Your sweetie says, "Lets go upstairs and make love," and you
answer, "Honey, I can't do both!"
Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoes and
you're barefoot.
A sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the
garage door nearest your car.
You remember when the Dead Sea was only sick.
Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.
You don't care where your spouse goes, just as long as you don't
have to go along.
When it takes all night to do what you used to do all night.
When it takes longer to rest than to get tired.
When you are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by
the police.
"Getting a little action" means you don't need to take any fiber
"Getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot.
An "all nighter" means not getting up to pee!
Statistics show that at the age of seventy five, there are five
women to every man. Isn't that an ironic time for a guy to get
those odds?

Finally took a picture with my 初 恋 情 人 after NINE YEARS! Budden sheesh lah, my hair so messy and suei suei that day sunburnt.
Keke so funny lah last time, I very ke lian, I liked her but she didn't like me!!!
There was one time she said some malay guy in our class very shuai, and I was so upset loh. Aiyah that time small lah.
And I still remember last time she register number 13, got one time exams she site beside me, I was so happy!!
I even remember what bag she used to carry, maroon colour one.

Now ALL the girls are attached, and ALL the guys are single. Except Anneson! And Cagney's getting married! How come lydat?!
Wow, do you know you can borrow 8 books per account from the library now? They're doing this to encourage people to read more during the holidays.
I have made such full use of this that I think I'm abusing the system.
I nearly maxed out all 3 cards.

Geek stuff!

Chinese novels!



And other cool shit stuff.
I haven't even got Bleach and Death Note from ah bun. I've still got Sandman to finish!!
I think I'm gonna break my own record for reading the most books in one month. I've finished reading like 3 books liao. And it's only been 4 days since the end of exams. And 2 days I wasn't even at home most of the time. And when I'm home I'm either warcrafting or ps2ing.
You never know how to appreciate holidays until you've just had one hell of a time preparing for exams and KNOWING that you're gonna flunk.
It's pure torture!
Oh well. I hope everyone flunks too so that if lady luck looks my side I could end up being closer to the correct side of the bell-curve.
I hope.
I have made such full use of this that I think I'm abusing the system.
I nearly maxed out all 3 cards.

Geek stuff!

Chinese novels!



And other cool shit stuff.
I haven't even got Bleach and Death Note from ah bun. I've still got Sandman to finish!!
I think I'm gonna break my own record for reading the most books in one month. I've finished reading like 3 books liao. And it's only been 4 days since the end of exams. And 2 days I wasn't even at home most of the time. And when I'm home I'm either warcrafting or ps2ing.
You never know how to appreciate holidays until you've just had one hell of a time preparing for exams and KNOWING that you're gonna flunk.
It's pure torture!
Oh well. I hope everyone flunks too so that if lady luck looks my side I could end up being closer to the correct side of the bell-curve.
I hope.
I've had enough. Aylwin's cousin thinks I look like ADRIAN PANG TOO!!
I look like Adrian Pang meh?!
When my sis's bf said that, I thought, hmm, weird.
Then Valerie commented on the same thing too.
And now Aylwin's cousin! She was like "eh.. u look like this guy.. what's his name ah... er.."
Me: *Pissed off expression* Adrian Pang is it.
She: *Breaks into unbreakable bouts of laughter with his sister* Ya ya ya ya!!!!!!!
Me: *Not amused* Sheesh. I think he quite ugly leh.
They: *laugh even more happily*
I really look like him meh?? Weird. I don't understand. And they go so far as to say I look DAMN like him. Really meh? In what way?? I dun geddit.
Oh yeah, happy belated birthday to you again Aylwin!
And thanks for inviting only three of us SI guys and making us sit alone one corner like maids and bbqing food for you and bbqing ourselves in the process.
Too bad we didn't have the chance to personally push you into the pool cos we were scared we'd fall in as well.
Hope you enjoyed the mango juice or whatever it is I poured onto your head you deserved it!!
Geez, and I believe I will never forget what your dearest cousin said to me when we left.
"Goodbye Yummy King!"
I look like Adrian Pang meh?!
When my sis's bf said that, I thought, hmm, weird.
Then Valerie commented on the same thing too.
And now Aylwin's cousin! She was like "eh.. u look like this guy.. what's his name ah... er.."
Me: *Pissed off expression* Adrian Pang is it.
She: *Breaks into unbreakable bouts of laughter with his sister* Ya ya ya ya!!!!!!!
Me: *Not amused* Sheesh. I think he quite ugly leh.
They: *laugh even more happily*
I really look like him meh?? Weird. I don't understand. And they go so far as to say I look DAMN like him. Really meh? In what way?? I dun geddit.
Oh yeah, happy belated birthday to you again Aylwin!
And thanks for inviting only three of us SI guys and making us sit alone one corner like maids and bbqing food for you and bbqing ourselves in the process.
Too bad we didn't have the chance to personally push you into the pool cos we were scared we'd fall in as well.
Hope you enjoyed the mango juice or whatever it is I poured onto your head you deserved it!!
Geez, and I believe I will never forget what your dearest cousin said to me when we left.
"Goodbye Yummy King!"

They all say motorola phones suck and are damn use-unfriendly and website reviews also say no good leh, but after one day of using it, I think okay wad, quite friendly to me wad, I like it!

Xyz say until I like Godzilla like that, because of how small my sis's phone looked when placed on my hand. And bm thinks V3 is a lady's phone. But I don't know of any girls holding it leh, only guys.
And to be honest, I feel quite scared holding it, cos the phones I've owned have always looked kind of like bricks and you can throw them around and they won't be spoilt one.
But V3 is uber slim and fragile-looking!!
I damn scared I will crush it in my pocket or something someday.
Okay, kang kang admits he is no gentle person, but he is also not Godzilla definitely.
And to be honest, I feel quite scared holding it, cos the phones I've owned have always looked kind of like bricks and you can throw them around and they won't be spoilt one.
But V3 is uber slim and fragile-looking!!
I damn scared I will crush it in my pocket or something someday.
Okay, kang kang admits he is no gentle person, but he is also not Godzilla definitely.

