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Last Sociology Lecture

Dr Tan conducted the lecture today. I like attending his lectures, he's quite cool. Today he had his shirt tucked out, and explained to us that it's not to look sexy, but that he just had some KIDNEY operation, and that he had lots of stuff in his pants etc. He wanted to show us but decided otherwise, which was good for us.

Oh well, hope he recovers from whatever he's suffering from -_-;;

There was also some hardcore propaganda on how Sociology is actually useful in real life, cos they wanted us to major in it. It's aimed more at the Arts students I guess, cos which Engin person in his right mind will carry on taking Soci. Are we even allowed to in the first place.

He even brought in speakers to strengthen his argument that Soci is good! Heard he brought in Darryl David for yesterday's and 2 insurance agents for today. One of them is an entrepeneur as well I think. Entertaining speech I guess, but nothing informative.

Dr Anne Raffin gave a small review as well, oh my god, I thought I was never gonna hear her speak again. She's Fench and has this really cool accent which keeps me awake cos it's so funny.

Dr Tan also talked about a few stupid conclusions brought about by funky people who actually went about trying to find out what races do what sports.

Indians can't swim? To think about it, I've never seen an indian swim in my entire life. Budden again, there are so many other things I haven't seen before so it's not weird.

He said that maybe it's cos they can't float because of their skin colour. I mean wtf has skin colour got to do with floatability?! Actually I was thinking maybe they're afraid their colour will come off and dirty the pool.. Eh, but more realistic than what he said right?!

Shit this is getting racist let's stop.

Chinese play basketball. Just a general trend I guess.

He also says Bhuddists play table tennis. Got meh?!?!

The next one got me laughing until damn jia lat.

He said Hindus play badminton. I mean wtf?!? What logic?? I don't understand. I haven't even seen Hindus play badminton before. I think he made it out to be damn funny, because it totally makes no sense and badminton sounds like a stupid sport all of a sudden.

Wah lau eh!!!

I just opened an envelope containing some stuff from Esplanade. When I opened it I thought kua tio gui! Tmd who is Keiko Lee?? Why she take picture never comb hair, droop all over her face?! And she looks damn pale! She looks hungry too!

Quite scary.

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