast too.
Played bball with aes gang in the morning.
Today's session very tiring ah, what with all the half-court plus full-court games. But we rarely get to play until so tired I think. So fun.
I still think we should go and make jerseys or t-shirts lah. Quite cool wad. Our team name can really be "World's Saddest Team."
Just read a book on Warren Buffett. He's so cool. I like him. He loves Coca Cola. He's just a normal man who likes soft drinks! He drinks it everyday. He loves to play bridge. And he's the second wealthiest man in the world!
And he's happy with his life; he doesn't spend everyday worrying that he's gonna lose all his money.
Which is cool!
"I always said I wouldn't mind going to jail if I had 3 cellmates who played bridge."
"Like Wayde Gretzky says, go where the puck is going, not where it is."
"It takes 20 years to build a reputaiton and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."
"Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."
"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
"I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me."
Buffett calls borrowed money a dagger tied to a company's steering wheel pointed straight at its heart.
"You will someday hit a pothole."
"Never ask the barber if you need a haircut."
"Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future."
"I want to be able to explain my mistakes. This means I only do the things I completely understand."
And he's happy with his life; he doesn't spend everyday worrying that he's gonna lose all his money.
Which is cool!
"I always said I wouldn't mind going to jail if I had 3 cellmates who played bridge."
"Like Wayde Gretzky says, go where the puck is going, not where it is."
"It takes 20 years to build a reputaiton and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently."
"Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."
"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."
"I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me."
Buffett calls borrowed money a dagger tied to a company's steering wheel pointed straight at its heart.
"You will someday hit a pothole."
"Never ask the barber if you need a haircut."
"Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future."
"I want to be able to explain my mistakes. This means I only do the things I completely understand."
Find out with the BMI calculator!
And I thought Physics syllabus is coming to an end. Then I went to IVLE and saw so many fucking more lecture slides to download. TMD!!!
Why am I being so vulgar? Haha, no lah not really pissed. Just don't think many people will be readin my blog anyway! And if you're reading my blog, you've probably heard me say fuck dunno how many times liao.
Hai I just got very traumatized over the massive amount of material and decided to come and scream here.
And I realize my printer simply refuses to print page 13 of anything. Wtf is up with that?!
Anyway I was talking to my mum just now.
Zhun lah, though I seldom really talk to her about such things.. Like what, life in general, about jie jie di di, papa, future. As usual she was nagging at me to find a good girl and stop fooling around. We were talking about our family fortune and whether I think I'm gonna be rich in future.
Then she started ranting on and on about how short life is and that's when I suddenly like, got bolted. She was like, smiling smiling and saying probably she'd be with us for like another 20 years.
Hmm I dunno why but I started feeling quite sad.
Really lah.. I mean, I think I'm a very bu guai de son. I must treat her nicer man. And be a better son. And somemore I'm the eldest son.
Hai I need more sleep.
Why am I being so vulgar? Haha, no lah not really pissed. Just don't think many people will be readin my blog anyway! And if you're reading my blog, you've probably heard me say fuck dunno how many times liao.
Hai I just got very traumatized over the massive amount of material and decided to come and scream here.
And I realize my printer simply refuses to print page 13 of anything. Wtf is up with that?!
Anyway I was talking to my mum just now.
Zhun lah, though I seldom really talk to her about such things.. Like what, life in general, about jie jie di di, papa, future. As usual she was nagging at me to find a good girl and stop fooling around. We were talking about our family fortune and whether I think I'm gonna be rich in future.
Then she started ranting on and on about how short life is and that's when I suddenly like, got bolted. She was like, smiling smiling and saying probably she'd be with us for like another 20 years.
Hmm I dunno why but I started feeling quite sad.
Really lah.. I mean, I think I'm a very bu guai de son. I must treat her nicer man. And be a better son. And somemore I'm the eldest son.
Hai I need more sleep.
The trials for IVP are OVER.
That day Yvonne was asking me "why u never come for trials?"
I was like "What trials?"
There was some misunderstanding between me and the ex-captain ba. Yeah so I'm destined to play leisure bball maybe.