Guess what, I wanna give my phone a name! Elyn did that for her D500. She gave him some japanese name ah, I'm lazy to type out the chinese version but it's pronounced hei1(black) ze2 yi4(determination). In English it's dunno what Takeshiro something something.
I think her phone sounds like some celebrity. But I think quite cool ah.
I don't know what to call my phone man. Bm thinks this idea is crazy. But I like. Cos I'm crazy ahah.
For the time being, I shall call it BLACK WIDOW!
Why? Er, cos it's black (obviously) and er.. widow cos it ain't married?
Darksoul, who is now in China, was telling me that he was in a shopping mall one day and at a sports apparels shop looking at stuff.
He was glancing through the sections when he saw Reebok, Puma, Nike, then... Kang Wei?!?!?
He said "I was so happy sia, cos it's u!!"
I was like, whoa, how cool is that!
Anyway I did a google search that day and found that there were actually quite a few companies with me name. Got one pharmaceutical company also.
Darksoul said that he's gonna buy a KANG WEI cap for me when he comes back.
"Got the brand name written on it one!"
But I scared I don't dare to wear.
He was glancing through the sections when he saw Reebok, Puma, Nike, then... Kang Wei?!?!?
He said "I was so happy sia, cos it's u!!"
I was like, whoa, how cool is that!
Anyway I did a google search that day and found that there were actually quite a few companies with me name. Got one pharmaceutical company also.
Darksoul said that he's gonna buy a KANG WEI cap for me when he comes back.
"Got the brand name written on it one!"
But I scared I don't dare to wear.
NUS is a much more organized place than army, in my opinion.
I felt it most during the day we had statics paper. We were supposed the answers to the four questions in four separate answer booklets.
At the end of the paper, when the invigilators were collecting the booklets, the prof said "Please hand in your 4 booklets tied together. If you have answered all your answers in one question booklet, PLEASE let the TA collecting know. Thank you."
How nice is that?
If this were to happen in the army, definitely the first thing you'll hear is "YOU FUCKING CHEE BYE!!! CANNOT UNDERSTAND SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS IS IT!! YOU DOWN 20 FIRST!!!!"
Army people like to lose their tempers for the smallest things. Sometimes we think that they are damn arrogant and think they are damn li hai but sometimes I tend to think that they are pretty pitiful actually. Especially the regulars -_-;;
Maybe it's just a way for them to vent their fustration.
I felt it most during the day we had statics paper. We were supposed the answers to the four questions in four separate answer booklets.
At the end of the paper, when the invigilators were collecting the booklets, the prof said "Please hand in your 4 booklets tied together. If you have answered all your answers in one question booklet, PLEASE let the TA collecting know. Thank you."
How nice is that?
If this were to happen in the army, definitely the first thing you'll hear is "YOU FUCKING CHEE BYE!!! CANNOT UNDERSTAND SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS IS IT!! YOU DOWN 20 FIRST!!!!"
Army people like to lose their tempers for the smallest things. Sometimes we think that they are damn arrogant and think they are damn li hai but sometimes I tend to think that they are pretty pitiful actually. Especially the regulars -_-;;
Maybe it's just a way for them to vent their fustration.
I was at NTUC again just now when I suddenly felt quit unclish. Like, why am I always going to NTUC??
Normally I go there only to buy tidbits and milk and stuff though. Once in a while Ill help my mum buy the auntiesh stuff like err.. Eggs and bread and kaya. Today I went to help her buy bee hoon (mee fen) and dong fen. Felt quite unclish leh.
That time bm laugh and laugh when she found out I got NTUC link card. Wah lau eh, budden I got is because I got NTUC insurance can?! They give free one! Not because I am unclish.
How can kang kang be unclish?!?
Me is sibeh hip and stylo milo okay. Unclish no no.
And I will NOT, I repeat, I will NOT be a house husband, a SNAG, IF I even get married in the first place.
My wife, if she makes the unwise decision of marrying me, shall toil and suffer and do housework everyday and if she makes me angry I will scold her!!
Normally I go there only to buy tidbits and milk and stuff though. Once in a while Ill help my mum buy the auntiesh stuff like err.. Eggs and bread and kaya. Today I went to help her buy bee hoon (mee fen) and dong fen. Felt quite unclish leh.
That time bm laugh and laugh when she found out I got NTUC link card. Wah lau eh, budden I got is because I got NTUC insurance can?! They give free one! Not because I am unclish.
How can kang kang be unclish?!?
Me is sibeh hip and stylo milo okay. Unclish no no.
And I will NOT, I repeat, I will NOT be a house husband, a SNAG, IF I even get married in the first place.
My wife, if she makes the unwise decision of marrying me, shall toil and suffer and do housework everyday and if she makes me angry I will scold her!!
But they've been very very bad. This is the worst exam I had in my entire life so far. Oh well, it's NUS afterall.
But hey, it's OVER.
No matter what I say now I'm gonna do very very badly for this exam.
Aye shit.
Fuck it for now.
I'm gonna enjoy myself first. Woohoo!
But hey, it's OVER.
No matter what I say now I'm gonna do very very badly for this exam.
Aye shit.
Fuck it for now.
I'm gonna enjoy myself first. Woohoo!
My sis came into my room excitedly saying she's bought an oh-so-cute alarm clock.
I was like," OMFG, is it the very kpkb type?!"
She say no lah, very cute one! It was frickin pink.
She: Guess what's on the clock face?
Me: La bi xiao xin? Snoopy? Garfield?
She: Hello Kitty!!
Me: ... *Not impressed*
She: See, got lights one, and got snooze! *Proceeds to demonstrate all the functions like a salesperson.*
Then comes the scary part. She sets off the alarm.
Die, next time I think every morning I will get awakened by her like 1 hour before my time to rise.
She: Guess how much?!
Me: 5 bucks?
She: *Face black black* Wah lau, now I give people that I am very cheapskate is it?
Me: Err.. You're not meh? So how much?
She: *Merrily skips out of the room*
Kekeke, nine bucks!
I was like," OMFG, is it the very kpkb type?!"
She say no lah, very cute one! It was frickin pink.
She: Guess what's on the clock face?
Me: La bi xiao xin? Snoopy? Garfield?
She: Hello Kitty!!
Me: ... *Not impressed*
She: See, got lights one, and got snooze! *Proceeds to demonstrate all the functions like a salesperson.*
Then comes the scary part. She sets off the alarm.
Die, next time I think every morning I will get awakened by her like 1 hour before my time to rise.
She: Guess how much?!
Me: 5 bucks?
She: *Face black black* Wah lau, now I give people that I am very cheapskate is it?
Me: Err.. You're not meh? So how much?
She: *Merrily skips out of the room*
Kekeke, nine bucks!
I was on 151 today and passing by Ngee Ann Poly and it happened to be peak hour so the whole bus was damn crowded.
There was this little couple in front of me. Both quite good-looking , the guy was quite tall, the girl was quite petite.
That was when I overheard the guy whispering to the girl "Eh, 你 看 , 有 人 比 你 矮 leh, 高 兴 吗??"
I was like WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Not because what he said was mean.
But because I have said the exact same thing to my ex-someone before!!!
And I think they were the EXACT SAME WORDS. I was sibeh stunned and wanted to tell him that sentence is COPYRIGHTED.
There was this little couple in front of me. Both quite good-looking , the guy was quite tall, the girl was quite petite.
That was when I overheard the guy whispering to the girl "Eh, 你 看 , 有 人 比 你 矮 leh, 高 兴 吗??"
I was like WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Not because what he said was mean.
But because I have said the exact same thing to my ex-someone before!!!
And I think they were the EXACT SAME WORDS. I was sibeh stunned and wanted to tell him that sentence is COPYRIGHTED.
Had Critical Thinking and Writing paper today.
Wah lau, I think I haven't written a long serious paper in far too long. I was so not used to writing proper English Language and kept having the urge to think in terms of "wah lau eh"s and "wtf"s.
Anyway, I am so excited that exams are gonna be over soon! Muahahahaha.
But I think this semester was really quite screwed ah. I just hope I pass everything. Pass can liao. Amitabha. Next sem I shall work harder.
Lots of people around me have been screaming "stress stress stress", but for kang kang it's purely "sian sian sian". I think my stress tissues have all died man, how come lydat? I don't feel stressed at all. And I don't think it's a very good thing.
I'm happy lah, budden if I forever like this happy-go-lucky, then how?!
I can't stop feeling damn happy when I think of the fact that the exams are finishing soon!!! Did I mention the fact that exams are gonna be over soon? Oh I did.
I already know what I'm gonna do for the next few days after exams.
Thursday: After LAST Math paper, I shall try and get my phone repaired, and recce for a new phone! Then in the evening, I'm meeting bun and gang, probably going to his place raiding his place of tons of comics! Death Note and Bleach! He's also agreed to lend me his PS2!
Friday: I'd probably spend the whole day at home playing FF10 and reading comics! I'd be a couch potato for a day! No life? THIS IS LIFE!!
Saturday: Bball with world's saddest team in the morning!! It's been ages since we last played man. Going to Aylwin's bday party afterwards~
Sunday: Beach vball in the morning? Not confirmed yet man, the rest of the guys haven't finished exams yet. AWWWW..... MUAHAHAHAH!! Meeting up with the primary school people and going for Jeanie's bday party! Why everyone seems to be having bday parties recently?? Woohoo, haven't seen Jeanie in decades. LITERALLY. Close to ten years!
The next few days would probably be spent playing FF10 and reading Death Note and Bleach and Sand Man and Harry Potter and Slam Dunk and re-playing FF7 and re-living WARCRAFT with Shoon baby again and playing tons and tons of bball and resuming Sentosa vball sessions and watching Godfather and Gundam Seed and having big feasts with da biao mei and xiao biao mei and chionging with primary school friends and night cycling with chekki and gang and gay bash woohooooo!!!!!!
I can't take it anymore.
On a more serious note, will make use of the sibeh jian lobangs that I have to make some extra cash, and go learn some stuff from papa about his business and GETTING MY NEW PHONE and buying a new comfy comfy chair for myself and maybe a new wallet and tidying up my room strewn with notes and textbooks for now and getting rid of old magazines and comics and upgrading computer skills like Flash and Photoshop and DWMX~~~
I can't focus on studies anymore.
Wah lau, I think I haven't written a long serious paper in far too long. I was so not used to writing proper English Language and kept having the urge to think in terms of "wah lau eh"s and "wtf"s.
Anyway, I am so excited that exams are gonna be over soon! Muahahahaha.
But I think this semester was really quite screwed ah. I just hope I pass everything. Pass can liao. Amitabha. Next sem I shall work harder.
Lots of people around me have been screaming "stress stress stress", but for kang kang it's purely "sian sian sian". I think my stress tissues have all died man, how come lydat? I don't feel stressed at all. And I don't think it's a very good thing.
I'm happy lah, budden if I forever like this happy-go-lucky, then how?!
I can't stop feeling damn happy when I think of the fact that the exams are finishing soon!!! Did I mention the fact that exams are gonna be over soon? Oh I did.
I already know what I'm gonna do for the next few days after exams.
Thursday: After LAST Math paper, I shall try and get my phone repaired, and recce for a new phone! Then in the evening, I'm meeting bun and gang, probably going to his place raiding his place of tons of comics! Death Note and Bleach! He's also agreed to lend me his PS2!
Friday: I'd probably spend the whole day at home playing FF10 and reading comics! I'd be a couch potato for a day! No life? THIS IS LIFE!!
Saturday: Bball with world's saddest team in the morning!! It's been ages since we last played man. Going to Aylwin's bday party afterwards~
Sunday: Beach vball in the morning? Not confirmed yet man, the rest of the guys haven't finished exams yet. AWWWW..... MUAHAHAHAH!! Meeting up with the primary school people and going for Jeanie's bday party! Why everyone seems to be having bday parties recently?? Woohoo, haven't seen Jeanie in decades. LITERALLY. Close to ten years!
The next few days would probably be spent playing FF10 and reading Death Note and Bleach and Sand Man and Harry Potter and Slam Dunk and re-playing FF7 and re-living WARCRAFT with Shoon baby again and playing tons and tons of bball and resuming Sentosa vball sessions and watching Godfather and Gundam Seed and having big feasts with da biao mei and xiao biao mei and chionging with primary school friends and night cycling with chekki and gang and gay bash woohooooo!!!!!!
I can't take it anymore.
On a more serious note, will make use of the sibeh jian lobangs that I have to make some extra cash, and go learn some stuff from papa about his business and GETTING MY NEW PHONE and buying a new comfy comfy chair for myself and maybe a new wallet and tidying up my room strewn with notes and textbooks for now and getting rid of old magazines and comics and upgrading computer skills like Flash and Photoshop and DWMX~~~
I can't focus on studies anymore.
Frickin exams. If not for exams I'd definitely go watch. Had a emotional struggle yesterday on whether I should go and watch. The epic battle between the brain and the heart.
Oh well, the brain won.
Dang. This is probably the only time WCG will be held in Singapore.

