About one year ago, at MS, when I was with Wen Ting, this weird lady came running toward us and handed us each, a coupon and wanted us to go to the information counter for the lady to chop so as to take part in some lucky draw.
We were really puzzled by her actions and wondered if we were on "Gotcha!" or Candid Camera but being extremely benevolent souls, we abided by her wishes and proceeded towards the counter, while she hastily hid in one corner, seemingly afraid that the Flying Tiger Team would swoop in to arrest her for murdering puppies.
Fortunately, no such thing happened and if I do not remember wrongly, we accomplished our mission and ran back towards the mastermind with 2 packets of chrysanthemum tea; prizes of our victory.
I remembered heaving a sigh of relief as the kinda weird woman left happily with her newly found possessions, instead of having some cameraman show up and tell us were on TV or some shit like that.
Today, I was at Suntec with Hui Ting, when alas, the woman showed up again! I wonder if she was after delicious old men like me or she has a special liking towards females with 'Ting' in their names.
So as HT was trying to absorb it all, me, being the veteran of weirdo auntie attacks, cooly went ahead with operation "Rescue Auntie" and got her the prize of a $5 voucher.
As a bonus, we were also entitled to a lucky draw, which the auntie has very, very, very, generously (...) allowed us to participate in ourselves.
As she left, the seriousness of it all dawned on me. This is the beginning of a miraculous journey of fate.
Through the lucky draw, I would win like $1 million and go on to open the cafe of my dreams. I'd be so grateful to the auntie that I'd come back to Suntec to wait for her day and night.
One day, she does appear and tells me we were fated to meet, and it turns out that she's actually the mistress of Li Ka Shing, the owner of Suntec City (read: goddamn rich). Then she takes me as her godson and leaves me with a tremendous amount of wealth.
With so much money, I participate in alot of philanthropy and my dream cafe begins expanding and I have my own IPO and I start having branches all over the world.
Then one day her blood descendant, who has been extremely unfilial to the weird auntie, and thus, has not been left with a single cent, and has become a beggar, goes into my shop.
I realize he has eyes like his mother and I lead him back to the right path and we replace Bill Gates and Warren Buffet as the richest men in the world and I repay my debt to the Weird Auntie and shows the world that kind begets kind, and everyone lives together happily ever after.
And then I wonder again, wtf I am doing at 3.49 a.m. typing such a looney entry.
And I decide that my brain cells have been kind of damaged, probably due to perpetual lack of sleep, and to prevent myself from falling into mental deficit, I shall go and sleep now.
Good night!
We were really puzzled by her actions and wondered if we were on "Gotcha!" or Candid Camera but being extremely benevolent souls, we abided by her wishes and proceeded towards the counter, while she hastily hid in one corner, seemingly afraid that the Flying Tiger Team would swoop in to arrest her for murdering puppies.
Fortunately, no such thing happened and if I do not remember wrongly, we accomplished our mission and ran back towards the mastermind with 2 packets of chrysanthemum tea; prizes of our victory.
I remembered heaving a sigh of relief as the kinda weird woman left happily with her newly found possessions, instead of having some cameraman show up and tell us were on TV or some shit like that.
Today, I was at Suntec with Hui Ting, when alas, the woman showed up again! I wonder if she was after delicious old men like me or she has a special liking towards females with 'Ting' in their names.
So as HT was trying to absorb it all, me, being the veteran of weirdo auntie attacks, cooly went ahead with operation "Rescue Auntie" and got her the prize of a $5 voucher.
As a bonus, we were also entitled to a lucky draw, which the auntie has very, very, very, generously (...) allowed us to participate in ourselves.
As she left, the seriousness of it all dawned on me. This is the beginning of a miraculous journey of fate.
Through the lucky draw, I would win like $1 million and go on to open the cafe of my dreams. I'd be so grateful to the auntie that I'd come back to Suntec to wait for her day and night.
One day, she does appear and tells me we were fated to meet, and it turns out that she's actually the mistress of Li Ka Shing, the owner of Suntec City (read: goddamn rich). Then she takes me as her godson and leaves me with a tremendous amount of wealth.
With so much money, I participate in alot of philanthropy and my dream cafe begins expanding and I have my own IPO and I start having branches all over the world.
