After Math lecture today I was walking towards IT cluster when I realized that my butt felt slightly lighter than usual and to my horror, I found my wallet missing!
Chionged back to the LT where people coming for the next lecture were getting seated.
I couldn't find it. Was muttering "fuck fuck fuck" all the way as I proceeded to AV room to ask about lost and found items and stuff.
Decided to come back to the LT at their one-hour break to ask the lecturer if anyone reported having found anything.
Meanwhile, went to IT cluster to grieve and to figure out back-up plans. Cos I had my license, matric card and 11B inside, and losing them could mean serious hassle and money!
Well went back to the LT after 45 minutes to sit in for the lecture, after visiting Engin AVA unit and Dean's offfice. Waited for the lecturer to announce the break. But hell, nobody reported anything.
Feeling extremely depressed, I went back to IT cluster to grieve for another hour while waiting for the next lecture. I was telling Kenny whoever finds my wallet and gives it back to me, I'm gonna marry her.
Aye, losing wallets really suck. Borrowed 10 bucks from him and some coins so I can take bus home. So pathetic. After the lecture, made one last
垂 死 的 挣 扎 and went back to where I was sitting before to search for it again.
And yeah, nothing.
With pain in my heart, I walked out, whipped out my phone and was gonna call my papa as a last resort to ask him to check if I dropped it in the car while driving. And yeah, was prepared for one hell of a earful.
As I was selecting papa's number from the phonebook, I happened to see security guard so I closed the phone and asked her what the procedure was like if I wanna report loss. Well thought it better to have my ass covered everywhere.
She started asking me what colour my wallet was, what was inside etc, and I nearly jumped up in joy as she said a wallet was found this morning in LT7A!!
So yeah, I chionged all the way to YIH to recover the wallet without further trouble. I still remember the scene where the person took out the wallet from the drawer and asked "Is this is one?"
My wallet never looked more beautiful and reassuring. I told myself I'm never gonna lose it again.
Went on to ask if they knew who brought them the wallet. They said the security people would know and I should ask them. And that's just what I'm gonna do tomorrow!
I must at least treat the person to a meal or something man. I think he/she just saved me lots of hassle, worry, and like, a hundred bucks.
Bm says maybe a very kind chiobu picked it up. Wah lau, like that very fairy tale loh. I think this kind of thing only happens in dramas hahah.
So exciting, I wonder who the person was.
Chionged back to the LT where people coming for the next lecture were getting seated.
I couldn't find it. Was muttering "fuck fuck fuck" all the way as I proceeded to AV room to ask about lost and found items and stuff.
Decided to come back to the LT at their one-hour break to ask the lecturer if anyone reported having found anything.
Meanwhile, went to IT cluster to grieve and to figure out back-up plans. Cos I had my license, matric card and 11B inside, and losing them could mean serious hassle and money!
Well went back to the LT after 45 minutes to sit in for the lecture, after visiting Engin AVA unit and Dean's offfice. Waited for the lecturer to announce the break. But hell, nobody reported anything.
Feeling extremely depressed, I went back to IT cluster to grieve for another hour while waiting for the next lecture. I was telling Kenny whoever finds my wallet and gives it back to me, I'm gonna marry her.
Aye, losing wallets really suck. Borrowed 10 bucks from him and some coins so I can take bus home. So pathetic. After the lecture, made one last
垂 死 的 挣 扎 and went back to where I was sitting before to search for it again.
And yeah, nothing.
With pain in my heart, I walked out, whipped out my phone and was gonna call my papa as a last resort to ask him to check if I dropped it in the car while driving. And yeah, was prepared for one hell of a earful.
As I was selecting papa's number from the phonebook, I happened to see security guard so I closed the phone and asked her what the procedure was like if I wanna report loss. Well thought it better to have my ass covered everywhere.
She started asking me what colour my wallet was, what was inside etc, and I nearly jumped up in joy as she said a wallet was found this morning in LT7A!!
So yeah, I chionged all the way to YIH to recover the wallet without further trouble. I still remember the scene where the person took out the wallet from the drawer and asked "Is this is one?"
