YES, the government has just issued us our share of bribes! Oops.. I mean PROGRESS PACKAGES.
Too bad for our female counterparts, you girls ain't ADULTS yet muaha, so you're not eligible for thebribes progress packages.
Because this is a fair society where everyone is (supposed) to be treated equally, I have a proposal to make! This is also to benefit our fellow female counterparts who aren't eligible for thebribes progress packages yet!
Them buggers who got friggin' $900 must contribute $200 to a female counterpart of their choice, and $100 to the poor souls who only got $300. Those who got $700 would contribute $100 to a female counterpart and $50 to the $300 population.
So after working out everything, those who got $900 would end up with $600, those who got $700 would end up with $550, those who got $300 would end up with $450, and our female counterparts would end up with $150!
Isn't that a fantastic idea?!
Everyone would be happy! Well I suggest that the choice of the female counterpart to preferably be a char bor u want to jio. Or some girl u've been secretly admiring also can. Don't give girlfriend, give liao they also won't appreciate one.
As for the other other, I strongly, strongly encourage u to give it to yours truly.
I sincerely promise that I would use the money to advance the welfare of our folks and to break through new frontiers in terms of Science and Technology!
Let's name this, for lack of a better name, the GIVE MONEY MOVEMENT.
Let us all fight for (more) equal rights and privileges!!
P.S. The above is merely wishful thinking on the author's part and the author bears no responsibility to the consequences of hisbullshit words. Any real action by any individual is purely coincidental.
P.P.S. However, if you do wish to contribute your share to the author, please do not hesitate to do so immediately. The author would be eternally grateful.
P.P.PS. I'm serious!!
Too bad for our female counterparts, you girls ain't ADULTS yet muaha, so you're not eligible for the
Because this is a fair society where everyone is (supposed) to be treated equally, I have a proposal to make! This is also to benefit our fellow female counterparts who aren't eligible for the
Them buggers who got friggin' $900 must contribute $200 to a female counterpart of their choice, and $100 to the poor souls who only got $300. Those who got $700 would contribute $100 to a female counterpart and $50 to the $300 population.
So after working out everything, those who got $900 would end up with $600, those who got $700 would end up with $550, those who got $300 would end up with $450, and our female counterparts would end up with $150!
Isn't that a fantastic idea?!
Everyone would be happy! Well I suggest that the choice of the female counterpart to preferably be a char bor u want to jio. Or some girl u've been secretly admiring also can. Don't give girlfriend, give liao they also won't appreciate one.
As for the other other, I strongly, strongly encourage u to give it to yours truly.
I sincerely promise that I would use the money to advance the welfare of our folks and to break through new frontiers in terms of Science and Technology!
Let's name this, for lack of a better name, the GIVE MONEY MOVEMENT.
Let us all fight for (more) equal rights and privileges!!
P.S. The above is merely wishful thinking on the author's part and the author bears no responsibility to the consequences of his
P.P.S. However, if you do wish to contribute your share to the author, please do not hesitate to do so immediately. The author would be eternally grateful.
P.P.PS. I'm serious!!
I just have to post this entry.
I've been hearing this name Wei Tai alot. He's really famous, and I know he's really really good at basketball. MVP for his year.
I also know this guy who stays in Cashew too, and I know he's also super power, everytime I see him he looks like he's going to play basketball. I've even seen him play at Adidas 3on3 when they were the champions.
Well today everything came together and once again Singapore seemed like a really small place.
Did u guess it?
Yeah, I was checking out the photos of the members of the 2005 National Men's Basketball Team, and there it was, Lee Wee Thye, my neighbour!
How cool is that?!
I've been hearing this name Wei Tai alot. He's really famous, and I know he's really really good at basketball. MVP for his year.
I also know this guy who stays in Cashew too, and I know he's also super power, everytime I see him he looks like he's going to play basketball. I've even seen him play at Adidas 3on3 when they were the champions.
Well today everything came together and once again Singapore seemed like a really small place.
Did u guess it?
Yeah, I was checking out the photos of the members of the 2005 National Men's Basketball Team, and there it was, Lee Wee Thye, my neighbour!