Then one day her blood descendant, who has been extremely unfilial to the weird auntie, and thus, has not been left with a single cent, and has become a beggar, goes into my shop.
I realize he has eyes like his mother and I lead him back to the right path and we replace Bill Gates and Warren Buffet as the richest men in the world and I repay my debt to the Weird Auntie and shows the world that kind begets kind, and everyone lives together happily ever after.
And then I wonder again, wtf I am doing at 3.49 a.m. typing such a looney entry.
And I decide that my brain cells have been kind of damaged, probably due to perpetual lack of sleep, and to prevent myself from falling into mental deficit, I shall go and sleep now.
Good night!
AES! A.k.a. Assumption English School, or All Eat Shit.
Ahh.. The place I learnt to play bball..
The security is damn tight now. And security guards are damn fierce weirdos.
He: Who y'all looking for?!
Us: Mrs Lee Ham.
He: No no no I need to know who y'all are looking for else I cannot let y'all in!
Us: Err.. Mrs Lee Ham.
He: I don't need to know your names, I just need to know the person y'all are looking for! (Smoke coming out of his ears)
Us: Ya lah, we're looking for Mrs Leeham, does any one of us look like we're called Mrs Leeham??
I wanted to add a "ta ma de" behind but realized that we have come in peace.
Leeham amazed the shit out of me by remembering all our names. Had quite a good time talking to her and ah Kam a.k.a my Xiao Long Nu (-_-;;) and talking about how we've been doing.
Ah Kam is getting more and more ah lian and pulls no punches and she made our beloved chairman look like some unwanted, hayless scarecrow, the way she worries that he'll never ever get married, hahaha!
And then we proceeded to visit the stupid 4/1 classroom where almost nothing has changed.
And then I took alot of pictures...
He: Who y'all looking for?!
Us: Mrs Lee Ham.
He: No no no I need to know who y'all are looking for else I cannot let y'all in!
Us: Err.. Mrs Lee Ham.
He: I don't need to know your names, I just need to know the person y'all are looking for! (Smoke coming out of his ears)
Us: Ya lah, we're looking for Mrs Leeham, does any one of us look like we're called Mrs Leeham??
I wanted to add a "ta ma de" behind but realized that we have come in peace.
Leeham amazed the shit out of me by remembering all our names. Had quite a good time talking to her and ah Kam a.k.a my Xiao Long Nu (-_-;;) and talking about how we've been doing.
Ah Kam is getting more and more ah lian and pulls no punches and she made our beloved chairman look like some unwanted, hayless scarecrow, the way she worries that he'll never ever get married, hahaha!
And then we proceeded to visit the stupid 4/1 classroom where almost nothing has changed.
And then I took alot of pictures...

(When we're late)

Stupid STARS Program.
And then we went to the canteen.. And as chairman was busy looking for his name amongst the plaques in the prize glass shelves, holy mama, check out this cool shit!
Limpeh's trophy! (The tall one)
Okay lah, it was teamwork, but I was part of the team!
Di Yi Ming sia!!

Okay lah, it was teamwork, but I was part of the team!

I remember our classmates were there to support. Don't misunderstand me, they were FORCED to go. I think after the consolation prizes were announced and we didn't get anything, they were like, "hai, wan dan liao..."
Yeah, and the rest was history. I think this is like the first time AES bloody got a prize for academic stuff.
And then our juniors continued to do us proud by bagging the first prize 3 years in a row, I think.
And we got this Chang Sheng Bei, for consecutive victories, haha.
Yeah okok, they probably never even put in much effort, but still.
We're not just a neighbourhood school leh, we're a notorious neighbourhood school lor.
Oh well, notorious our reputation may be, we have wonderful teachers, and we're still uni kids, so screw rankings, screw reputation, and hail pai kia schools!
Yeah, and the rest was history. I think this is like the first time AES bloody got a prize for academic stuff.

Well the notion of Assumption ENGLISH the pai kia school beating schools like Hwa Chong and erm, Bukit Panjang Govt High is damn wrong.
We're not just a neighbourhood school leh, we're a notorious neighbourhood school lor.