My wallet never looked more beautiful and reassuring. I told myself I'm never gonna lose it again.
Went on to ask if they knew who brought them the wallet. They said the security people would know and I should ask them. And that's just what I'm gonna do tomorrow!
I must at least treat the person to a meal or something man. I think he/she just saved me lots of hassle, worry, and like, a hundred bucks.
Bm says maybe a very kind chiobu picked it up. Wah lau, like that very fairy tale loh. I think this kind of thing only happens in dramas hahah.
So exciting, I wonder who the person was.
I dunno what's happening to me these days.
I've been having loss of appetite and I can't really eat and I keep feeling like vomitting.
I used to eat like a pig one leh...
Am I going to die soon?
Yesterday was Street Games Challenge. There were like 10 teams and we came in fourth.
Damn, one more position and we would have won something. It's not likely to be anything spectacular though, because the goodie bag, which consisted of an unwanted issue of Newman, some biscuits, mineral water and I dunno what, basically was cheapskate.
And not only do they not have free drinks (what happened to iced milo?!), they are also trying to SELL us canned drinks at one dollar per can when there are vending machines selling them at 90 cents per can 200 metres away.
Well regarding the games, I think we played okay, considering the fact that we were damn turned off when we learnt of the fixture! There were 2 two hour breaks in between! I was like, wah fuck, can we just lose this and go home?
At least the 2 games we lost were only by 2 and 4 points respectively arh. Those we won, we won by alot arh, about 10 points. We were first in our group loh!
I think we lost both games because limpeh is not a real center lah, me is fake one, had to be center because I'm the tallest aye. In the prelims game I think I looked like I was fighting a moving tree man. The other game we lost, the center style was damn like mine, wahahah, sibeh stylo, we like mirror image.
I am too scrawny to be a center lah. Me is GUARD!!!!!!!!
But I guess I did gain some experience from this, and I was enlightened by Glenn about something I never thought of that could be real useful in future.
Well and thanks to the crazy weather, I'm sunburnt again.
While I was having the street games thingy, bm was fighting for table tennis Inter Faculty Games upstairs.
They came in second woohoo.
Now we each got one IFG medal haha. Though mine was like free frag cos I didn't even play much.
I've been having loss of appetite and I can't really eat and I keep feeling like vomitting.
I used to eat like a pig one leh...
Am I going to die soon?
Yesterday was Street Games Challenge. There were like 10 teams and we came in fourth.
Damn, one more position and we would have won something. It's not likely to be anything spectacular though, because the goodie bag, which consisted of an unwanted issue of Newman, some biscuits, mineral water and I dunno what, basically was cheapskate.
And not only do they not have free drinks (what happened to iced milo?!), they are also trying to SELL us canned drinks at one dollar per can when there are vending machines selling them at 90 cents per can 200 metres away.
Well regarding the games, I think we played okay, considering the fact that we were damn turned off when we learnt of the fixture! There were 2 two hour breaks in between! I was like, wah fuck, can we just lose this and go home?
At least the 2 games we lost were only by 2 and 4 points respectively arh. Those we won, we won by alot arh, about 10 points. We were first in our group loh!
I think we lost both games because limpeh is not a real center lah, me is fake one, had to be center because I'm the tallest aye. In the prelims game I think I looked like I was fighting a moving tree man. The other game we lost, the center style was damn like mine, wahahah, sibeh stylo, we like mirror image.
I am too scrawny to be a center lah. Me is GUARD!!!!!!!!
But I guess I did gain some experience from this, and I was enlightened by Glenn about something I never thought of that could be real useful in future.
Well and thanks to the crazy weather, I'm sunburnt again.
While I was having the street games thingy, bm was fighting for table tennis Inter Faculty Games upstairs.
They came in second woohoo.
Now we each got one IFG medal haha. Though mine was like free frag cos I didn't even play much.
Been having bad experiences on public transport.
I was standing on the bus the other day after a long day of lessons and test and preparing for the next test, at about 11 p.m, when this bunch of funky-looking, but extremely noisy girls got onto the bus.