Lucky humchimpeng got to go and watch. He says it's damn exciting. And he took pictures with Tod!!! I mean, THE Tod!!!

Okay I doubt anyone reading this will understand what I'm talking about. I so want to see Grubby in real life. I've seen tons of his replays and I so want to see him in person.
One of the most, if not most, gosu orc player on Earth!
Our very own Flyshow was very unlucky and had Deadman as his opponent. But then again... DEADMAN!!! THE DEADMAN!!!
Flyshow should have felt damn honoured.
Okay lah I guess nobody knows what I'm talking about.
Oh well, the brain won.
Dang. This is probably the only time WCG will be held in Singapore.

Lucky humchimpeng got to go and watch. He says it's damn exciting. And he took pictures with Tod!!! I mean, THE Tod!!!

Okay I doubt anyone reading this will understand what I'm talking about. I so want to see Grubby in real life. I've seen tons of his replays and I so want to see him in person.

But when I asked humchimpeng if he took pictures with Grubby he said "FUCK THAT GRUBBY! Sibeh dao! Refused to take picture with me!"
Then I thought hmm maybe Grubby felt the "human" aura around him so he refused. Maybe if "orcish" kang kang asked him he might! But then again, maybe not.
Then I thought hmm maybe Grubby felt the "human" aura around him so he refused. Maybe if "orcish" kang kang asked him he might! But then again, maybe not.
Our very own Flyshow was very unlucky and had Deadman as his opponent. But then again... DEADMAN!!! THE DEADMAN!!!
Flyshow should have felt damn honoured.

Winner's from China. I realized not many koreans were here. Maybe too busy with their own leagues.
Okay lah I guess nobody knows what I'm talking about.
I just recieved this email in my inbox.
"Dear Yahoo Member,
We have temporarily suspended your email account
This might be due to either of the following reasons:
1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address).
2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An innability to accurately verify your selected option of subscription due to an internal error within our processors.
See the details to reactivate your Yahoo account.
Sincerely,The Yahoo Support Team "
Hahahaha, yeah you guessed it, the address at which I got this mail is What "temporarily suspended"?!
And the "details" was attached in a file. KNN, cannot just say meh, must attach in file?!
And the file name was "". Not only is it a sibeh lame name for a file name, it is in a friggin ZIP FILE!!
Whoa. So not only am I supposed to believe that they must gimmi their instructions in a separate file, I am also required to believe that the instructions are so MASSIVE that they have to zip it up?!
Aye, I feel like replying the email and laughing at them.
Well anywayz, just a friendly warning from uncle kang kang, these kind of shit is very rampant on the internet one, so must be careful okay? When in doubt, don't open!
Also, some emails wreck havoc to your computer even if you don't download their attachments. You read the email only then cham liao.
So make sure you have antivirus programs and spyware programs installed, and scan at least once a week.
Watch out for the next issue of "Safety on the Net" from your friendly online neighbour uncle kang!
"Dear Yahoo Member,
We have temporarily suspended your email account
This might be due to either of the following reasons:
1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address).
2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An innability to accurately verify your selected option of subscription due to an internal error within our processors.
See the details to reactivate your Yahoo account.
Sincerely,The Yahoo Support Team "
Hahahaha, yeah you guessed it, the address at which I got this mail is What "temporarily suspended"?!
And the "details" was attached in a file. KNN, cannot just say meh, must attach in file?!
And the file name was "". Not only is it a sibeh lame name for a file name, it is in a friggin ZIP FILE!!
Whoa. So not only am I supposed to believe that they must gimmi their instructions in a separate file, I am also required to believe that the instructions are so MASSIVE that they have to zip it up?!
Aye, I feel like replying the email and laughing at them.
Well anywayz, just a friendly warning from uncle kang kang, these kind of shit is very rampant on the internet one, so must be careful okay? When in doubt, don't open!
Also, some emails wreck havoc to your computer even if you don't download their attachments. You read the email only then cham liao.
So make sure you have antivirus programs and spyware programs installed, and scan at least once a week.
Watch out for the next issue of "Safety on the Net" from your friendly online neighbour uncle kang!
These few days have been abit suei.
Firstly, someone got angry with me smoking!! And I mean really angry. That got me really really scared -_-;;
没 想 到 lim peh 一 世 英 明 。 。
居 然 沦 落 到 。 。 。
抽 烟 都 会 给 人 家 骂!!!
实 在 是 太 失 败 了 , 唉 。 。
Don't dare to liao lah.. *Pulls ears*
And the day before, I was driving with the whole family in the car on expressway. All of a sudden this taxi in front of me sudden e-brake!!! Super E loh!!! He somemore turn on hazard light when he E.
Wah lau eh!! Sibeh luan lai loh.. My whole family was like screaming! Heart attack sia. Like turn on hazard light at that point of time got use lydat. Dunno wtf happened lah. Luckily nothing happened and there was no car behind me sia.
We were on first lane, mind you. Went from 90 to 0 in like 1.5 seconds. Lucky my reaction fast enough. Else I might not be sitting here typing now.
To add salt to the wound, after watching the vampire show on Sunday, I dropped my phone on the floor!! And out of the many many times I have dropped phones, this is the first time it got damaged!
I remember I dropped my 3210 down a flight of stairs before and it broke into a million pieces but when I fixed it back it worked perfectly. Sigh.
But I mentioned a few days ago I wanna buy new phone. Maybe this is a sign from the almighty above.
So I ended up using my mum's phone, which is not able to contain all my SMSes. So my very kind sister offered to lend me hers. Okay she didn't offer to, I snatched it from her.
But the problem is, her phone is so damn small!!
I've never heard anyone brush teeth until toothbrush break one. Somemore when it broke I hit my nose with it.
Sayang me.
Firstly, someone got angry with me smoking!! And I mean really angry. That got me really really scared -_-;;
没 想 到 lim peh 一 世 英 明 。 。
居 然 沦 落 到 。 。 。
抽 烟 都 会 给 人 家 骂!!!
实 在 是 太 失 败 了 , 唉 。 。
Don't dare to liao lah.. *Pulls ears*
And the day before, I was driving with the whole family in the car on expressway. All of a sudden this taxi in front of me sudden e-brake!!! Super E loh!!! He somemore turn on hazard light when he E.
Wah lau eh!! Sibeh luan lai loh.. My whole family was like screaming! Heart attack sia. Like turn on hazard light at that point of time got use lydat. Dunno wtf happened lah. Luckily nothing happened and there was no car behind me sia.
We were on first lane, mind you. Went from 90 to 0 in like 1.5 seconds. Lucky my reaction fast enough. Else I might not be sitting here typing now.
To add salt to the wound, after watching the vampire show on Sunday, I dropped my phone on the floor!! And out of the many many times I have dropped phones, this is the first time it got damaged!
I remember I dropped my 3210 down a flight of stairs before and it broke into a million pieces but when I fixed it back it worked perfectly. Sigh.
But I mentioned a few days ago I wanna buy new phone. Maybe this is a sign from the almighty above.
So I ended up using my mum's phone, which is not able to contain all my SMSes. So my very kind sister offered to lend me hers. Okay she didn't offer to, I snatched it from her.
But the problem is, her phone is so damn small!!
I've never heard anyone brush teeth until toothbrush break one. Somemore when it broke I hit my nose with it.
Sayang me.
Reunion of childhood playmates
0 Comments Published by kang on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 11:32 PM.

