just a blog

Huo huo huo huo huo huo huo huo huo!!

Yesterday, was on the bus, 2 stops away form home when chek.

Chek: So how, wanna watch Huo Yuan Jia?

Me: Errr... I reaching home soon leh. 2 stops.

Chek: Come lah, I'm at Lot 1 liao.

Me: Wah, u go check timing first?

Chek: Okay.

2 minutes later...

Chek: Eh, 3.30 p.m. got one show.

Me: *Checks watch* 3.30? Like, 15 minutes from now??

Chek: Ya.

So like the impulsive bugger I was, I agreed and managed to get there on time. But chek was late cos he was in the arcade.

Well done right haha. Plus we bought tidbits so missed the first 5 minutes, damn.

The show was super good lah, but I think the ending came abit too suddenly.

And there were some illogical parts in the show lah. Not trying to be critical here, and I totally understand that a movie that is perfectly logical is going to be sibeh sian and predictable.

So I'm just stating what I feel, okay??

1) How did someone with asthma and being such a slacker at that, become so super duper powerful?? Maybe he's talented, but he didn't even start learning martial arts from young! He just suddenly, POOF! And became so powerful?!

2) Even if he's uber talented. After slacking in a village growing crops for a few years and no training at all, he can still go back to his village and be so power? How come??
Also, I felt that the ending wouldn't be so awe-inspiring if the following factors were not present.

i) Discovery of poison. Why the stupid Japanese go and put that kind of poison into HYJ's drink?! He just needs him to lose wad. So put laxative or sleeping pill or whatever mild nonsense that dulls his senses can liao wad. Why put the kind of poison that makes him puke gooey black liquid?? Scared people dunno he poisoned arh? He stupid or what?

Budden again, if the poison wasn't discovered, HYJ wouldn't die such a glorious death liao. People would think he just sucked. As in the case of so many day-to-day incidents.

You see someone on the bench during a bball game and just conclude that he sucks. But he could just be the best player in the team with an injury.

ii) His opponent was super honourable as well. In fact, I think he's every bit as honourable as HYJ. When HYJ lups people, he doesn't even care if his opponents were poisoned right.

Well maybe not everyone who's poisoned puke black gooey liquid like he does, though.

If his opponent was an unethical bugger and decided to just unthinkingly lup HYJ to his death, people would have thought that HYJ merely sucked too.

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