I was originally standing like this.
After they got on there was a sudden surge of
noise pollution and I started having trouble
reading my programming text book.
When the bus got even more crowded I had to close my textbook as shrieking girls had me surrounded leaving me feeling extremely intimidated and vulnerable.
Yesterday was worse. I was on the way to WST dinner and was again standing on the bus.
I was originally standing like this.
After awhile my spider sense sensed something amissand smelled something weird and to my horror, I looked up and found myself surrounded by... by... by.....
I felt overwhelming despair as the bus became even more crowded over time....
The above diagram does not even accurately describe my situation. As we all know, air molecules, being extremely small, fill up every little space in your surroundings...
To add salt to the wound, my height was such that their heads were like, exactly under my nose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear I thought my nose was gonna bleed and explode.
I'm not trying to be racist or anything, because I know they can't do anything about their..erm... pervasive characteristic.
Instead, I am trying to bring forward a meaningful lesson!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls.
It may be everywhere(almost), it may be free, BUT, fresh air is very very very precious, okay!!
As I chionged off the bus, I took in a big gulp of air and told myself I must never, ever take fresh air for granted again.
So let us take 10 seconds breathing in fresh air and appreciating what we actually have!
I was standing on the bus the other day after a long day of lessons and test and preparing for the next test, at about 11 p.m, when this bunch of funky-looking, but extremely noisy girls got onto the bus.
I was originally standing like this.
After they got on there was a sudden surge of
noise pollution and I started having trouble
reading my programming text book.
When the bus got even more crowded I had to close my textbook as shrieking girls had me surrounded leaving me feeling extremely intimidated and vulnerable.
Yesterday was worse. I was on the way to WST dinner and was again standing on the bus.
I was originally standing like this.
After awhile my spider sense sensed something amissand smelled something weird and to my horror, I looked up and found myself surrounded by... by... by.....
I felt overwhelming despair as the bus became even more crowded over time....
The above diagram does not even accurately describe my situation. As we all know, air molecules, being extremely small, fill up every little space in your surroundings...
To add salt to the wound, my height was such that their heads were like, exactly under my nose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear I thought my nose was gonna bleed and explode.
I'm not trying to be racist or anything, because I know they can't do anything about their..erm... pervasive characteristic.
Instead, I am trying to bring forward a meaningful lesson!
Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls.
It may be everywhere(almost), it may be free, BUT, fresh air is very very very precious, okay!!
As I chionged off the bus, I took in a big gulp of air and told myself I must never, ever take fresh air for granted again.
So let us take 10 seconds breathing in fresh air and appreciating what we actually have!
Aiyoh, why this year everyone's vday like not happening one. I see all the blogs like never mention anything special one. Then my friends also all dunno what, got lesson until 6pm or need to go home study or potential date got lesson till late blahz.
Hot dates with Faraday and Newton and Thevenin and whatever.
Was family day for me haha cos I was out with bm. I was saying we should call it biao ge biao mei day. I kept saying she should at least let me give her a treat but she keeps saying "But you are not my date!!"
So I was like "FINE" haha.
Sat's last day of Mid terms. Was gonna go for Engin 3on3 after that and night cycling following that but Engin 3on3 might be cancelled due to bad response and there are no more vacancies in night cycling ha.
Fated lah.
He asked me to think of the name for the team and I was thinking "3K" cos our names all start with K. But he say damn song2. He suggested since I got World's Saddest Team, we could name this one World's Happiest Team!
Well erm, the idea is cool but it sounds damn cartoon.
I suggested World's Tallest Fellas. Then acronym damn stylo. WTF!!
And he was like "Fuck you!"
Hot dates with Faraday and Newton and Thevenin and whatever.
Was family day for me haha cos I was out with bm. I was saying we should call it biao ge biao mei day. I kept saying she should at least let me give her a treat but she keeps saying "But you are not my date!!"
So I was like "FINE" haha.
Sat's last day of Mid terms. Was gonna go for Engin 3on3 after that and night cycling following that but Engin 3on3 might be cancelled due to bad response and there are no more vacancies in night cycling ha.