Oh well, notorious our reputation may be, we have wonderful teachers, and we're still uni kids, so screw rankings, screw reputation, and hail pai kia schools!
The Mystery of the Missing Girls.
0 Comments Published by kang on Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 9:54 AM.

Ever wondered why NUS engineering has so few females?
Especially in Mechanical Engineering, where there are like, 20?
Surely there must be more females interested in engineering, right?
Today went to NTU's ME convocation and realized...
They're all there dammit!
Especially in Mechanical Engineering, where there are like, 20?
Surely there must be more females interested in engineering, right?
Today went to NTU's ME convocation and realized...
They're all there dammit!
I think one of my most undesirable traits is my tendency to get jealous over the smallest matters.
I'm probably going to be, and probably have been, a lousy other half because of this cursed characteristic.
I do know that sometimes I do the same kind of frivolous thing myself, but when the other party does it, I would still get pretty pissed.
I know I shouldn't, I should be more magnanimous, but I really cannot control myself at times!
I'm probably going to be, and probably have been, a lousy other half because of this cursed characteristic.
I do know that sometimes I do the same kind of frivolous thing myself, but when the other party does it, I would still get pretty pissed.
I know I shouldn't, I should be more magnanimous, but I really cannot control myself at times!
Sometimes you think you've got a hundred and one things to blog about and you fire up blogger.com and you log in and then you realize you don't really know what you want to say.
It dilligently does its job, dutifully alerting me for every single virus it has found, disrupting my MSN conversations, my web browsing, and then ends up telling me that all 200 plus viruses have been "detected successfully", but cannot be fixed or deleted.
Dammit then detect lai for fuck?
Dammit then detect lai for fuck?
It dilligently does its job, dutifully alerting me for every single virus it has found, disrupting my MSN conversations, my web browsing, and then ends up telling me that all 200 plus viruses have been "detected successfully", but cannot be fixed or deleted.
Dammit then detect lai for fuck?
Dammit then detect lai for fuck?
Students of NUS!
Do check out the new Steamboat place at SRC! It's run by China people and by rights it's super traditional China steamboat.
You pay $6 and they give you a bowl of rice, the stock soup and one bloody big plate of meat, vege and dong fen etc.
And plus all the weirdo gravy they have, it all adds up to just two words: DAMN NICE!
Tonight was even better; the canoe polo team had training, so not only did we enjoy good food, we also had one hell of a "good view".
Well they do sell western as well but I haven't tried before so I can't comment. But aye, western everywhere also got, so unless it's damn good, I think the steamboat would be the biggest selling point.
Do check out the new Steamboat place at SRC! It's run by China people and by rights it's super traditional China steamboat.
You pay $6 and they give you a bowl of rice, the stock soup and one bloody big plate of meat, vege and dong fen etc.
And plus all the weirdo gravy they have, it all adds up to just two words: DAMN NICE!
Tonight was even better; the canoe polo team had training, so not only did we enjoy good food, we also had one hell of a "good view".
Well they do sell western as well but I haven't tried before so I can't comment. But aye, western everywhere also got, so unless it's damn good, I think the steamboat would be the biggest selling point.
Got this uber cool image from Chek.

The never-ending headbutt controversy. Most folks think Zidane was at fault, but if you're not in his shoes, I guess you can't really comment.
If it were me, I think I would have reacted the same way; maybe not headbutt lah, maybe I would've haduken-ed him or something.
They stole my phone, peeked at my pictures, and accused me of voyerism! Damn comical, screaming and gaping and passing around my phone.
I retaliated and said they were merely very harmless pics of my colleagues wad! Just abit candid.
Well after some further thinking, I realized it really was kind of intrusion on privacy!!
I think there really is only a thin thin line between right and wrong.
Okay, to atone for my sins, I SHALL.
Well, delete the pictures.
The never-ending headbutt controversy. Most folks think Zidane was at fault, but if you're not in his shoes, I guess you can't really comment.
If it were me, I think I would have reacted the same way; maybe not headbutt lah, maybe I would've haduken-ed him or something.
They stole my phone, peeked at my pictures, and accused me of voyerism! Damn comical, screaming and gaping and passing around my phone.
I retaliated and said they were merely very harmless pics of my colleagues wad! Just abit candid.