But at least I can tell my grand-kids next time that "LAST TIME GOT PEOPLE ASK YOUR AH GONG JOIN NUS BBALL TEAM LEH MAI SIAO SIAO!"
That day Yvonne was asking me "why u never come for trials?"
I was like "What trials?"
There was some misunderstanding between me and the ex-captain ba. Yeah so I'm destined to play leisure bball maybe.
But at least I can tell my grand-kids next time that "LAST TIME GOT PEOPLE ASK YOUR AH GONG JOIN NUS BBALL TEAM LEH MAI SIAO SIAO!"
席慕容 《一棵开花的树》
在我最美丽的时刻 为这
我已在佛前 求了五百年
当你走近 请你细听
朋友啊 那不是花瓣
I had a dream last night.
A very serene and peaceful one.
It was night-time and I was sitting down somewhere somewhat familiar with a girl in my arms -_-;;
We were just sitting there quietly and not even talking; just looking into the night-sky.
I have no idea whether it was supposed to be romantic or what.
But I felt quite melancholic when I woke up.
And no don't bother asking me who the girl was; actually I not very sure myself; the dream felt quite ethereal.
A very serene and peaceful one.
It was night-time and I was sitting down somewhere somewhat familiar with a girl in my arms -_-;;
We were just sitting there quietly and not even talking; just looking into the night-sky.
I have no idea whether it was supposed to be romantic or what.
But I felt quite melancholic when I woke up.
And no don't bother asking me who the girl was; actually I not very sure myself; the dream felt quite ethereal.
Today, 5th October, about 9 months after I got my license, I had my first little minor accident!
Okay this doesn't sound right, I think I sound happy. I'm NOT! Budden wah lau eh, like Jem says, this kind of thing sure will kena one, cannot avoid one ba.
And luckily it's only a little scratch.
And guess what, the victim I think was some lecturer from SDE. Luckily not engin prof else I'll fail all my exams.
I was driving into NUS via exit B and was going to engin, then my papa told me to go into SDE, it's some shortcut I think. I was like, dowan lah, go normal route lah, budden he say wanna take short cut. Turn in liao den realize the fuggin barrier sensor is down. So I had to reverse left out.
So I was busy looking behind and to the left, when I accidentally bua-ed the car on the other lane. How lah I know will lydat..
Haiyah sigh, nevermind lah, since it's not serious. My papa offered to pay him $50 but he down. THink he wanna claim insurance or what. My papa was telling me if he really go claim insurance the agent will laugh at him.
Cos from what I see it's like, really very very minor. Looks like dust to me.
On a lighter note, I think I've grown taller leh! So funny leh, like, I already like old man liao, still can grow?!
Okay this doesn't sound right, I think I sound happy. I'm NOT! Budden wah lau eh, like Jem says, this kind of thing sure will kena one, cannot avoid one ba.
And luckily it's only a little scratch.
And guess what, the victim I think was some lecturer from SDE. Luckily not engin prof else I'll fail all my exams.
I was driving into NUS via exit B and was going to engin, then my papa told me to go into SDE, it's some shortcut I think. I was like, dowan lah, go normal route lah, budden he say wanna take short cut. Turn in liao den realize the fuggin barrier sensor is down. So I had to reverse left out.
So I was busy looking behind and to the left, when I accidentally bua-ed the car on the other lane. How lah I know will lydat..
Haiyah sigh, nevermind lah, since it's not serious. My papa offered to pay him $50 but he down. THink he wanna claim insurance or what. My papa was telling me if he really go claim insurance the agent will laugh at him.
Cos from what I see it's like, really very very minor. Looks like dust to me.
On a lighter note, I think I've grown taller leh! So funny leh, like, I already like old man liao, still can grow?!
Ever experienced those moments in which you ask yourself what you have done in your life for the past 21 frickin years you've been alive? And then realized that you found it possible to be able to summarise your 21 years of life story into a pathetic essay that could probably be read in like 20 minutes?
That's why I blog~ It's a window to past events. You look back and learn from mistakes you've made in the past. Laugh at yourself. Miss people you love but are no longer in contact with. Re-live happy moments.
Question: Then why the FUG must post online leh? Since it's your own life??