Fated lah.
He asked me to think of the name for the team and I was thinking "3K" cos our names all start with K. But he say damn song2. He suggested since I got World's Saddest Team, we could name this one World's Happiest Team!
Well erm, the idea is cool but it sounds damn cartoon.
I suggested World's Tallest Fellas. Then acronym damn stylo. WTF!!
And he was like "Fuck you!"
The greatest gift I got from Mr Murphy this Valentine's is the crumbling of my internet connection.
Well after faithfully serving us quietly for like 5 years, Mr Modem has finally peacefully passed away three days ago.
Although u would definitely be substituted by someone new in time, u would never be forgotten. Five years of warcraft and msn and other miscellaneous stuff!
Power lah u. Kudos.
Right now I'm using wireless connection from some poor soul called Dreyzel I think. I didn't even expect it to work haha. I wonder if he knows I'm stealing his network.
Anyway thanks lah!
Well after faithfully serving us quietly for like 5 years, Mr Modem has finally peacefully passed away three days ago.
Although u would definitely be substituted by someone new in time, u would never be forgotten. Five years of warcraft and msn and other miscellaneous stuff!
Power lah u. Kudos.
Right now I'm using wireless connection from some poor soul called Dreyzel I think. I didn't even expect it to work haha. I wonder if he knows I'm stealing his network.
Anyway thanks lah!
By some strange twist of fate, I watched Corrinne May's concert a second time!
Well I'm not a very 'music' person, ya know, but I really enjoyed the concert, and I think the live concert is like 10 times better than listening to the mp3s.
And also found out that the music director on the same stage as her, is actually her hubby! And he was actually the inspiration for Safe in a Crazy World. That's so cool.
And I only realized today how similar Fly Away is to Love Me.
Kudos to YZ for driving s all the way to Changi Airport from CCK and from Changi Airport to NUS!
Went to see our ex-sir off to Aussie for studies. Kaka, madam was there too, haven't seen her for a long time. Now she cannot anyhow scold us liao, nanny nanny pooh pooh!
Anyway, kudos again to YZ for driving me from Engin carpark to Engin block. Which was like 300m away hahah.
I'm now like, kinda alone in Engin block, at 10 pm, surfing net, because the maxonline connection at home is down!!
This sucks. And I'm sweating like a swine because I think the aircon is not on. Damn.
Oh yes, I am so happy because yesterday's Electrical Engineering test, I knew how to do!!!
What's there to be happy about that u ask? Well because I've not been able to do a single test since I got into NUS. This is the first test I KNOW I'm not going to fail.
Kudos to Kenny and the twins for teaching me whatever I knew about EE on the night before the test. I really learnt like nothing from the lectures and tutorials.
Well I'm not a very 'music' person, ya know, but I really enjoyed the concert, and I think the live concert is like 10 times better than listening to the mp3s.
And also found out that the music director on the same stage as her, is actually her hubby! And he was actually the inspiration for Safe in a Crazy World. That's so cool.
And I only realized today how similar Fly Away is to Love Me.
Kudos to YZ for driving s all the way to Changi Airport from CCK and from Changi Airport to NUS!
Went to see our ex-sir off to Aussie for studies. Kaka, madam was there too, haven't seen her for a long time. Now she cannot anyhow scold us liao, nanny nanny pooh pooh!
Anyway, kudos again to YZ for driving me from Engin carpark to Engin block. Which was like 300m away hahah.
I'm now like, kinda alone in Engin block, at 10 pm, surfing net, because the maxonline connection at home is down!!
This sucks. And I'm sweating like a swine because I think the aircon is not on. Damn.
Oh yes, I am so happy because yesterday's Electrical Engineering test, I knew how to do!!!
What's there to be happy about that u ask? Well because I've not been able to do a single test since I got into NUS. This is the first test I KNOW I'm not going to fail.
Kudos to Kenny and the twins for teaching me whatever I knew about EE on the night before the test. I really learnt like nothing from the lectures and tutorials.
The Return of the Security Guard.