How cool is that?!
I have been frequenting this blog pretty much recently.
The blogger is this guy who's in the honeymoon period with his latest lover and seriously, I have no doubt regarding their state of bliss, and I'm sure they're really enjoying each other's company and stuff.
But he really damn mushy lor!!!
Well it's really got nothing to do with me though, cos I don't even know him, but really, this kinda public show of affection really turns me off. I mean, it turns me off in a way, but it also entertains me in a sense too lah.
Especially since a few weeks ago he's been advertising his singlehood, and never forgetting to comment afterwards that he CHOSE to be single.
Remember leh, he CHOSE to be single!! If he want gf, anytime he also can get one, okay?! Even went to the extent of making resolutions like "being single" and "staying single".
And what happens when, a hot babe comes along? Well, he gets attached!
And what's up with these people who passionately declare their undying love for their other halves, and then go on to mutter a bunch of romantic-sounding gibberish in FRENCH or some other gosu language I doubt neither them nor their other halves understand?
Must love be declared like this? Worse, must it be declared in a language the neither declarer nor declaree understand?!
I don't understand.
But perhaps it's just me.
The blogger is this guy who's in the honeymoon period with his latest lover and seriously, I have no doubt regarding their state of bliss, and I'm sure they're really enjoying each other's company and stuff.
But he really damn mushy lor!!!
Well it's really got nothing to do with me though, cos I don't even know him, but really, this kinda public show of affection really turns me off. I mean, it turns me off in a way, but it also entertains me in a sense too lah.
Especially since a few weeks ago he's been advertising his singlehood, and never forgetting to comment afterwards that he CHOSE to be single.
Remember leh, he CHOSE to be single!! If he want gf, anytime he also can get one, okay?! Even went to the extent of making resolutions like "being single" and "staying single".
And what happens when, a hot babe comes along? Well, he gets attached!
And what's up with these people who passionately declare their undying love for their other halves, and then go on to mutter a bunch of romantic-sounding gibberish in FRENCH or some other gosu language I doubt neither them nor their other halves understand?
Must love be declared like this? Worse, must it be declared in a language the neither declarer nor declaree understand?!
I don't understand.
But perhaps it's just me.
Cow was telling me there's this new service at
You go there, upload a pic of yours, then they analyze the image of your face and tells you which celebrity you look like.
That cow.
He took a very unsightly picture of mine to play with!
And it ended up saying that I look 49% like San Neill and 49%
Kate Winslet!
And so I decided to run the test myself and see what happens.
Try driving license first.

Wtf!! BOA?!
Try matric card next.
Char bor again??!!? Ha ji-won!
Don't believe!! Try again.
Finally, a man. But why so old?! But hey, he's a japanese emperor, so I probably look very royal.
Then I decided to saboh someone...
Biao mei!
Xiao Qiao!! Bm looks like xiao qiao!!
You go there, upload a pic of yours, then they analyze the image of your face and tells you which celebrity you look like.
That cow.
He took a very unsightly picture of mine to play with!
And it ended up saying that I look 49% like San Neill and 49%
Kate Winslet!
And so I decided to run the test myself and see what happens.

Wtf!! BOA?!

Then I decided to saboh someone...

Well exams are bad, but they are also good in the sense that when exams are near, it also siginifies the coming of the END of exams!
Friggin' 3 months' break. How many things can u do in 3 months??
The prospect of that just makes me high.
So before I forget, here's a BRIEF list of stuff I'm probably going to do!
1) Watch Bleach, Death Note, Samurai X, Chobits, Naruto
2) Read all the books on Popular Best Selling section
3) Bball referee course?
4) Go to malaysia!
Hmm, so few. But nevermind, I'm sure I'll think of much more to do.
Friggin' 3 months' break. How many things can u do in 3 months??
The prospect of that just makes me high.
So before I forget, here's a BRIEF list of stuff I'm probably going to do!
1) Watch Bleach, Death Note, Samurai X, Chobits, Naruto
2) Read all the books on Popular Best Selling section
3) Bball referee course?