Had a primary school outing yesterday. Quite cool ah, everyone is like so big now. But the girls seem to have shrunk damn alot.
Last time she was the tallest person in our class. I remember last time she treat everyone like chao ah lian, but treat me quite nice one. NOW then I know why she treats me nicer. Cos she loves the maggi mee that my mum always cooks. Sibeh bo liao right. Cos my mum always adds fishballs and hotdogs and veggie into the maggie mee. Then she finds it very sumptuous. Kids are so easy to please.
Anyway, last time she like my lao da lydat, sibeh tall one.
So you can imagine how different it felt to stand next to her.
Yonglin brought along his autograph book from last time. Wah lau eh, they were dated like, in 1995 loh. Ten years antique liao.
What Diana wrote for him was the most funny piece of shit I've read in a long long long long time.
"You are quite ok but sometimes you talk without think. Sometimes people don't like the way you say. Like for example me. You know I very 小 气 . You still joke with me. I think you want to die! Anyway, hope you by your exams."
Wah lau eh, what kind of fuck english is this?! And the "I think you want to die."
OMFG. When I saw that part I really laugh laugh laugh until I thought I was going to die on the spot.
I think if Shakespeare was alive, he will salute her loh. This kind of language is sibeh uber power man. I think she should go and start a magazine or something. Some real kick-ass LIAN he zao bao. By ah lian, for ah lians.
Anneson and Yong Lin drove yesterday. I'm still not used to seeing them drive man. Like, aren't they supposed to be primary school kids?!
Ie Liang rode a bike. When we were leaving the place and at a red light he came to stop beside the car we were on and banged on the door damn hard.
Nabeh! I thought got robber!
Susan is still as crappy as ever. Sat between me and Diana on the car, then all of a sudden started saying shit stuff like she feels very extra and was spoiling our maggie mee romance. Preventing us from 调 情 ing. Wah lau eh, she made it sound like damn 淫 荡 。
Kept sprouting nonsense about how I was so nervous that Diana was coming. And thoroughly enjoying making up her 色 情 故 事 .
Laugh and laugh and laugh. So 三 八 !
They were talking about smoking. "Ah bengs smoke." "Where got, smoking is not an accurate reflection of a person's character wad." "Yeah lah, but the general conception is that people who smoke tend to be more ah beng." "Anneson you got smoke?"
"No lah, no way! JC nobody smoke one. JC kids are very guai one."
*All turns to look at kang kang with cigarette in his hands*
Me: What lah!
Last time she was the tallest person in our class. I remember last time she treat everyone like chao ah lian, but treat me quite nice one. NOW then I know why she treats me nicer. Cos she loves the maggi mee that my mum always cooks. Sibeh bo liao right. Cos my mum always adds fishballs and hotdogs and veggie into the maggie mee. Then she finds it very sumptuous. Kids are so easy to please.
Anyway, last time she like my lao da lydat, sibeh tall one.
So you can imagine how different it felt to stand next to her.
Yonglin brought along his autograph book from last time. Wah lau eh, they were dated like, in 1995 loh. Ten years antique liao.
What Diana wrote for him was the most funny piece of shit I've read in a long long long long time.
"You are quite ok but sometimes you talk without think. Sometimes people don't like the way you say. Like for example me. You know I very 小 气 . You still joke with me. I think you want to die! Anyway, hope you by your exams."
Wah lau eh, what kind of fuck english is this?! And the "I think you want to die."
OMFG. When I saw that part I really laugh laugh laugh until I thought I was going to die on the spot.
I think if Shakespeare was alive, he will salute her loh. This kind of language is sibeh uber power man. I think she should go and start a magazine or something. Some real kick-ass LIAN he zao bao. By ah lian, for ah lians.
Anneson and Yong Lin drove yesterday. I'm still not used to seeing them drive man. Like, aren't they supposed to be primary school kids?!
Ie Liang rode a bike. When we were leaving the place and at a red light he came to stop beside the car we were on and banged on the door damn hard.
Nabeh! I thought got robber!
Susan is still as crappy as ever. Sat between me and Diana on the car, then all of a sudden started saying shit stuff like she feels very extra and was spoiling our maggie mee romance. Preventing us from 调 情 ing. Wah lau eh, she made it sound like damn 淫 荡 。
Kept sprouting nonsense about how I was so nervous that Diana was coming. And thoroughly enjoying making up her 色 情 故 事 .
Laugh and laugh and laugh. So 三 八 !
They were talking about smoking. "Ah bengs smoke." "Where got, smoking is not an accurate reflection of a person's character wad." "Yeah lah, but the general conception is that people who smoke tend to be more ah beng." "Anneson you got smoke?"
"No lah, no way! JC nobody smoke one. JC kids are very guai one."
*All turns to look at kang kang with cigarette in his hands*
Me: What lah!
Hmm wow, so many entries already.
Met up with bun last night. My primary school and secondary school classmate. We were talking about the hilarious things we were made to do when we were kids and didn't have the right to protest to anything.
Do you remember something called "Road Safety Day"? It's when we had to go to some stupid place at ECP. Got pedestrians, drivers and motor cyclists one.
Good natured bun was originally a pedestrian one. Then got one friend originally kena cyclist, but he can't cycle! So uncle policeman asked ah bun if he will swap positions with him. Good natured ah bun naturally (no pun intended) agreed.
The problem is AH BUN CAN'T CYCLE ALSO!
我 永 远 会 记 得 那 一 天 , 因 为 那 天 我 一 直 跌 倒 , 一 直 跌 倒 , 一 直 跌 倒 .
Made me laugh until I want to die.
I still remember that day cyclists and motorists very jialat one, very easy tio summon. Tmd I think got SPEEDING somemore one. Damn senseless.
Pedestrians sibeh slack, but sometimes must be careful nia. Wah lau eh, I remember at zebra crossing must wait for the vehicles to COMPLETELY stop, then RAISE ONE HAND, then cross one. And the most absurd thing? CANNOT RUN! Will tio summon!
Nabeh, now if people cross the road like that when I drive I think I will horn their asses off hahahahah!
Last time primary school we were also damn siao-on this chinese RPG called 金 庸 群 侠 传 。 Hahah that game, because I wanted to know how to complete the game, I actually went to borrow alot of chinese books by Mr Kam Yong to read!
Then since the time I started playing that game until secondary school that time, every year my chinese grades like almost always top the class! So which-ever shit-head says games make you fail exams?!
Anyway the game was damn kick-ass-hardcore lah. 10 years already, no other chinese game can come close to it!
Alot of parts sibeh funny, I remember last time we always park our boat somewhere then go and complete quests and then when we want to find the boat again, always cannot find!! Then tmd, must walk along the entire coast until we find it.
He always likes to train his 野 球 拳 until level ten, then plus左 右 互 博 术 can kill 东 方 不 败 in one turn, but I always lazy to train, then fight东 方 不 败 must eat alot of medicine, then nabeh, every whack him until want to die liao he (she?!) will eat medicine also to heal life, piss me off.
I remember I always faster go and hire the easy-to-hire characters. Like treat 令 狐 冲 lim jiu he join u liao. If want张 无 忌 to join must give him金 毛 狮 王 's hair?! Wah biang eh, I think the producers also sibeh 搞 笑 。
Then to train level, must go and fight 金 花 婆 婆 and周 伯 通 alot alot of times to gain level.
Last time we really sibeh hardcore the game. Got one map of the game world, we keep passing among each other until sibeh tattered and torn. Then everytime we got progress we will call each other! So exciting. I remember when we completed the game we sibeh happy hahahah!
Last time no worries one, so happy :)
Met up with bun last night. My primary school and secondary school classmate. We were talking about the hilarious things we were made to do when we were kids and didn't have the right to protest to anything.
Do you remember something called "Road Safety Day"? It's when we had to go to some stupid place at ECP. Got pedestrians, drivers and motor cyclists one.
Good natured bun was originally a pedestrian one. Then got one friend originally kena cyclist, but he can't cycle! So uncle policeman asked ah bun if he will swap positions with him. Good natured ah bun naturally (no pun intended) agreed.
The problem is AH BUN CAN'T CYCLE ALSO!
我 永 远 会 记 得 那 一 天 , 因 为 那 天 我 一 直 跌 倒 , 一 直 跌 倒 , 一 直 跌 倒 .
Made me laugh until I want to die.
I still remember that day cyclists and motorists very jialat one, very easy tio summon. Tmd I think got SPEEDING somemore one. Damn senseless.
Pedestrians sibeh slack, but sometimes must be careful nia. Wah lau eh, I remember at zebra crossing must wait for the vehicles to COMPLETELY stop, then RAISE ONE HAND, then cross one. And the most absurd thing? CANNOT RUN! Will tio summon!
Nabeh, now if people cross the road like that when I drive I think I will horn their asses off hahahahah!
Last time primary school we were also damn siao-on this chinese RPG called 金 庸 群 侠 传 。 Hahah that game, because I wanted to know how to complete the game, I actually went to borrow alot of chinese books by Mr Kam Yong to read!
Then since the time I started playing that game until secondary school that time, every year my chinese grades like almost always top the class! So which-ever shit-head says games make you fail exams?!
Anyway the game was damn kick-ass-hardcore lah. 10 years already, no other chinese game can come close to it!
Alot of parts sibeh funny, I remember last time we always park our boat somewhere then go and complete quests and then when we want to find the boat again, always cannot find!! Then tmd, must walk along the entire coast until we find it.
He always likes to train his 野 球 拳 until level ten, then plus左 右 互 博 术 can kill 东 方 不 败 in one turn, but I always lazy to train, then fight东 方 不 败 must eat alot of medicine, then nabeh, every whack him until want to die liao he (she?!) will eat medicine also to heal life, piss me off.
I remember I always faster go and hire the easy-to-hire characters. Like treat 令 狐 冲 lim jiu he join u liao. If want张 无 忌 to join must give him金 毛 狮 王 's hair?! Wah biang eh, I think the producers also sibeh 搞 笑 。
Then to train level, must go and fight 金 花 婆 婆 and周 伯 通 alot alot of times to gain level.
Last time we really sibeh hardcore the game. Got one map of the game world, we keep passing among each other until sibeh tattered and torn. Then everytime we got progress we will call each other! So exciting. I remember when we completed the game we sibeh happy hahahah!
Last time no worries one, so happy :)
After much tinkering with my last entry and still ending up with words of different sizes that I can't control, I decided to leave it as it is.
At least all the pictures are there now. Last night they weren't!
I therefore conclude that blogspot is actually not just a spot but a living, feeling creature that actually gets jealous and prevents pictures of beautiful women from being uploaded onto it.
Oh, and IT must be female.
At least all the pictures are there now. Last night they weren't!
I therefore conclude that blogspot is actually not just a spot but a living, feeling creature that actually gets jealous and prevents pictures of beautiful women from being uploaded onto it.
Oh, and IT must be female.
Not Dawn Yang again?!
Yes it is ah, sorry. I wanted to blog about this yesterday but was lazy. And today, EVERYONE seems to be talking about her already!
I know I sound damn air head here, but really. How much cuter can a human being get?!
Oh okay, plastic surgery. I know I know. I have friends who were her classmates and I've seen her pictures before the surgery too. But I'm not gonna post her 'before' pics here, if you wanna see, go elsewhere to find, sure got alot one, I'm sure.
The inherent evil nature of human beings!
Of course not pretty lah, else what, too much money to spend?
But hey, so what! So many people are still ugly after surgery wad. At least hers is successful. And y'know what, I'm here ranting and ooh-ing and ah-ing simply for the fact that from what I see right now, she's damn hot!
Yeah yeah, call me superficial and shallow, but hey, you're gonna marry her is it? Want to check out her family background somemore?
I don't know why some people must be so evil and post her 'before' pictures all over. Maybe proud of the fact that they personally know such a talked-about figure? But well I guess it's inevitable, since she's famous in a world full of people who like to get people down.
But sigh, why must she lie about it?? It's like, tons of people know her wad! This kind of thing, lie got what use, people will know sooner or later wad.
See, now people are going to call you a LIAR!
But anyhow, so she's undergone plastic surgery. So? Are you perfect?
Who is?
Someday there's gonne be this new rising star, beautiful as a fairy, holds 2 Masters degrees, 1.75m tall, wonderful character, sings like an angel, talks like a princess.
And what are people going to say?
'Eh, but she farts.'
Let me take pictures of you with my eyes, so that I can process them with my heart and bear them within my soul for eternity.
So no point trying to please everyone man. There are always people who're out to get other people's asses.
I'm amazed by the sheer number of hate sites about basketball God Michael Jordan, who happens to be number 1 to me.
Sour grapes, sweet banana, bitter papaya.
Yes it is ah, sorry. I wanted to blog about this yesterday but was lazy. And today, EVERYONE seems to be talking about her already!
I know I sound damn air head here, but really. How much cuter can a human being get?!
Oh okay, plastic surgery. I know I know. I have friends who were her classmates and I've seen her pictures before the surgery too. But I'm not gonna post her 'before' pics here, if you wanna see, go elsewhere to find, sure got alot one, I'm sure.
The inherent evil nature of human beings!
Of course not pretty lah, else what, too much money to spend?
But hey, so what! So many people are still ugly after surgery wad. At least hers is successful. And y'know what, I'm here ranting and ooh-ing and ah-ing simply for the fact that from what I see right now, she's damn hot!
Yeah yeah, call me superficial and shallow, but hey, you're gonna marry her is it? Want to check out her family background somemore?
I don't know why some people must be so evil and post her 'before' pictures all over. Maybe proud of the fact that they personally know such a talked-about figure? But well I guess it's inevitable, since she's famous in a world full of people who like to get people down.
But sigh, why must she lie about it?? It's like, tons of people know her wad! This kind of thing, lie got what use, people will know sooner or later wad.
See, now people are going to call you a LIAR!
But anyhow, so she's undergone plastic surgery. So? Are you perfect?
Who is?
Someday there's gonne be this new rising star, beautiful as a fairy, holds 2 Masters degrees, 1.75m tall, wonderful character, sings like an angel, talks like a princess.
And what are people going to say?
'Eh, but she farts.'