Well after some further thinking, I realized it really was kind of intrusion on privacy!!
I think there really is only a thin thin line between right and wrong.
Okay, to atone for my sins, I SHALL.
Well, delete the pictures.
Hello, my friends.
Today I wanna pitch to you, the best MP3 player in the entire universe.
Okay lah, that's bull.
Truth is, I didn't really like it after I bought it, so I'm trying to sell it off here.
"Don't like still want to sell?!"
Ok lah of course I'm not such an evil menace. It isn't such a sucky player afterall; it's 1 GB big, can play FM, can even play movies, though you probably won't ever use that function, cos the screen is so damn small.
Alright, below's an honest to goodness review of the player.
-Sleek, looks like Nano, aesthetically, it's pretty chio.
-All the functions you would want from a MP3 player included.
-Lots of space.
-DAMN cheap.
-Made in China.
-Don't like the interface. Background got lotus one :( Maybe can change though, I just dunno how.
It really isn't such a bad player afterall; I have another player, I bought this just to watch movies, but realized I can't that's why I've decided to sell it.
Now for the vito factor. The price!
Well I bought it for $96, though the market rate was more than $100 at the time I bought.
Now I'm selling it for $60.
Do let me know if you're interested okay? Or if you have friend interested can ask him/her come visit my blog also.
Treat you eat dinner.
Price is negotiable by the way.
Will upload a pic once I get my stupid bluetooth working.
Update: 19/07/06
Got my bluetooth working, so here ya go!
Yeah it comes with silicone casing. Please note that the laptop in the background is not included in the package. (Sorry)
Today I wanna pitch to you, the best MP3 player in the entire universe.
Okay lah, that's bull.
Truth is, I didn't really like it after I bought it, so I'm trying to sell it off here.
"Don't like still want to sell?!"
Ok lah of course I'm not such an evil menace. It isn't such a sucky player afterall; it's 1 GB big, can play FM, can even play movies, though you probably won't ever use that function, cos the screen is so damn small.
Alright, below's an honest to goodness review of the player.
-Sleek, looks like Nano, aesthetically, it's pretty chio.
-All the functions you would want from a MP3 player included.
-Lots of space.
-DAMN cheap.
-Made in China.
-Don't like the interface. Background got lotus one :( Maybe can change though, I just dunno how.
It really isn't such a bad player afterall; I have another player, I bought this just to watch movies, but realized I can't that's why I've decided to sell it.
Now for the vito factor. The price!
Well I bought it for $96, though the market rate was more than $100 at the time I bought.
Now I'm selling it for $60.
Do let me know if you're interested okay? Or if you have friend interested can ask him/her come visit my blog also.
Treat you eat dinner.
Price is negotiable by the way.
Will upload a pic once I get my stupid bluetooth working.
Update: 19/07/06
Got my bluetooth working, so here ya go!

I think ever since the holidays started, I'm the only bugger still updating my blog on a fairly consistent basis. I try to blog everyday actually, cos I think it's a good way to organize my thoughts, but sometimes I really get damn restless.
The day started with my baby laughter ringtone screeching until I woke up in horror to realize it was Shervenne saying paycheck's ready for collection. So we're meeting up on Tues for dinner woohoo.
And then Alvin jio-ed us go JB for dinner, I said I'm going school for bball, but bm scolded me anti-social, at the precise moment I felt lazy to bball, so ended up going with them.
I think once you realize that Secret Recipe cakes there are selling at half the price compared to Singapore, you'll never eat another SR cake in S'pore ever again.
I mean, less than 3 bloody bucks for such wonderful tasting bits of heaven??
Kudos to Eugene and his trusty Corolla.
Less than a month left until school starts.
I think next sem would be a killer.
The day started with my baby laughter ringtone screeching until I woke up in horror to realize it was Shervenne saying paycheck's ready for collection. So we're meeting up on Tues for dinner woohoo.
And then Alvin jio-ed us go JB for dinner, I said I'm going school for bball, but bm scolded me anti-social, at the precise moment I felt lazy to bball, so ended up going with them.
I think once you realize that Secret Recipe cakes there are selling at half the price compared to Singapore, you'll never eat another SR cake in S'pore ever again.