4) Go to malaysia!
Hmm, so few. But nevermind, I'm sure I'll think of much more to do.
Went for the 3on3 competition with Alvin and Ivan yesterday and suffered a humiliating defeat as we couldn't even enter the quarter finals! The record stood at 2-3.
Aye, but nevermind lah, I think it was a good experience and it was a nice deviation from our usual WST bball.
Some of our opponents were really strong and I guess we really learnt some stuff from them.
There was this 17 year old kid that was about the same height as me and 3 times my width!! Ended up even people from other sectors were talking about him, referring to him as "The Shaq", so I think he must have some reputation.
He was really good, and me alone got 3 fouls from defending him alone. After that cannot foul liao, cos we had no substitutes. If I got fouled out, it would be Alvin and Ivan against the rest of the world.
And I noticed we were the only team in our sector with only 3 players! The other teams all had substitutes.
Pan Qi and his China team was pretty good as well, so we also cannot complain that we lost.
But our loss to the third team, must let me whine abit!! I think we could win one!! It's all Alvin's fault for getting us curry puffs!! If I didn't have a "hot hot stomach" during that game, we MIGHT not have lost that one, cos that team wasn't that good actually.
And wah lau, the weather was disgusting and I'm all burnt. I thought my skin was immune to sunburn already, but the rays were so intense that my skin is actually hurting now.
Aye, but nevermind lah, I think it was a good experience and it was a nice deviation from our usual WST bball.
Some of our opponents were really strong and I guess we really learnt some stuff from them.
There was this 17 year old kid that was about the same height as me and 3 times my width!! Ended up even people from other sectors were talking about him, referring to him as "The Shaq", so I think he must have some reputation.
He was really good, and me alone got 3 fouls from defending him alone. After that cannot foul liao, cos we had no substitutes. If I got fouled out, it would be Alvin and Ivan against the rest of the world.
And I noticed we were the only team in our sector with only 3 players! The other teams all had substitutes.
Pan Qi and his China team was pretty good as well, so we also cannot complain that we lost.
But our loss to the third team, must let me whine abit!! I think we could win one!! It's all Alvin's fault for getting us curry puffs!! If I didn't have a "hot hot stomach" during that game, we MIGHT not have lost that one, cos that team wasn't that good actually.
And wah lau, the weather was disgusting and I'm all burnt. I thought my skin was immune to sunburn already, but the rays were so intense that my skin is actually hurting now.
K got me pissed again the other day.
Started off by commenting that even though I'm studying engineering now, I would most probably end up in a field that is not engineering. Being the smart aleck he is, he also predicted that I would end up in banking. (He is in banking)
Me: Why in the world, banking?
K: Cos I ask all my friends in banking, they say they from mech engin lah, civil engin lah, all the different engin fields.
Me: Wtf? Isn't that abit stereotyping? Do u mean to say that ur colleagues comprise of the entire engineering graduate cohort?
K: *Loss of words for 3 seconds* Nevermind lah, u just mark my words. We'll see in a few years.
I had no issue whatsoever with banking, but on that day, I made myself a promise that I will NOT go into that field.
Yeah, I was pissed, but I can't really put into words WHY I was pissed. Guess it's an ah beng thing. It felt like he was talking down to me. And not only did I feel that he was insulting me, he was also insulting engineers. He was even insulting banking as a whole, cos he made it sound like a rubbish dump.
I will remember his words, and I will end up NOT being a banker, and make goddamn sure that HE knows about it!
Phase 2
Well I didn't mention that we were at the bball court did I?
Yeah we were. After a few minutes of aimless shooting around and getting pissed, I asked him if he wanna 1 on 1.
K: Sure, I've been waiting for u to ask!
Me: Okay, let's play.
K: Okay, what forfeit? Pumping?
Me: Fuck, why u forever want to have forfeit one?? (Yes, he ALWAYS asks for forfeit)
K: If no forfeit lose liao also like never lose wad.
Me: But lose already very sianz liao, what for want forfeit? We play bball for bball wad, for fun, for leisure!
