just a blog

Hottest Blogger!

Not Dawn Yang again?!

Yes it is ah, sorry. I wanted to blog about this yesterday but was lazy. And today, EVERYONE seems to be talking about her already!


I know I sound damn air head here, but really. How much cuter can a human being get?!

Drop dead gorgeous. Using the word 'chio' to decribe her is an insult to her.

Oh okay, plastic surgery. I know I know. I have friends who were her classmates and I've seen her pictures before the surgery too. But I'm not gonna post her 'before' pics here, if you wanna see, go elsewhere to find, sure got alot one, I'm sure.

The inherent evil nature of human beings!

Of course not pretty lah, else what, too much money to spend?

But hey, so what! So many people are still ugly after surgery wad. At least hers is successful. And y'know what, I'm here ranting and ooh-ing and ah-ing simply for the fact that from what I see right now, she's damn hot!

Yeah yeah, call me superficial and shallow, but hey, you're gonna marry her is it? Want to check out her family background somemore?

I don't know why some people must be so evil and post her 'before' pictures all over. Maybe proud of the fact that they personally know such a talked-about figure? But well I guess it's inevitable, since she's famous in a world full of people who like to get people down.

But sigh, why must she lie about it?? It's like, tons of people know her wad! This kind of thing, lie got what use, people will know sooner or later wad.

See, now people are going to call you a LIAR!

But anyhow, so she's undergone plastic surgery. So? Are you perfect?

Who is?

Someday there's gonne be this new rising star, beautiful as a fairy, holds 2 Masters degrees, 1.75m tall, wonderful character, sings like an angel, talks like a princess.

And what are people going to say?

'Eh, but she farts.'

Let me take pictures of you with my eyes, so that I can process them with my heart and bear them within my soul for eternity.

So no point trying to please everyone man. There are always people who're out to get other people's asses.

I'm amazed by the sheer number of hate sites about basketball God Michael Jordan, who happens to be number 1 to me.

Sour grapes, sweet banana, bitter papaya.

Oh well, who cares!

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