0 Comments Published by kang on Thursday, February 09, 2006 at 9:16 AM.

My heart stopped one beat when I saw the security guard on duty again. Seriously, if the main entrance was not this far from the side gate, I would have made a detour so as to avoid crossing his path.
So yeah started making small talk with him again, and he goes on again about mundane stuff which I really don't care about and being amazed over the fact that I am "tall and shuai and play sports and rich and yet don't have girlfriend" and all that shit stuff.
I really don't mind entertaining him actually, but he HAD to choot his favorite stunt again. He said his birthday was coming and I felt a sense of despair. Ask me go out with him again.
I came up with a lame excuse, saying my exams are coming and I don't have time. Thinking he's a smart aleck, he snapped his fingers and exclaimed "Heheh, but u gotta have lunch right!"
Yeah I do, but... but.... not with you!! Sheesh. How in the world did I land myself in this kind of hot gooey disgusting soup.
After a few more minutes of useless conversation, I decided I've had enough and that I have NO RESPONSIBILITY to entertain him any longer.
Patted him on the shoulder and said "Next time got chance one lah" and left.
Heard him saying "Wah lauuuuu" and some other stuff which I didn't catch because I walked away without even turning back.
Sibeh buei ta han.
So yeah started making small talk with him again, and he goes on again about mundane stuff which I really don't care about and being amazed over the fact that I am "tall and shuai and play sports and rich and yet don't have girlfriend" and all that shit stuff.
I really don't mind entertaining him actually, but he HAD to choot his favorite stunt again. He said his birthday was coming and I felt a sense of despair. Ask me go out with him again.
I came up with a lame excuse, saying my exams are coming and I don't have time. Thinking he's a smart aleck, he snapped his fingers and exclaimed "Heheh, but u gotta have lunch right!"
Yeah I do, but... but.... not with you!! Sheesh. How in the world did I land myself in this kind of hot gooey disgusting soup.
After a few more minutes of useless conversation, I decided I've had enough and that I have NO RESPONSIBILITY to entertain him any longer.
Patted him on the shoulder and said "Next time got chance one lah" and left.
Heard him saying "Wah lauuuuu" and some other stuff which I didn't catch because I walked away without even turning back.
Sibeh buei ta han.
Huo huo huo huo huo huo huo huo huo!!
0 Comments Published by kang on Tuesday, February 07, 2006 at 3:11 AM.

Yesterday, was on the bus, 2 stops away form home when chek.
Chek: So how, wanna watch Huo Yuan Jia?
Me: Errr... I reaching home soon leh. 2 stops.
Chek: Come lah, I'm at Lot 1 liao.
Me: Wah, u go check timing first?
Chek: Okay.
2 minutes later...
Chek: Eh, 3.30 p.m. got one show.
Me: *Checks watch* 3.30? Like, 15 minutes from now??
Chek: Ya.
So like the impulsive bugger I was, I agreed and managed to get there on time. But chek was late cos he was in the arcade.
Well done right haha. Plus we bought tidbits so missed the first 5 minutes, damn.
The show was super good lah, but I think the ending came abit too suddenly.
And there were some illogical parts in the show lah. Not trying to be critical here, and I totally understand that a movie that is perfectly logical is going to be sibeh sian and predictable.
So I'm just stating what I feel, okay??
1) How did someone with asthma and being such a slacker at that, become so super duper powerful?? Maybe he's talented, but he didn't even start learning martial arts from young! He just suddenly, POOF! And became so powerful?!
2) Even if he's uber talented. After slacking in a village growing crops for a few years and no training at all, he can still go back to his village and be so power? How come??
Also, I felt that the ending wouldn't be so awe-inspiring if the following factors were not present.
i) Discovery of poison. Why the stupid Japanese go and put that kind of poison into HYJ's drink?! He just needs him to lose wad. So put laxative or sleeping pill or whatever mild nonsense that dulls his senses can liao wad. Why put the kind of poison that makes him puke gooey black liquid?? Scared people dunno he poisoned arh? He stupid or what?