K: (Listen to this) Aiyah, but I'm past the stage of caring about wins and losses. It doesn't matter to me whether I win or lose.
That statement fucking pissed me off again. I know I'm getting abit irrational probably cos I got pissed abit earlier. Maybe sensing my buei-songness, we started without mentioning forfeits again.
And I won him 7-0, 7-3, 7-5, in three games.
Phase 3
This other guy arrived on court awhile later. We decided to play free for all. 1 on 1 on 1.
K: Okay, what forfeit?
Me: Fuck lah, why do u love forfeits so much?!
K: Cos no forfeit lose liao no kick!
Me: *Rolls eyes* Haiyah anything lah up to u.
And we decided on... No, HE decided on 20 pumpings for the 2 losers. Winner gets to rest.
So WOW he kick started the game with 3 balls, so 3-0-0.
Me and the other guy were fooling around abit and after awhile the score became 5-5-0.
I had zero. I think K was enjoying himself alot as he was counting the scores out loud. Hungry for revenge maybe. And he counted his own score BEFORE his shot reached the basket.
That is FUCKIN' rude, if u guys have no idea the do's and dont's, the ethics on court.
So okay, the game ended 7-6-6, I won, and I especially enjoyed the view of him pumping himself.
The moral of the story? Don't piss me off.
And since we're talking about sportsmanship, I think people really think of it too much as an ego thing, as the "ah beng instinct", as I like to call it.
In sports, u play to win. U don't argue with that. Sportsmanship, to me, is playing ur damn hardest in the game, within ethical means of course, but leaving the court having enjoyed the game, even if it was a loss.Unless there was foul play, of course.
Sportsmanship is NOT hogging the ball during critical moments and not letting ur team mates have a chance to contribute. That is "ah beng instinct".
And people resort to dirty tricks all the time in order to "win". But ya know, I really don't think I'd call that winning. I'd rather call it "ending up with more points than your opponent."
Sportsmanship is healthy competitiveness. The bottom line has always been, and always will be, "It's just a game!"
Started off by commenting that even though I'm studying engineering now, I would most probably end up in a field that is not engineering. Being the smart aleck he is, he also predicted that I would end up in banking. (He is in banking)
Me: Why in the world, banking?
K: Cos I ask all my friends in banking, they say they from mech engin lah, civil engin lah, all the different engin fields.
Me: Wtf? Isn't that abit stereotyping? Do u mean to say that ur colleagues comprise of the entire engineering graduate cohort?
K: *Loss of words for 3 seconds* Nevermind lah, u just mark my words. We'll see in a few years.
I had no issue whatsoever with banking, but on that day, I made myself a promise that I will NOT go into that field.
Yeah, I was pissed, but I can't really put into words WHY I was pissed. Guess it's an ah beng thing. It felt like he was talking down to me. And not only did I feel that he was insulting me, he was also insulting engineers. He was even insulting banking as a whole, cos he made it sound like a rubbish dump.
I will remember his words, and I will end up NOT being a banker, and make goddamn sure that HE knows about it!
Phase 2
Well I didn't mention that we were at the bball court did I?
Yeah we were. After a few minutes of aimless shooting around and getting pissed, I asked him if he wanna 1 on 1.
K: Sure, I've been waiting for u to ask!
Me: Okay, let's play.
K: Okay, what forfeit? Pumping?
Me: Fuck, why u forever want to have forfeit one?? (Yes, he ALWAYS asks for forfeit)
K: If no forfeit lose liao also like never lose wad.
Me: But lose already very sianz liao, what for want forfeit? We play bball for bball wad, for fun, for leisure!
K: (Listen to this) Aiyah, but I'm past the stage of caring about wins and losses. It doesn't matter to me whether I win or lose.
That statement fucking pissed me off again. I know I'm getting abit irrational probably cos I got pissed abit earlier. Maybe sensing my buei-songness, we started without mentioning forfeits again.
And I won him 7-0, 7-3, 7-5, in three games.
Phase 3
This other guy arrived on court awhile later. We decided to play free for all. 1 on 1 on 1.