Answer: There's nothing shameful about my life wad, so why cannot post online? And yeah, I had a diary last time. A real, solid, book. But with the advent of blogs, I can key in entries damn easily and it's all aranged nicely and neatly, why not?
And when you go read other people's blogs, you get to know them better. Okay some might ask: WHAT THE FUG FOR?!
Haha, kaypoh loh. And it's a damn jian way to intrude into the life of someone you deeply care about but are not SUPPOSED to or ALLOWED to openly show concern for. Haha. I'm sure this sounds familiar to some people.
Question: If no one reads your blog, will you still write?
Answer: Yes lah!
I mean, I don't like, go and publicize my blog or make money from the traffic or what wad. So if my friends happen to stumble upon my blog or what, then let them read loh. If nobody comes then so be it; it doesn't matter one bit!
It's an online diary to me wad, not some propaganda site.
Question: Why you suddenly put up this kind of entry ah? Someone said something bad about your blog?
Answer: No lah! I just suddenly thought of it. And then realized that it sounds like someone flamed me or something, so put one disclaimer at the end hahah.
That's why I blog~ It's a window to past events. You look back and learn from mistakes you've made in the past. Laugh at yourself. Miss people you love but are no longer in contact with. Re-live happy moments.
Question: Then why the FUG must post online leh? Since it's your own life??
Answer: There's nothing shameful about my life wad, so why cannot post online? And yeah, I had a diary last time. A real, solid, book. But with the advent of blogs, I can key in entries damn easily and it's all aranged nicely and neatly, why not?
And when you go read other people's blogs, you get to know them better. Okay some might ask: WHAT THE FUG FOR?!
Haha, kaypoh loh. And it's a damn jian way to intrude into the life of someone you deeply care about but are not SUPPOSED to or ALLOWED to openly show concern for. Haha. I'm sure this sounds familiar to some people.
Question: If no one reads your blog, will you still write?
Answer: Yes lah!
I mean, I don't like, go and publicize my blog or make money from the traffic or what wad. So if my friends happen to stumble upon my blog or what, then let them read loh. If nobody comes then so be it; it doesn't matter one bit!
It's an online diary to me wad, not some propaganda site.
Question: Why you suddenly put up this kind of entry ah? Someone said something bad about your blog?
Answer: No lah! I just suddenly thought of it. And then realized that it sounds like someone flamed me or something, so put one disclaimer at the end hahah.
Just submitted the fugging physics online tutorial. Dunno why I felt so pissed doing it but I really was ahahah. I think I'm really too exhausted these few days.
Plus I think I was too noble liao, in a hurry to finish my OWN assignment, and yet had to help this person do HIS questions.
Got home at about 10 today.
Today's IFG was Engin vs Biz. Our most challenging match. Won though, 38-26. Today saw the true power of the main team~ My friend was saying other facs each fac got afew imbalanced players. But Engin got 12 imbalanced players. Abit exaggerated budden the main team consisted of FOUR IVP players.
So I guess engin IS abit imba.
I played like shit today hahah, budden didn't get to play much also. Like, 15 minutes only, and I didn't score a single point.
ARTS won SCIENCE today. MEDICINE won SDE. That one damn exciting. SDE was quite weak, budden they got one super IVP player who carried the team all the way. I think he one person scored like 90% of the points. He was amazing. Budden in the end lost by 2 points cos of some careless mistake argh.
I am so tired.
Plus I think I was too noble liao, in a hurry to finish my OWN assignment, and yet had to help this person do HIS questions.
Got home at about 10 today.
Today's IFG was Engin vs Biz. Our most challenging match. Won though, 38-26. Today saw the true power of the main team~ My friend was saying other facs each fac got afew imbalanced players. But Engin got 12 imbalanced players. Abit exaggerated budden the main team consisted of FOUR IVP players.
So I guess engin IS abit imba.
I played like shit today hahah, budden didn't get to play much also. Like, 15 minutes only, and I didn't score a single point.
ARTS won SCIENCE today. MEDICINE won SDE. That one damn exciting. SDE was quite weak, budden they got one super IVP player who carried the team all the way. I think he one person scored like 90% of the points. He was amazing. Budden in the end lost by 2 points cos of some careless mistake argh.
I am so tired.