just a blog

Reunion of childhood playmates

Had a primary school outing yesterday. Quite cool ah, everyone is like so big now. But the girls seem to have shrunk damn alot.

Ah bun, Ie Liang, Anneson, Kang kang, Yonglin


Last time she was the tallest person in our class. I remember last time she treat everyone like chao ah lian, but treat me quite nice one.
NOW then I know why she treats me nicer. Cos she loves the maggi mee that my mum always cooks. Sibeh bo liao right. Cos my mum always adds fishballs and hotdogs and veggie into the maggie mee. Then she finds it very sumptuous. Kids are so easy to please.

Anyway, last time she like my lao da lydat, sibeh tall one.

Nine years ago.

Nine years later.

So you can imagine how different it felt to stand next to her.

Yonglin brought along his autograph book from last time. Wah lau eh, they were dated like, in 1995 loh. Ten years antique liao.

What Diana wrote for him was the most funny piece of shit I've read in a long long long long time.

"You are quite ok but sometimes you talk without think. Sometimes people don't like the way you say. Like for example me. You know I very 小 气 . You still joke with me.
I think you want to die! Anyway, hope you by your exams."

Wah lau eh, what kind of fuck english is this?! And the
"I think you want to die."

OMFG. When I saw that part I really laugh laugh laugh until I thought I was going to die on the spot.

I think if Shakespeare was alive, he will salute her loh. This kind of language is sibeh uber power man. I think she should go and start a magazine or something. Some real kick-ass LIAN he zao bao. By ah lian, for ah lians.

Anneson and Yong Lin drove yesterday. I'm still not used to seeing them drive man. Like, aren't they supposed to be primary school kids?!

Ie Liang rode a bike. When we were leaving the place and at a red light he came to stop beside the car we were on and banged on the door damn hard.

Nabeh! I thought got robber!

Susan is still as crappy as ever. Sat between me and Diana on the car, then all of a sudden started saying shit stuff like she feels very extra and was spoiling our maggie mee romance. Preventing us from 调 情 ing. Wah lau eh, she made it sound like damn 淫 荡 。

Kept sprouting nonsense about how I was so nervous that Diana was coming. And thoroughly enjoying making up her 色 情 故 事 .

Laugh and laugh and laugh. So 三 八 !

They were talking about smoking. "Ah bengs smoke." "Where got, smoking is not an accurate reflection of a person's character wad." "Yeah lah, but the general conception is that people who smoke tend to be more ah beng." "Anneson you got smoke?"

"No lah, no way! JC nobody smoke one. JC kids are very guai one."

*All turns to look at kang kang with cigarette in his hands*

Me: What lah!

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