K: Okay, what forfeit?
Me: Fuck lah, why do u love forfeits so much?!
K: Cos no forfeit lose liao no kick!
Me: *Rolls eyes* Haiyah anything lah up to u.
And we decided on... No, HE decided on 20 pumpings for the 2 losers. Winner gets to rest.
So WOW he kick started the game with 3 balls, so 3-0-0.
Me and the other guy were fooling around abit and after awhile the score became 5-5-0.
I had zero. I think K was enjoying himself alot as he was counting the scores out loud. Hungry for revenge maybe. And he counted his own score BEFORE his shot reached the basket.
That is FUCKIN' rude, if u guys have no idea the do's and dont's, the ethics on court.
So okay, the game ended 7-6-6, I won, and I especially enjoyed the view of him pumping himself.
The moral of the story? Don't piss me off.
And since we're talking about sportsmanship, I think people really think of it too much as an ego thing, as the "ah beng instinct", as I like to call it.
In sports, u play to win. U don't argue with that. Sportsmanship, to me, is playing ur damn hardest in the game, within ethical means of course, but leaving the court having enjoyed the game, even if it was a loss.Unless there was foul play, of course.
Sportsmanship is NOT hogging the ball during critical moments and not letting ur team mates have a chance to contribute. That is "ah beng instinct".
And people resort to dirty tricks all the time in order to "win". But ya know, I really don't think I'd call that winning. I'd rather call it "ending up with more points than your opponent."
Sportsmanship is healthy competitiveness. The bottom line has always been, and always will be, "It's just a game!"
Finally got new modem set up and stuff. Now I'm using wireless, no more ethernet hassle, no more fighting over the internet connection!
This is such a joyous occasion that I am commemorating it here, at 12.21 a.m. even though I must wake up at 6 plus tomorrow, and I am damn sleepy now!
Tomorrow's the 3on3 competition with WST.
Die, lack of sleep, if tomorrow play very badly then sianz.
This is such a joyous occasion that I am commemorating it here, at 12.21 a.m. even though I must wake up at 6 plus tomorrow, and I am damn sleepy now!
Tomorrow's the 3on3 competition with WST.
Die, lack of sleep, if tomorrow play very badly then sianz.
After suffering without a proper internet connection at home, desperately waiting for the fucking redemption letter from Starhub so that I can go redeem my new linksys, today I realize that the letter has been with my mum for like, 1 week plus!!
Me: Wah we wait for this letter damn long liao why u never tell us?!
Mum: You all never tell me u all waiting for letter ma?!
Me: Got tell u ma, anyway u keep for what?!
Mum: I dunno how to read, dunno what is this lah!!
Me: -_-;;
Clutching the letter by my heart, I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
Wah very long never play bball with Keith they all liao. Today finally had a chance.
End of the day he like face black black.
I think because his team every time lose to mine. Unless I'm on his team muaha.
So competitive aiyo.
Got details for the 3on3 on Saturday liao.
Wah lau, I thought it would be a day for THE WORLD'S SADDEST TEAM to show off our power to the rest of the world, but what the hell, now they say got national players taking part also.
And there's like, 24 frickin teams!!
Jialat. But at least we're guaranteed three games. Think quarter finals also cannot get in haha.
Nevermind lah, faster lose liao then jio gland they all we can play for fun, think their team also very fast kena kick out one ahahah.
Me: Wah we wait for this letter damn long liao why u never tell us?!
Mum: You all never tell me u all waiting for letter ma?!
Me: Got tell u ma, anyway u keep for what?!
Mum: I dunno how to read, dunno what is this lah!!
Me: -_-;;
Clutching the letter by my heart, I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
Wah very long never play bball with Keith they all liao. Today finally had a chance.
End of the day he like face black black.
I think because his team every time lose to mine. Unless I'm on his team muaha.
So competitive aiyo.
Got details for the 3on3 on Saturday liao.
Wah lau, I thought it would be a day for THE WORLD'S SADDEST TEAM to show off our power to the rest of the world, but what the hell, now they say got national players taking part also.