So no point trying to please everyone man. There are always people who're out to get other people's asses.
I'm amazed by the sheer number of hate sites about basketball God Michael Jordan, who happens to be number 1 to me.
Sour grapes, sweet banana, bitter papaya.
Dr Tan conducted the lecture today. I like attending his lectures, he's quite cool. Today he had his shirt tucked out, and explained to us that it's not to look sexy, but that he just had some KIDNEY operation, and that he had lots of stuff in his pants etc. He wanted to show us but decided otherwise, which was good for us.
Oh well, hope he recovers from whatever he's suffering from -_-;;
There was also some hardcore propaganda on how Sociology is actually useful in real life, cos they wanted us to major in it. It's aimed more at the Arts students I guess, cos which Engin person in his right mind will carry on taking Soci. Are we even allowed to in the first place.
He even brought in speakers to strengthen his argument that Soci is good! Heard he brought in Darryl David for yesterday's and 2 insurance agents for today. One of them is an entrepeneur as well I think. Entertaining speech I guess, but nothing informative.
Dr Anne Raffin gave a small review as well, oh my god, I thought I was never gonna hear her speak again. She's Fench and has this really cool accent which keeps me awake cos it's so funny.
Dr Tan also talked about a few stupid conclusions brought about by funky people who actually went about trying to find out what races do what sports.
Indians can't swim? To think about it, I've never seen an indian swim in my entire life. Budden again, there are so many other things I haven't seen before so it's not weird.
He said that maybe it's cos they can't float because of their skin colour. I mean wtf has skin colour got to do with floatability?! Actually I was thinking maybe they're afraid their colour will come off and dirty the pool.. Eh, but more realistic than what he said right?!
Shit this is getting racist let's stop.
Chinese play basketball. Just a general trend I guess.
He also says Bhuddists play table tennis. Got meh?!?!
The next one got me laughing until damn jia lat.
He said Hindus play badminton. I mean wtf?!? What logic?? I don't understand. I haven't even seen Hindus play badminton before. I think he made it out to be damn funny, because it totally makes no sense and badminton sounds like a stupid sport all of a sudden.
Wah lau eh!!!
I just opened an envelope containing some stuff from Esplanade. When I opened it I thought kua tio gui! Tmd who is Keiko Lee?? Why she take picture never comb hair, droop all over her face?! And she looks damn pale! She looks hungry too!
Quite scary.
Oh well, hope he recovers from whatever he's suffering from -_-;;
There was also some hardcore propaganda on how Sociology is actually useful in real life, cos they wanted us to major in it. It's aimed more at the Arts students I guess, cos which Engin person in his right mind will carry on taking Soci. Are we even allowed to in the first place.
He even brought in speakers to strengthen his argument that Soci is good! Heard he brought in Darryl David for yesterday's and 2 insurance agents for today. One of them is an entrepeneur as well I think. Entertaining speech I guess, but nothing informative.
Dr Anne Raffin gave a small review as well, oh my god, I thought I was never gonna hear her speak again. She's Fench and has this really cool accent which keeps me awake cos it's so funny.
Dr Tan also talked about a few stupid conclusions brought about by funky people who actually went about trying to find out what races do what sports.
Indians can't swim? To think about it, I've never seen an indian swim in my entire life. Budden again, there are so many other things I haven't seen before so it's not weird.
He said that maybe it's cos they can't float because of their skin colour. I mean wtf has skin colour got to do with floatability?! Actually I was thinking maybe they're afraid their colour will come off and dirty the pool.. Eh, but more realistic than what he said right?!
Shit this is getting racist let's stop.
Chinese play basketball. Just a general trend I guess.
He also says Bhuddists play table tennis. Got meh?!?!
The next one got me laughing until damn jia lat.
He said Hindus play badminton. I mean wtf?!? What logic?? I don't understand. I haven't even seen Hindus play badminton before. I think he made it out to be damn funny, because it totally makes no sense and badminton sounds like a stupid sport all of a sudden.
Wah lau eh!!!
I just opened an envelope containing some stuff from Esplanade. When I opened it I thought kua tio gui! Tmd who is Keiko Lee?? Why she take picture never comb hair, droop all over her face?! And she looks damn pale! She looks hungry too!
Quite scary.
I was at Central Library with biao mei today when she suddenly said "I feel like eating sashimi." Then I responded "Go Genki!"
After some deliberation we really went.
I think 豪 迈 ness runs in our blood-linelah.