I mean, less than 3 bloody bucks for such wonderful tasting bits of heaven??
Kudos to Eugene and his trusty Corolla.
Less than a month left until school starts.
I think next sem would be a killer.
I just deleted an entire post because it was too melodramatic, and with all the putrid auras drifting around these days, I decided to save the Earth and swallowed back the dirty gas.
The martyr in me.
Pirates of the Caribbean was good; better than expected.
"Captain Jack Sparrow went to Singapore!"
National pride. (Or were we being made fun of?)
Some unknown girl added me in friendster. I thought this kind of thing only happens to girls?
3 hours of pool is a very expensive activity.
I'm cynical.
When I see how pure and innocent some people are, I wonder if I'm TOO cynical.
Don't they doubt people too? Is everyone kind and peace-loving in their eyes?
Why am I always the one warning people about ulterior motives and hidden agendas?
$6.70 is way too expensive for a cup of Caramel Latte.
Is this a very haphazard entry?
The Kite Runner is a really good book, it brings your bladders near your eyes. Oh wait, that's 'Tis.
I don't know what I'm typing.
But I'm not even very sleepy.
Aiyah, fuck.
Just post.
The martyr in me.
Pirates of the Caribbean was good; better than expected.
"Captain Jack Sparrow went to Singapore!"
National pride. (Or were we being made fun of?)
Some unknown girl added me in friendster. I thought this kind of thing only happens to girls?
3 hours of pool is a very expensive activity.
I'm cynical.
When I see how pure and innocent some people are, I wonder if I'm TOO cynical.
Don't they doubt people too? Is everyone kind and peace-loving in their eyes?
Why am I always the one warning people about ulterior motives and hidden agendas?
$6.70 is way too expensive for a cup of Caramel Latte.
Is this a very haphazard entry?
The Kite Runner is a really good book, it brings your bladders near your eyes. Oh wait, that's 'Tis.
I don't know what I'm typing.
But I'm not even very sleepy.
Aiyah, fuck.
Just post.
Last time got Han Dynasty.
Now got Scum Dynasty.
Ok nevermind.
Never really talked to these year's freshies. But apparently they're more zai than our batch, and according to the girls, the guys are better looking too, haha.
Their dance was definitely better than ours. I really don't understand how we won.
Now got Scum Dynasty.
Ok nevermind.
Never really talked to these year's freshies. But apparently they're more zai than our batch, and according to the girls, the guys are better looking too, haha.
Their dance was definitely better than ours. I really don't understand how we won.
Went to town alone for the first time in my life today~
Being alone and being with someone really feels quite different. When I'm alone I can take my own sweet time to check out all the books I want at Kino's.
Sometimes going out by yourself feels good too.
And I ended up buying Sudoku for mum. But I got a feeling it's not the kinda game she likes. I'll probably be the one playing most haha! (My table is so messy)
From Kino's I went to Borders. Holy shit, I really dunno when I became so bookish. If I had a girlfriend, she'd probably suspect Ms Shu is my mistress.
Okay, not funny.
Got one chiobu at Borders, so I went to sit next to her. No other space lah. And I was reading The Game, a book on pick-up artists; I hope she didn't realize.
Nowadays the rules and regulations have become so erratic I don't even know where smoking is allowed and where it's not. So the safest place is somewhere you SEE other people smoke.
And I realized lao4 hong1 cigs taste horrible. I nearly wanted to throw the whole pack away.
And then I went to Starbucks at night, again alone, and read somemore.
Kite Runner is a damn good book. One of those books that make you not want to stop reading. And gets you damn worked up. And the simplicity of the language is beautiful.
At moments when you expect colouful language filled with emotions, to describe the immense pain and mental torture of the character, the author instead makes do with just a single word, which actually elevates the effect.
And being in that familiar place, I realized that I was still wearing the same watch, carrying the same bag, wearing the same shoes, same clothes, drinking from the same bottle, and suddenly I felt especially alone.
Being alone and being with someone really feels quite different. When I'm alone I can take my own sweet time to check out all the books I want at Kino's.
Sometimes going out by yourself feels good too.

From Kino's I went to Borders. Holy shit, I really dunno when I became so bookish. If I had a girlfriend, she'd probably suspect Ms Shu is my mistress.
