just a blog

Why I Blog

Ever experienced those moments in which you ask yourself what you have done in your life for the past 21 frickin years you've been alive? And then realized that you found it possible to be able to summarise your 21 years of life story into a pathetic essay that could probably be read in like 20 minutes?

That's why I blog~ It's a window to past events. You look back and learn from mistakes you've made in the past. Laugh at yourself. Miss people you love but are no longer in contact with. Re-live happy moments.

Question: Then why the FUG must post online leh? Since it's your own life??

Answer: There's nothing shameful about my life wad, so why cannot post online? And yeah, I had a diary last time. A real, solid, book. But with the advent of blogs, I can key in entries damn easily and it's all aranged nicely and neatly, why not?

And when you go read other people's blogs, you get to know them better. Okay some might ask: WHAT THE FUG FOR?!

Haha, kaypoh loh. And it's a damn jian way to intrude into the life of someone you deeply care about but are not SUPPOSED to or ALLOWED to openly show concern for. Haha. I'm sure this sounds familiar to some people.

Question: If no one reads your blog, will you still write?

Answer: Yes lah!

I mean, I don't like, go and publicize my blog or make money from the traffic or what wad. So if my friends happen to stumble upon my blog or what, then let them read loh. If nobody comes then so be it; it doesn't matter one bit!

It's an online diary to me wad, not some propaganda site.

Question: Why you suddenly put up this kind of entry ah? Someone said something bad about your blog?

Answer: No lah! I just suddenly thought of it. And then realized that it sounds like someone flamed me or something, so put one disclaimer at the end hahah.

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