We devoured a grand total of, what, 32 plates of food? Value for money! 32 * $1.80 = $57.60 while we paid about $36.80. Stacked up all the plates into four piles and took a picture of them with her phone's cam ah. And I just realized I could take a picture of the plates from my phone.
Talk about value for money. My good ole' trusty camera costed me about $300 only loh.
Next Friday exam starts. I'm so looking forward to the end of exams. There are so many things I want to do. I want to:
1) Read Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Prince.
2) Resume Sunday Sentosa Vball rendezvous.
3) Play alot alot of basketball.
4) Really really know FOREX trading. And start earning some REAL money.
5) Learn Photoshop.
6) Learn Flash.
7) There are still alot of books I want to read!
8) Revamp this blog and make use of my new-found Photoshop skills!
9) Read Sand Man
10) Read Slam Dunk. IF I decide to buy.
That's all for now I guess.
Since I've made a list, might as well make another. Stuff I MIGHT want to buy by the end of this year. Maybe pamper myself abit if I start making significant amounts of money from my little ventures. And there won't be a gf to buy me stuff anymore -_-;;
1) Wallet..
Do you agree that I should get a new one?
2) Phone.

Wah my hand was shaking abit. But it does look pretty old lah. I'm thinking of changing to this.
Good anot ah?
3) Slam Dunk comics series. Favorite comics of all time, same standard as Naruto. But Naruto anime is good, so might not buy comics. Slam Dunk anime SUCKS.
I so want to have a set of the comics. I've probably read it like thrice already. The last 5 books, probably 10 plus times. And I feel like re-reading it. Should I buy, or should I not -_-;;
Aye I better face reality first and do what I'm supposed to do for NOW:
Preparing for exams! Off to watch webcast now :(
After some deliberation we really went.
I think 豪 迈 ness runs in our blood-linelah.

We devoured a grand total of, what, 32 plates of food? Value for money! 32 * $1.80 = $57.60 while we paid about $36.80. Stacked up all the plates into four piles and took a picture of them with her phone's cam ah. And I just realized I could take a picture of the plates from my phone.
Talk about value for money. My good ole' trusty camera costed me about $300 only loh.
Next Friday exam starts. I'm so looking forward to the end of exams. There are so many things I want to do. I want to:
1) Read Harry Potter and the Half Blooded Prince.
2) Resume Sunday Sentosa Vball rendezvous.
3) Play alot alot of basketball.
4) Really really know FOREX trading. And start earning some REAL money.
5) Learn Photoshop.
6) Learn Flash.
7) There are still alot of books I want to read!
8) Revamp this blog and make use of my new-found Photoshop skills!
9) Read Sand Man
10) Read Slam Dunk. IF I decide to buy.
That's all for now I guess.
Since I've made a list, might as well make another. Stuff I MIGHT want to buy by the end of this year. Maybe pamper myself abit if I start making significant amounts of money from my little ventures. And there won't be a gf to buy me stuff anymore -_-;;
1) Wallet..

2) Phone.

Wah my hand was shaking abit. But it does look pretty old lah. I'm thinking of changing to this.