Okay, not funny.
Got one chiobu at Borders, so I went to sit next to her. No other space lah. And I was reading The Game, a book on pick-up artists; I hope she didn't realize.
Nowadays the rules and regulations have become so erratic I don't even know where smoking is allowed and where it's not. So the safest place is somewhere you SEE other people smoke.
And I realized lao4 hong1 cigs taste horrible. I nearly wanted to throw the whole pack away.
And then I went to Starbucks at night, again alone, and read somemore.
Kite Runner is a damn good book. One of those books that make you not want to stop reading. And gets you damn worked up. And the simplicity of the language is beautiful.
At moments when you expect colouful language filled with emotions, to describe the immense pain and mental torture of the character, the author instead makes do with just a single word, which actually elevates the effect.
And being in that familiar place, I realized that I was still wearing the same watch, carrying the same bag, wearing the same shoes, same clothes, drinking from the same bottle, and suddenly I felt especially alone.
In an hour's time I'm going back to school. Not for official lessons, fortunately, but for the first FSAE meeting.
Told papa about it the day before, and turns out that he's not very happy about me being involved because we'd have to drive the car. Said he was just feeling sorry about his friend whose son goes to M'sia to race, and here his son is telling him he's going to the United States of America to race.
But I'm not going there to race! FSAE is an engineering competition, and the racing is but a very small component of the competition. And because it's such a large-scale event, there are very stringent rules and regulations that we have to comply to and I'm sure it's, well, pretty safe.
Guess I'd get around to soothing his anxieties soon lah.
AnywayZ, as a prelude of what is to come, or, I suspect, as a way of wanting to scare us new members, Prof has very kindly forwarded to us not-very-friendly-looking FSAE rulebook that is 125 pages long, and gently shared with us the fact that if we read just 10 pages a day, it would only take only 12 days to finish it wow! -_-;;
As if that weren't enough, he also forwarded us a very harmless-looking excel file, which I soon learnt, was the parts catalog of just the transmission parts, which already came up to a total of 1000 pieces, very professionally detailed with the weights of the parts up to 3 decimal places, and their respective costs.
Gawd, do I have much to learn.
Told papa about it the day before, and turns out that he's not very happy about me being involved because we'd have to drive the car. Said he was just feeling sorry about his friend whose son goes to M'sia to race, and here his son is telling him he's going to the United States of America to race.
But I'm not going there to race! FSAE is an engineering competition, and the racing is but a very small component of the competition. And because it's such a large-scale event, there are very stringent rules and regulations that we have to comply to and I'm sure it's, well, pretty safe.
Guess I'd get around to soothing his anxieties soon lah.
AnywayZ, as a prelude of what is to come, or, I suspect, as a way of wanting to scare us new members, Prof has very kindly forwarded to us not-very-friendly-looking FSAE rulebook that is 125 pages long, and gently shared with us the fact that if we read just 10 pages a day, it would only take only 12 days to finish it wow! -_-;;
As if that weren't enough, he also forwarded us a very harmless-looking excel file, which I soon learnt, was the parts catalog of just the transmission parts, which already came up to a total of 1000 pieces, very professionally detailed with the weights of the parts up to 3 decimal places, and their respective costs.
Gawd, do I have much to learn.
Gee, I've got profanities on the tagboard I was forced to delete again, sorry *censored* face.
As a sign of respect, I have manually copied and pasted your entire tag, censoring off only the obscenities. Hope you don't mind! If you don't like me doing that, don't use so chor de language lah~
Are you huat? How come change name?
Anywayz, here's the tag!
<*censored* face>: nabeh pwah ter bye ! you think you go NUS means you very great isit ? fuck you understand. Let me tell you something, *censored*. NUS most of the graduates all unemployed. End up having to *censored* people *censored* to make ends meet.
Firstly, hahaha!
I thought "*censored* face" is something you use to scold people one, how come you use it as your own nick? Anyway, I've always thought it was a very nonsensical way of scolding people, that doesn't make sense at all, and I'm truly sorry that you have a face that looks like a female body part.
Holy shit, did I censor the word for nothing?
And no, I don't think going to NUS makes me very great. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings cos I'm sure you're from some lesser institution.