Budden again, if the poison wasn't discovered, HYJ wouldn't die such a glorious death liao. People would think he just sucked. As in the case of so many day-to-day incidents.
You see someone on the bench during a bball game and just conclude that he sucks. But he could just be the best player in the team with an injury.
ii) His opponent was super honourable as well. In fact, I think he's every bit as honourable as HYJ. When HYJ lups people, he doesn't even care if his opponents were poisoned right.
Well maybe not everyone who's poisoned puke black gooey liquid like he does, though.
If his opponent was an unethical bugger and decided to just unthinkingly lup HYJ to his death, people would have thought that HYJ merely sucked too.
Chek: So how, wanna watch Huo Yuan Jia?
Me: Errr... I reaching home soon leh. 2 stops.
Chek: Come lah, I'm at Lot 1 liao.
Me: Wah, u go check timing first?
Chek: Okay.
2 minutes later...
Chek: Eh, 3.30 p.m. got one show.
Me: *Checks watch* 3.30? Like, 15 minutes from now??
Chek: Ya.
So like the impulsive bugger I was, I agreed and managed to get there on time. But chek was late cos he was in the arcade.
Well done right haha. Plus we bought tidbits so missed the first 5 minutes, damn.
The show was super good lah, but I think the ending came abit too suddenly.
And there were some illogical parts in the show lah. Not trying to be critical here, and I totally understand that a movie that is perfectly logical is going to be sibeh sian and predictable.
So I'm just stating what I feel, okay??
1) How did someone with asthma and being such a slacker at that, become so super duper powerful?? Maybe he's talented, but he didn't even start learning martial arts from young! He just suddenly, POOF! And became so powerful?!
2) Even if he's uber talented. After slacking in a village growing crops for a few years and no training at all, he can still go back to his village and be so power? How come??
Also, I felt that the ending wouldn't be so awe-inspiring if the following factors were not present.
i) Discovery of poison. Why the stupid Japanese go and put that kind of poison into HYJ's drink?! He just needs him to lose wad. So put laxative or sleeping pill or whatever mild nonsense that dulls his senses can liao wad. Why put the kind of poison that makes him puke gooey black liquid?? Scared people dunno he poisoned arh? He stupid or what?
Budden again, if the poison wasn't discovered, HYJ wouldn't die such a glorious death liao. People would think he just sucked. As in the case of so many day-to-day incidents.
You see someone on the bench during a bball game and just conclude that he sucks. But he could just be the best player in the team with an injury.
ii) His opponent was super honourable as well. In fact, I think he's every bit as honourable as HYJ. When HYJ lups people, he doesn't even care if his opponents were poisoned right.
Well maybe not everyone who's poisoned puke black gooey liquid like he does, though.
If his opponent was an unethical bugger and decided to just unthinkingly lup HYJ to his death, people would have thought that HYJ merely sucked too.
My jie received a phone call yesterday.
Other person: Hello? Is this miss XXX? I would like to confirm ur reservation at SAFRA.
Jie: Huh?
Other person: You know? Your reservation on the 14th February, at SAFRA xxx branch, the candle-light dinner, with Mr YYY?
Jie: Mr YYY? (Her boyfriend) Oh, I think he placed the reservation. I didn't know about it. You should call him.
Other person: Oh no! You didn't know? Did I spoil the surprise?
Jie: Err... Ya.
Point number 1: The reservation was placed under Mr YYY's name. My jie was just put down as an "attendee".
Point number 2: Mr YYY paid for the reservation with his credit card.
Point number 3: The reservation was on valentine's day.
Point number 4: Well, all things aside, Mr YYY was the MR, the GUY.
So why in the world did the receptionist call my jie?
Other person: Hello? Is this miss XXX? I would like to confirm ur reservation at SAFRA.
Jie: Huh?
Other person: You know? Your reservation on the 14th February, at SAFRA xxx branch, the candle-light dinner, with Mr YYY?
Jie: Mr YYY? (Her boyfriend) Oh, I think he placed the reservation. I didn't know about it. You should call him.
Other person: Oh no! You didn't know? Did I spoil the surprise?