3) Slam Dunk comics series. Favorite comics of all time, same standard as Naruto. But Naruto anime is good, so might not buy comics. Slam Dunk anime SUCKS.
I so want to have a set of the comics. I've probably read it like thrice already. The last 5 books, probably 10 plus times. And I feel like re-reading it. Should I buy, or should I not -_-;;
Aye I better face reality first and do what I'm supposed to do for NOW:
Preparing for exams! Off to watch webcast now :(
Isn't it great to be a celebrity? They pay you to quit habits you shouldn't even have started in the first place!
Sometimes I really wonder; do these campaigns really work? Isn't it plain obvious that they don't?
Smoking is a very personal thing wad. I for one don't believe it's really so goddamn hard to quit smoking. I can't say for those who started smoking at like 5 years old lah, but for the rest, I don't believe it's all that hard.
I mean, there are people who have managed extraordinary things in life like living through deafness plus blindness and overcome obstacles that us ordinary human beings can but fathom, and here you're telling me you do not have the ability to quit smoking?!
I'd say 1) You are really damn cannot make it or 2) You don't feel like quitting.
And 10 times out of 10 I'd believe the latter to be true.
And these campaigns. Let's say I were a hard-core smoker. So I hear on radio and read on papers that, oh, Quan Yi Feng and Christopher Lee are quitting smoking.
"Oh! They smoke?
Now they're quitting? For what? Campaign wad. What campaign? Quit smoking campaign! To encourage smokers to quit smoking!
C'mon lah, what the fuck has it got to do with me?!
I don't even watch their shows!
What?! You mean they get paid to do it?! You pay me lah, pay me, ask me quit anything also can!"
Nicorette gums. Stuff you chew that's supposed to lessen your urge to smoke. If it's clinically proven to cure addiction, I have no comments. But if it's aimed at ah bengs and ah lians, will help meh? To them, smoking is cool, I think.
Chew gum cool meh? Look like WWF wrestlers? American Gladiators? NBA players?
If you want to quit, you can do it one.
Human willpower has not degenerated to this extent, has it?
There are so many reasons to quit.
See ah,
1) Most people don't like smokers
2) It's been said a million times but I'm gonna say it again, smoking is bad for health!
3) Don't you find it cumbersome to have to keep a lighter and an easily crushable box with you at all times?
4) Always have to find smoking corner, so troublesome?!
5) Most importantly, you can save alot of MONEY just by this simple act; it improves your health to boot! See, 1 week=2 packs=$20. 1 month=$80. 6 months= $480. And it's not for DOING something. It's for NOT doing something!
To this I'd like to add: It always peeves me to no end when I hear people complaining that they have NO MONEY and are so pitiful and are oh-so-unfortunate to be born into un-wealthy families, and GO ON to buy state-of-the-art MP3 players that even lim peh doesn't have and SMOKING and spending money on tons of other stuff they don't need.
I digress.
Let's move on to reasons TO smoke.
1) It's cool. (Highly subjective. In fact, MAJORITY disagree.) Oh, but nevermind wad, as long as it's cool to people I want to attract. Girls think it's cool wad. At least ah lians think so.
(Oh really?)
2) I'm addicted. (Rubbish. )
3) You're an attention-seeker. You love it when people see you smoke and go "aww...why you smoke.. you must have led a hard life and need to vent it out on these nasty cigarettes.. but why don't you quit.. if die how... you die i how..."
(The pre requisite to this excuse is that you must have someone who is willing to say this kind of thing to you lah. Well, the sad truth is that 99.9% of the world population don't really give a damn. And for that 0.1% that truly cares so much for you, why are you making them upset and worried for you in the first place you ass?!)
4) Oh, I have too much money to spend lah, and I think it's goddamn uber cool wad, SMOKING LEH! I have no intention to quit lah. Only the top 1% of the people in the universe have this unique ability to hold a stick and puff on it leh! And I am in that 1%! PLUS, who says smoking is bad for health?! My ah gong smokes and he died at 90!
(Go ahead and smoke. Only people under this classification have no excuse to quit. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion wad. Oh by the way, I think your ah gong might have lived to a 100 if he didn't smoke. Oh well, just a thought.)
Disclaimer: I harbour no ill feelings whatsoever to smokers. I don't dislike smokers! In fact, I like smelling cigarette smoke once in awhile!
But as you can see from the above analysis, if you think about it carefully, there is really no reason to smoke lah.
So quit, okay?
Sometimes I really wonder; do these campaigns really work? Isn't it plain obvious that they don't?
Smoking is a very personal thing wad. I for one don't believe it's really so goddamn hard to quit smoking. I can't say for those who started smoking at like 5 years old lah, but for the rest, I don't believe it's all that hard.
I mean, there are people who have managed extraordinary things in life like living through deafness plus blindness and overcome obstacles that us ordinary human beings can but fathom, and here you're telling me you do not have the ability to quit smoking?!
I'd say 1) You are really damn cannot make it or 2) You don't feel like quitting.
And 10 times out of 10 I'd believe the latter to be true.
And these campaigns. Let's say I were a hard-core smoker. So I hear on radio and read on papers that, oh, Quan Yi Feng and Christopher Lee are quitting smoking.
"Oh! They smoke?
Now they're quitting? For what? Campaign wad. What campaign? Quit smoking campaign! To encourage smokers to quit smoking!
C'mon lah, what the fuck has it got to do with me?!
I don't even watch their shows!
What?! You mean they get paid to do it?! You pay me lah, pay me, ask me quit anything also can!"
Nicorette gums. Stuff you chew that's supposed to lessen your urge to smoke. If it's clinically proven to cure addiction, I have no comments. But if it's aimed at ah bengs and ah lians, will help meh? To them, smoking is cool, I think.
Chew gum cool meh? Look like WWF wrestlers? American Gladiators? NBA players?
If you want to quit, you can do it one.
Human willpower has not degenerated to this extent, has it?
There are so many reasons to quit.
See ah,
1) Most people don't like smokers
2) It's been said a million times but I'm gonna say it again, smoking is bad for health!
3) Don't you find it cumbersome to have to keep a lighter and an easily crushable box with you at all times?
4) Always have to find smoking corner, so troublesome?!
5) Most importantly, you can save alot of MONEY just by this simple act; it improves your health to boot! See, 1 week=2 packs=$20. 1 month=$80. 6 months= $480. And it's not for DOING something. It's for NOT doing something!
To this I'd like to add: It always peeves me to no end when I hear people complaining that they have NO MONEY and are so pitiful and are oh-so-unfortunate to be born into un-wealthy families, and GO ON to buy state-of-the-art MP3 players that even lim peh doesn't have and SMOKING and spending money on tons of other stuff they don't need.
I digress.
Let's move on to reasons TO smoke.
1) It's cool. (Highly subjective. In fact, MAJORITY disagree.) Oh, but nevermind wad, as long as it's cool to people I want to attract. Girls think it's cool wad. At least ah lians think so.
(Oh really?)
2) I'm addicted. (Rubbish. )
3) You're an attention-seeker. You love it when people see you smoke and go "aww...why you smoke.. you must have led a hard life and need to vent it out on these nasty cigarettes.. but why don't you quit.. if die how... you die i how..."
(The pre requisite to this excuse is that you must have someone who is willing to say this kind of thing to you lah. Well, the sad truth is that 99.9% of the world population don't really give a damn. And for that 0.1% that truly cares so much for you, why are you making them upset and worried for you in the first place you ass?!)
4) Oh, I have too much money to spend lah, and I think it's goddamn uber cool wad, SMOKING LEH! I have no intention to quit lah. Only the top 1% of the people in the universe have this unique ability to hold a stick and puff on it leh! And I am in that 1%! PLUS, who says smoking is bad for health?! My ah gong smokes and he died at 90!
(Go ahead and smoke. Only people under this classification have no excuse to quit. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion wad. Oh by the way, I think your ah gong might have lived to a 100 if he didn't smoke. Oh well, just a thought.)

But as you can see from the above analysis, if you think about it carefully, there is really no reason to smoke lah.
So quit, okay?
Of funny women and the things they do
2 Comments Published by kang on Monday, November 07, 2005 at 1:37 AM.