And there's like, 24 frickin teams!!
Jialat. But at least we're guaranteed three games. Think quarter finals also cannot get in haha.
Nevermind lah, faster lose liao then jio gland they all we can play for fun, think their team also very fast kena kick out one ahahah.
Buang: Hey, u're in NUS engineering right, u know about this student engineering club?
Me: Ah? Yeah, every person in engin is forced to join one lah, no choice one.
Buang: Oh, are they good? Do they organize alot of activities? And what's the response like?
Me: Them?? They never organize anything one leh. I only remember engin day. Nothing much one loh, nobody go one also. The only interesting thing about it is the pageant, cos can see people go there and malu themselves haha. Besides that nothing much, once in awhile got stuff like recently got 3on3, only 4 teams took part, very bad lah.
And wah lau, force us to join, no democracy one, join liao also dunno for what.
Eh, anyway, why leh?
Buang: Oh, nothing much lah. Cos they're asking us for sponsorship. Sent us a proposal but it looks very loser so I just call to see what they're really like.
Me: Sponsorship? Fuck! Never tell me earlier, did I just saboh them?
Buang: Haha. I'm gonna reject them.
Me: Fuck! Jia lat. Then what, are they gonna improvise on their proposals and send u more?
Buang: Ya. But nevermind lah, I'll reject them all.
Me: !!!!!!
Me: Ah? Yeah, every person in engin is forced to join one lah, no choice one.
Buang: Oh, are they good? Do they organize alot of activities? And what's the response like?
Me: Them?? They never organize anything one leh. I only remember engin day. Nothing much one loh, nobody go one also. The only interesting thing about it is the pageant, cos can see people go there and malu themselves haha. Besides that nothing much, once in awhile got stuff like recently got 3on3, only 4 teams took part, very bad lah.
And wah lau, force us to join, no democracy one, join liao also dunno for what.
Eh, anyway, why leh?
Buang: Oh, nothing much lah. Cos they're asking us for sponsorship. Sent us a proposal but it looks very loser so I just call to see what they're really like.
Me: Sponsorship? Fuck! Never tell me earlier, did I just saboh them?
Buang: Haha. I'm gonna reject them.
Me: Fuck! Jia lat. Then what, are they gonna improvise on their proposals and send u more?
Buang: Ya. But nevermind lah, I'll reject them all.
Me: !!!!!!
I think I might have a talent for song-writing.
I SWEAR I had some inspiration for content of something like this.
Well I was thinking of someone and I was basically in awe of the fact that hey, whether she remembers me or not, whether she thinks about me still, or not, we stay under the same moon, this same object that everyone sees when we lift our heads at night.
Who knows, there could even be one point of time at which we were BOTH looking at the moon and thinking of each other at the same time!
I thought that was kinda cool.
Even though the chance of that happening is probably like five times ten to the power of infinity..
So yeah, the first time I heard this song, I was astounded, both by the beauty of the lyrics, and the ingenuity of my idea!!
Damn. I should have copyrighted my idea.
Same side of the moon
by Corrinne May
I'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as I kneel to pray
I see the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I picture you across the ocean
In your corner of the world
I pray the wind will blow my voice
And gently whisper in your ear
Your night may be my day
And though the seasons change
It's still the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I SWEAR I had some inspiration for content of something like this.
Well I was thinking of someone and I was basically in awe of the fact that hey, whether she remembers me or not, whether she thinks about me still, or not, we stay under the same moon, this same object that everyone sees when we lift our heads at night.
Who knows, there could even be one point of time at which we were BOTH looking at the moon and thinking of each other at the same time!
I thought that was kinda cool.
Even though the chance of that happening is probably like five times ten to the power of infinity..
So yeah, the first time I heard this song, I was astounded, both by the beauty of the lyrics, and the ingenuity of my idea!!
Damn. I should have copyrighted my idea.
Same side of the moon
by Corrinne May
I'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as I kneel to pray
I see the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I picture you across the ocean
In your corner of the world
I pray the wind will blow my voice
And gently whisper in your ear
Your night may be my day
And though the seasons change
It's still the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all the tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I am here in NUS central library on a Saturday!