Jie: Err... Ya.
Point number 1: The reservation was placed under Mr YYY's name. My jie was just put down as an "attendee".
Point number 2: Mr YYY paid for the reservation with his credit card.
Point number 3: The reservation was on valentine's day.
Point number 4: Well, all things aside, Mr YYY was the MR, the GUY.
So why in the world did the receptionist call my jie?
Although I mentioned I've removed it from my mind, the thought still lingers.
Today, I've been thinking alot about it.
About switching from Engin to Business. I should probably have gone to Biz in the first place. It's shorter, and more applicable in my case than Engin.
Shit. But now I'm already like 1 and a half sem into Engin already.
Aye, I think tomorrow I'll go to OSA to ask about the implications of switching. Well if I made up my mind earlier probably I could have switched to Biz at the start of this sem. Now it's probably too late and I'd have to do redo everything.
Well if that's the case I guess I'd hafta stick to Engin.
Haiyo... Fan2 arh...
Today, I've been thinking alot about it.
About switching from Engin to Business. I should probably have gone to Biz in the first place. It's shorter, and more applicable in my case than Engin.
Shit. But now I'm already like 1 and a half sem into Engin already.
Aye, I think tomorrow I'll go to OSA to ask about the implications of switching. Well if I made up my mind earlier probably I could have switched to Biz at the start of this sem. Now it's probably too late and I'd have to do redo everything.
Well if that's the case I guess I'd hafta stick to Engin.
Haiyo... Fan2 arh...
I was sitting on the bus today when there was this person beside me who has fallen asleep.
My vision happened to sweep past the 3310 he was holding when I saw "Calling... 999".
As a person with faster reaction of the body than reaction of the brain, I merely thought "fuck!!!" and was about to snatch the phone from my blissfully asleep neighbour as I saw the words "unlock" on the screen.
And then I realized it's one of them lame "screensavers".
Heng arh, I never snatch the phone from him, else sibeh malu loh!
Damn them stupid screensavers.
My vision happened to sweep past the 3310 he was holding when I saw "Calling... 999".
As a person with faster reaction of the body than reaction of the brain, I merely thought "fuck!!!" and was about to snatch the phone from my blissfully asleep neighbour as I saw the words "unlock" on the screen.
And then I realized it's one of them lame "screensavers".
Heng arh, I never snatch the phone from him, else sibeh malu loh!
Damn them stupid screensavers.
This year is supposed to be okay for those born in the year of the rat arh. The uncle on the CNY show say one.
But she says on her blog this year is kinda bad for us leh, I dunno.
But this afternoon I was slacking at TV room with bm when there was this variety show that was predicting the luck of all the different star signs.
Money-wise, cancer is second in ranking leh! Bm say one, I also never see properly.
Relationship-wise, cancer number one! Then bm's star sign number two. Maybe this year we will both have alot of tao hua yun.
But I think bluff people one lah, where got so good one. But then again, if their bluffing me makes me happy I don't give a rat shit about it lah, I very ah q one :D
But she says on her blog this year is kinda bad for us leh, I dunno.
But this afternoon I was slacking at TV room with bm when there was this variety show that was predicting the luck of all the different star signs.
Money-wise, cancer is second in ranking leh! Bm say one, I also never see properly.
Relationship-wise, cancer number one! Then bm's star sign number two. Maybe this year we will both have alot of tao hua yun.
But I think bluff people one lah, where got so good one. But then again, if their bluffing me makes me happy I don't give a rat shit about it lah, I very ah q one :D
Met up with darksoul, bud, gorilla, ah chek and long-chin at town today. Don't ask why I call them demons; I just dunno what else to call them lah.
Ran into daphne; stunned me abit cos she was wearing some ethnic costume haha.
Wanted to go see fireworks and go walk around abit leh, but darksoul that bugger needs to go off to play MAHJONG so he couldn't stay with us long.
Anyway, we went for dinner at this place I realize I don't even know the name of lah, some place in Suntec.