No lah kidding lah. You sound like you're from poly but hey, I have many friends from poly whom I think are really street-smart and intelligent, so why're you getting so worked up?
"NUS most of the graduates all unemployed."
I'm sorry if this sounds insulting, but which cave do you stay at? I shan't bother to attack your obvious lack of proficiency in grammar, but holy cow, at least get your facts right?
And regarding your last comment...
I hope you ARE a poly student and not a uni-grad who's unfortunately been unable to find a job for 20 years and chose to degrade yourself and done that kinda thing...
If the latter were true, I'm truly sorry if I've hurt your feelings and I take back my words because not only do you have a misformed face, you've also worked damn hard at your studies only to end up... Like this...
Disclaimer: The owner of lorlilorsor.blogspot.com bears no grudge against any mentioned party, and definitely has no biased opinion towards any institution of learning. If he has shown signs of any of the above, he sincerely apologizes, because he was merely attempting to piss off the funny bugger who's been persistently trying to taint his usually quite-profanities-free blog.
As a sign of respect, I have manually copied and pasted your entire tag, censoring off only the obscenities. Hope you don't mind! If you don't like me doing that, don't use so chor de language lah~
Are you huat? How come change name?
Anywayz, here's the tag!
<*censored* face>: nabeh pwah ter bye ! you think you go NUS means you very great isit ? fuck you understand. Let me tell you something, *censored*. NUS most of the graduates all unemployed. End up having to *censored* people *censored* to make ends meet.
Firstly, hahaha!
I thought "*censored* face" is something you use to scold people one, how come you use it as your own nick? Anyway, I've always thought it was a very nonsensical way of scolding people, that doesn't make sense at all, and I'm truly sorry that you have a face that looks like a female body part.
Holy shit, did I censor the word for nothing?
And no, I don't think going to NUS makes me very great. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings cos I'm sure you're from some lesser institution.
No lah kidding lah. You sound like you're from poly but hey, I have many friends from poly whom I think are really street-smart and intelligent, so why're you getting so worked up?
"NUS most of the graduates all unemployed."
I'm sorry if this sounds insulting, but which cave do you stay at? I shan't bother to attack your obvious lack of proficiency in grammar, but holy cow, at least get your facts right?
And regarding your last comment...
I hope you ARE a poly student and not a uni-grad who's unfortunately been unable to find a job for 20 years and chose to degrade yourself and done that kinda thing...
If the latter were true, I'm truly sorry if I've hurt your feelings and I take back my words because not only do you have a misformed face, you've also worked damn hard at your studies only to end up... Like this...
Disclaimer: The owner of lorlilorsor.blogspot.com bears no grudge against any mentioned party, and definitely has no biased opinion towards any institution of learning. If he has shown signs of any of the above, he sincerely apologizes, because he was merely attempting to piss off the funny bugger who's been persistently trying to taint his usually quite-profanities-free blog.
Met up with Xunming, Sharon, Chia Hui and Shervenne for lunch today. "Weather" was bad in the office I think, I heard Shervenne got bullied by Jo hur hur.
She never ceases to amuse me with her cuteness. She is daaaaamn adorable and likeable lah. Damn I'm so entertained by her I'm disgusted with myself.
Xunming the Strong managed to get his coffee treat from his heart's desire, in addition to her phone number and MSN!
Strong lah him. That day sent me one damn kuai lan sms: "I'm strong, you're weak. Fortune favours the strong."
Can you believe it?
I'm going back to school next Tuesday for FSAE lecture.
Met Kenny, Ming Yuan and Dennis, their supervisor at night.
Dennis is a super car-enthusiast. From Philipines.
And he drifts. Damn cool. If I run into any problems in FSAE I can ask him.
First month in Singapore, he already kena-ed 3 speeding tickets. Cos he saw "Pan-Island Expressway", looked like road that allows very high speeds. So he drove at like 140km/h, so fast he probably never even saw the cameras flashing.
Smart thing was he got his aunt to pay the fines. And his aunt managed to get her company to pay the fines because she's some director there.
Me: Wah then nothing happened to your driving record?
Him: Driving record? I no driving license.
Me: !!!!
