just a blog

My Ailing Health.

I dunno what's happening to me these days.

I've been having loss of appetite and I can't really eat and I keep feeling like vomitting.

I used to eat like a pig one leh...

Am I going to die soon?


Yesterday was Street Games Challenge. There were like 10 teams and we came in fourth.

Damn, one more position and we would have won something. It's not likely to be anything spectacular though, because the goodie bag, which consisted of an unwanted issue of Newman, some biscuits, mineral water and I dunno what, basically was cheapskate.

And not only do they not have free drinks (what happened to iced milo?!), they are also trying to SELL us canned drinks at one dollar per can when there are vending machines selling them at 90 cents per can 200 metres away.


Well regarding the games, I think we played okay, considering the fact that we were damn turned off when we learnt of the fixture! There were 2 two hour breaks in between! I was like, wah fuck, can we just lose this and go home?

At least the 2 games we lost were only by 2 and 4 points respectively arh. Those we won, we won by alot arh, about 10 points. We were first in our group loh!

I think we lost both games because limpeh is not a real center lah, me is fake one, had to be center because I'm the tallest aye. In the prelims game I think I looked like I was fighting a moving tree man. The other game we lost, the center style was damn like mine, wahahah, sibeh stylo, we like mirror image.

I am too scrawny to be a center lah. Me is GUARD!!!!!!!!

But I guess I did gain some experience from this, and I was enlightened by Glenn about something I never thought of that could be real useful in future.

Well and thanks to the crazy weather, I'm sunburnt again.


While I was having the street games thingy, bm was fighting for table tennis Inter Faculty Games upstairs.

They came in second woohoo.

Now we each got one IFG medal haha. Though mine was like free frag cos I didn't even play much.

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