I realize that when I'm with this bunch of people, i.e. army friends, vulgarities and obscenities just flow super naturally. I lost count of how many times I used the word 'fuck'.
Darksoul that bugger, said wanna introduce girlfriend for me leh, says she's damn chio, in NUS, very "you xing ge" one. Say say say until dunno where now.
Kaoz, I look like I cannot find girlfriend meh?!
Anyway like 2 minutes after he left, my phone rang and I saw his number. Was like, wtf, then picked up the phone.
Him: (Chaotic background noise) Pom pom pom! Got fireworks leh, wan see not.
Me: Wah really ah, okok, byebye.
Me to all: Eh, darksoul say got fireworks leh, wan to go watch not.
Them: (Eating ice cream) You go help us see loh.
Me: -_-;;
Ran out, and indeed heard alot of pom pom pom. But I couldn't find the source!! Looked around and saw people standing on elevated surfaces and looking in some direction behind Esplanade. Did likewise and finally saw some fireworks!
So happy. Whipped out my phone, pressed 'camera', then aimed it at the sky.
Then immediately then pom pom pom stopped.
What the hell!
Ran into daphne; stunned me abit cos she was wearing some ethnic costume haha.
Wanted to go see fireworks and go walk around abit leh, but darksoul that bugger needs to go off to play MAHJONG so he couldn't stay with us long.
Anyway, we went for dinner at this place I realize I don't even know the name of lah, some place in Suntec.
I realize that when I'm with this bunch of people, i.e. army friends, vulgarities and obscenities just flow super naturally. I lost count of how many times I used the word 'fuck'.
Darksoul that bugger, said wanna introduce girlfriend for me leh, says she's damn chio, in NUS, very "you xing ge" one. Say say say until dunno where now.
Kaoz, I look like I cannot find girlfriend meh?!
Anyway like 2 minutes after he left, my phone rang and I saw his number. Was like, wtf, then picked up the phone.
Him: (Chaotic background noise) Pom pom pom! Got fireworks leh, wan see not.
Me: Wah really ah, okok, byebye.
Me to all: Eh, darksoul say got fireworks leh, wan to go watch not.
Them: (Eating ice cream) You go help us see loh.
Me: -_-;;
Ran out, and indeed heard alot of pom pom pom. But I couldn't find the source!! Looked around and saw people standing on elevated surfaces and looking in some direction behind Esplanade. Did likewise and finally saw some fireworks!
So happy. Whipped out my phone, pressed 'camera', then aimed it at the sky.
Then immediately then pom pom pom stopped.
What the hell!
Last week in Managerial Econs tutorial, I was late ma, so I had to sit like in front of the class.
Then we were supposed to list down our desired group on a piece of paper. As I was right in front, I had the PRIVILEGE of choosing my group first!
Got 3 groups ma, so I chose group 2. Each group supposed to have maximum 8 people.
After the piece of paper has been circulated around the class, there were like 16 people in group 2 lohh!! Then the other 2 groups all not enough people.
So. Was it a classic case of monkey see monkey do or everyone likes me so much all want to be in same group as me leh? MAXIMUM 8 people leh, all maths fail arh?!
However, I think all the chiobus in the class opted group 2 muahahah!! So I won't complain. Let the tutor sort things out herself.
Know what the best thing is?
That night I got email from the tutor saying due to there being too many people in group 2, she has switched me to another group!
Ta ma de!!
Then we were supposed to list down our desired group on a piece of paper. As I was right in front, I had the PRIVILEGE of choosing my group first!
Got 3 groups ma, so I chose group 2. Each group supposed to have maximum 8 people.
After the piece of paper has been circulated around the class, there were like 16 people in group 2 lohh!! Then the other 2 groups all not enough people.
So. Was it a classic case of monkey see monkey do or everyone likes me so much all want to be in same group as me leh? MAXIMUM 8 people leh, all maths fail arh?!
However, I think all the chiobus in the class opted group 2 muahahah!! So I won't complain. Let the tutor sort things out herself.
Know what the best thing is?
That night I got email from the tutor saying due to there being too many people in group 2, she has switched me to another group!
Ta ma de!!