She never ceases to amuse me with her cuteness. She is daaaaamn adorable and likeable lah. Damn I'm so entertained by her I'm disgusted with myself.
Xunming the Strong managed to get his coffee treat from his heart's desire, in addition to her phone number and MSN!
Strong lah him. That day sent me one damn kuai lan sms: "I'm strong, you're weak. Fortune favours the strong."
Can you believe it?
I'm going back to school next Tuesday for FSAE lecture.
Met Kenny, Ming Yuan and Dennis, their supervisor at night.
Dennis is a super car-enthusiast. From Philipines.
And he drifts. Damn cool. If I run into any problems in FSAE I can ask him.
First month in Singapore, he already kena-ed 3 speeding tickets. Cos he saw "Pan-Island Expressway", looked like road that allows very high speeds. So he drove at like 140km/h, so fast he probably never even saw the cameras flashing.
Smart thing was he got his aunt to pay the fines. And his aunt managed to get her company to pay the fines because she's some director there.
Me: Wah then nothing happened to your driving record?
Him: Driving record? I no driving license.
Me: !!!!
Just came back from SP night. Never talked to the freshies at all, but the whole event was well, pretty okay I guess, due to good location.
Was a kinda happening night cos I saw first-hand how vehicles are towed, step-by-step. So interesting. But aye, I worry for JH; wonder how much he gotta pay.
Anyway, the whole reason behind me being such a coconut and logging in at 3.21 a.m. to blog is because I got accepted into the FSAE team!
I've been worried that I won't be able to get in cos of my extremely undesirable results but hey, I did.
18 people in the team, don't know if any would be kicked out in future, but in any case, if there is, I hope I won't be the one. I've always thought I'm a person who performs like shit at stuff I hate, but excel at my passions and am especially perserverant. I hope this is the case with FASE.
I just hope cars are really my passion and not just a short-lived romance.
To cut a long story short, ME2 onwards we would start taking fucking xiong lectures and hands-on on how to build a race car. Year 3, we start building the car from scratch and bring it for dry runs. Year 4, we go to U.S. to compete, and come back to bring glory to NUS!
It's a beautiful picture.
From the time I came to NUS open house years ago, I've seen the race car and been envious of the people in the team.
And now.
*Looks up at the starry night with tears in my eyes and clutches my heart in gratitude*
Was a kinda happening night cos I saw first-hand how vehicles are towed, step-by-step. So interesting. But aye, I worry for JH; wonder how much he gotta pay.
Anyway, the whole reason behind me being such a coconut and logging in at 3.21 a.m. to blog is because I got accepted into the FSAE team!
I've been worried that I won't be able to get in cos of my extremely undesirable results but hey, I did.
18 people in the team, don't know if any would be kicked out in future, but in any case, if there is, I hope I won't be the one. I've always thought I'm a person who performs like shit at stuff I hate, but excel at my passions and am especially perserverant. I hope this is the case with FASE.
I just hope cars are really my passion and not just a short-lived romance.
To cut a long story short, ME2 onwards we would start taking fucking xiong lectures and hands-on on how to build a race car. Year 3, we start building the car from scratch and bring it for dry runs. Year 4, we go to U.S. to compete, and come back to bring glory to NUS!
It's a beautiful picture.
From the time I came to NUS open house years ago, I've seen the race car and been envious of the people in the team.
And now.
*Looks up at the starry night with tears in my eyes and clutches my heart in gratitude*

This is a very interesting piece from the book S.U.M.O written by Paul McGee.
The George Carlin Theory
The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends...
I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time and what do you get at the end of it?
I mean, what's that, a bonus?
I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you move on to an old people's home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch and then you go to work.
You work for forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You have fun, party plenty, then you get ready for your senior school. Then you go to junior school, you become a kid, you play and you have no responsibilities.
You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, spend your last nine months floating..
And you finish off as an orgasm.
The George Carlin Theory
The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends...
I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time and what do you get at the end of it?
I mean, what's that, a bonus?
I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you move on to an old people's home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch and then you go to work.
You work for forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You have fun, party plenty, then you get ready for your senior school. Then you go to junior school, you become a kid, you play and you have no responsibilities.
You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, spend your last nine months floating..
And you finish off as an orgasm.