I came with the intention of being a mugger for a day, but alas, I have spent more than half the day playing with my laptop and reading other stuff.
Fortunately, there is a pretty girl right opposite me so there's eye candy for me whenever I feel bored. Ah! Just as I'm talking about her she begins to leave, damn.
Anyway just now she was joined by another guy who aproached very cheerily and apparently said hi to her, but she merely gave a glance and went back to her books.
Wah, sibeh dao. I think it's an unsuccessful suitor. Muahaha.
Think she's a PRC. One of them can-make-it PRCs though. And she's like damn hardworking. I only caught her lifting her eyes off her books 3 times! And she only went for one break in like, 5 hours.
That is damn amazing and spectacular lah, particularly for me, who went for like 10 breaks and lift my eyes in search of prey every 10 seconds.
I must learn to be like her, and attack my studies with renewed vigour, man.
But hey, I think I've spent much less time on playing already. Last time I play bball like 4 times a week and I even go to Sentosa every Sunday for vball and I go out every weekend. Now only bball like twice a week and haven't been to Sentosa for a long time and go out on only either Saturday or Sunday.
So studious!
But, shoots, I also realize that probably more than half the NUS population are like 500% more hardworking than me, as I observed from the hordes of people studying in the study areas after bball yesterday, and it's not even exam period!
Market spoilers!!!
I came with the intention of being a mugger for a day, but alas, I have spent more than half the day playing with my laptop and reading other stuff.
Fortunately, there is a pretty girl right opposite me so there's eye candy for me whenever I feel bored. Ah! Just as I'm talking about her she begins to leave, damn.
Anyway just now she was joined by another guy who aproached very cheerily and apparently said hi to her, but she merely gave a glance and went back to her books.
Wah, sibeh dao. I think it's an unsuccessful suitor. Muahaha.
Think she's a PRC. One of them can-make-it PRCs though. And she's like damn hardworking. I only caught her lifting her eyes off her books 3 times! And she only went for one break in like, 5 hours.
That is damn amazing and spectacular lah, particularly for me, who went for like 10 breaks and lift my eyes in search of prey every 10 seconds.
I must learn to be like her, and attack my studies with renewed vigour, man.
But hey, I think I've spent much less time on playing already. Last time I play bball like 4 times a week and I even go to Sentosa every Sunday for vball and I go out every weekend. Now only bball like twice a week and haven't been to Sentosa for a long time and go out on only either Saturday or Sunday.
So studious!
But, shoots, I also realize that probably more than half the NUS population are like 500% more hardworking than me, as I observed from the hordes of people studying in the study areas after bball yesterday, and it's not even exam period!
Market spoilers!!!
Sam proposed to my sis the other day so they're getting married! So exciting leh~~
Dunno when though.
I think Sam is quite nice to my sis, in that he always takes the effort to do nice nice and "sweet" stuff for her. Stuff which I cannot comprehend. Like declaration of love in the papers on vday and flowers and stuff.
If I am a girl, I would rather my boyfriend save all that money and give me a nice fat ang pao instead!
Oh yeah, and he proposed with a ring that costed like 2k. I think my sis choose one ba.
I found out the name of the person who picked up my wallet. Well it sounds like a guy's name so aye, no more fairytale :(
He only left his matric number, no phone number, so I can't treat him to big feast also, so it's not my fault!
Dunno when though.
I think Sam is quite nice to my sis, in that he always takes the effort to do nice nice and "sweet" stuff for her. Stuff which I cannot comprehend. Like declaration of love in the papers on vday and flowers and stuff.
If I am a girl, I would rather my boyfriend save all that money and give me a nice fat ang pao instead!
Oh yeah, and he proposed with a ring that costed like 2k. I think my sis choose one ba.
I found out the name of the person who picked up my wallet. Well it sounds like a guy's name so aye, no more fairytale :(
He only left his matric number, no phone number, so I can't treat him to big feast also, so it's not my fault!