I was in the library sadly doing the stupid imparo statics online assignment today when this girl came to join her friend who was 2 seats to my left. So I ended up having two not-bad-looking girls to my left. Is that a good thing? If I were opposite then better wad, beside me I cannot see.
Anyway A was very dilligently doing her work initially but when B came, my gosh, she became one talkative girl too.
Girl + Books = No noise.
Girl + Girl = Alot of noise.
They started talking about very nonsensical stuff which I couldn't help finding very funny.
A: Eh you know the who-n-who in architecture? You know his bedroom, alot of architecture stuff leh!
B: Architecture stuff? Like? So what?
A: Like those, wooden pieces, all over his room, all over his bed!
B: Wah really ah! He exaggerate is it?!
A: No lah, I saw!
B: Wah!
A: Then hor, his bed put all the architecture stuff, then he sleeps in one corner of his room!
B: Aiyo so poor thing!
A: Yah lor soooooo pooor theeeeeeeeeeeeng!
Me: :)
This is the kind of thing that brings me some form of light in an otherwise dull study environment. At least got some form of entertainment. Then I started to guess what facs they were from.
B: You all every week need to present stuff one is it? That's why wear until so formal?
A: Ya loh sianz.
So I think A = Business.
A: Nowadays gotta do FYP, so sianz.
B: FYP? What is FYP?
I nearly fell off my chair.
But that gave me my answer. B = Arts.
Okay okay, no discrimination intended, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.
And I just happened to be at this website that has a list of like 129 things that define girls.
Here are some I think are really true and funny.
3. a) Bargaining for the sake of bargaining, even when the price is already very low - "a man is someone who pays $2 for a $1 item he wants. a woman is someone who pays $1 for a $2 item she doesn't want"
17. Giggling or laughing at everything and nothing / squealing (sometimes like small girls) (even over vegetables?) / yelping / screaming / shrieking (eg playing ball games - when they catch/throw the ball, when the ball comes near/almost hits them, when insects come near) / jumping up and down
22. "Nice" stuff as gifts for others which invariably takes a long time to make / staying up until 5 am to make little 'thank you' cards for everyone in their cca/class/both/everyone they know.. half of which get tucked into a corner and forgotten/throw away and trashed anyway
24. Being fussy with food / destroying their digestive systems - being anorexic (3 fishballs for a meal!?), protein diet, prolonged detox, bingeing, sharing portions of food meant for 1 person with 1 or 2 other anorexic girls, eating very often but very little each time, starving themselves for months at a time and then pigging out during sleepovers
28. Whining / fretting that they're fat / look fat / have a big butt (despite weighing 30 kgs and eating less than a Somali on a diet) and professing to be willing to enter Obedience School (BMT) to shed the 23kg that I did, regardless of its horrors, while constantly reassuring other distraught girls that they themselves are stick-thin
44. Drawing up elaborate lists detailing their "ideal" man, including in them qualities such as "sensitive", "thoughtful", "caring" and "good listener" (ie They want a "nice guy") and exchanging them with other similarly emotionally disturbed girls, then falling head over heels in love with the first jerk, alpha male or lying bastard (ie The antithesis) who comes along
82. Professing their love to each other and asking their friends if they love them too. If their friends say no, they get angry.
95. Taking neoprints of themselves and their friends in every possible factorial combination. (eg. 3 friends will take 6 neoprints to represent all the possible positions - ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA)
And of course, there's the issue of girls who love to ask boyfriends questions that are damn obvious but which they do not wish to answer themselves. And not to mention the fact that there are NO correct answers for these questions.
Like: "Am I fat?"
"Her butt bigger or mine?"
"Jennifer Aniston chio meh? Me leh?"
Anyway A was very dilligently doing her work initially but when B came, my gosh, she became one talkative girl too.
Girl + Books = No noise.
Girl + Girl = Alot of noise.
They started talking about very nonsensical stuff which I couldn't help finding very funny.
A: Eh you know the who-n-who in architecture? You know his bedroom, alot of architecture stuff leh!
B: Architecture stuff? Like? So what?
A: Like those, wooden pieces, all over his room, all over his bed!
B: Wah really ah! He exaggerate is it?!
A: No lah, I saw!
B: Wah!
A: Then hor, his bed put all the architecture stuff, then he sleeps in one corner of his room!
B: Aiyo so poor thing!
A: Yah lor soooooo pooor theeeeeeeeeeeeng!
Me: :)
This is the kind of thing that brings me some form of light in an otherwise dull study environment. At least got some form of entertainment. Then I started to guess what facs they were from.
B: You all every week need to present stuff one is it? That's why wear until so formal?
A: Ya loh sianz.
So I think A = Business.
A: Nowadays gotta do FYP, so sianz.
B: FYP? What is FYP?
I nearly fell off my chair.
But that gave me my answer. B = Arts.
Okay okay, no discrimination intended, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.
And I just happened to be at this website that has a list of like 129 things that define girls.
Here are some I think are really true and funny.
3. a) Bargaining for the sake of bargaining, even when the price is already very low - "a man is someone who pays $2 for a $1 item he wants. a woman is someone who pays $1 for a $2 item she doesn't want"
17. Giggling or laughing at everything and nothing / squealing (sometimes like small girls) (even over vegetables?) / yelping / screaming / shrieking (eg playing ball games - when they catch/throw the ball, when the ball comes near/almost hits them, when insects come near) / jumping up and down
22. "Nice" stuff as gifts for others which invariably takes a long time to make / staying up until 5 am to make little 'thank you' cards for everyone in their cca/class/both/everyone they know.. half of which get tucked into a corner and forgotten/throw away and trashed anyway
24. Being fussy with food / destroying their digestive systems - being anorexic (3 fishballs for a meal!?), protein diet, prolonged detox, bingeing, sharing portions of food meant for 1 person with 1 or 2 other anorexic girls, eating very often but very little each time, starving themselves for months at a time and then pigging out during sleepovers
28. Whining / fretting that they're fat / look fat / have a big butt (despite weighing 30 kgs and eating less than a Somali on a diet) and professing to be willing to enter Obedience School (BMT) to shed the 23kg that I did, regardless of its horrors, while constantly reassuring other distraught girls that they themselves are stick-thin
44. Drawing up elaborate lists detailing their "ideal" man, including in them qualities such as "sensitive", "thoughtful", "caring" and "good listener" (ie They want a "nice guy") and exchanging them with other similarly emotionally disturbed girls, then falling head over heels in love with the first jerk, alpha male or lying bastard (ie The antithesis) who comes along
82. Professing their love to each other and asking their friends if they love them too. If their friends say no, they get angry.
95. Taking neoprints of themselves and their friends in every possible factorial combination. (eg. 3 friends will take 6 neoprints to represent all the possible positions - ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA)
And of course, there's the issue of girls who love to ask boyfriends questions that are damn obvious but which they do not wish to answer themselves. And not to mention the fact that there are NO correct answers for these questions.
Like: "Am I fat?"
"Her butt bigger or mine?"
"Jennifer Aniston chio meh? Me leh?"
I don't hate studying as it is, but studying for exams really suck. Okay this is redundant cos WHO likes studying oh well I just need to whine.
Went out with YL and YH, my PRIMARY SCHOOL classmates today. Haven't hung out together in like, 8 years? We were very close last time ah, when we were still BOYS.
YL changed alot man. YH's still the same. Think I've changed quite abit too. The scars that time has left on me~ We were reminiscing about old times of course; times where pocket money was 50 cents per day and I'd drop the 20 cents left over from the 30 cents I use to eat noodles with.
Talked about the funny funny crushes we had. I have no idea why I liked SQ -_-;; Think I just decided to like her cos everyone was liking someone else so I just wanted to follow the crowd. C'mon what did you expect, I was in PRIMARY SCHOOL!
I still remember last time SQ register number 13. I number 1. So one time during exams she sat beside me and I was so happy!
OKOK remember, primary school!
And last time we all used to walk home from school together. This whole bunch of them used to like to come to my place to play Sega Saturn. But YH says they come to study one but I totally have no recollection of that whatsoever.
I mean, primary school study WHAT? Algebra?
Yeah we used to WALK to places, and today that fella DROVE us to Bugis.
In a few years we'd all have our own careers and meet up with our spouses and kids and that'd be so uber cool.
I hope they get married soon so that I can go attend their wedding dinners.
Went out with YL and YH, my PRIMARY SCHOOL classmates today. Haven't hung out together in like, 8 years? We were very close last time ah, when we were still BOYS.
YL changed alot man. YH's still the same. Think I've changed quite abit too. The scars that time has left on me~ We were reminiscing about old times of course; times where pocket money was 50 cents per day and I'd drop the 20 cents left over from the 30 cents I use to eat noodles with.
Talked about the funny funny crushes we had. I have no idea why I liked SQ -_-;; Think I just decided to like her cos everyone was liking someone else so I just wanted to follow the crowd. C'mon what did you expect, I was in PRIMARY SCHOOL!
I still remember last time SQ register number 13. I number 1. So one time during exams she sat beside me and I was so happy!
OKOK remember, primary school!
And last time we all used to walk home from school together. This whole bunch of them used to like to come to my place to play Sega Saturn. But YH says they come to study one but I totally have no recollection of that whatsoever.
I mean, primary school study WHAT? Algebra?
Yeah we used to WALK to places, and today that fella DROVE us to Bugis.
In a few years we'd all have our own careers and meet up with our spouses and kids and that'd be so uber cool.
I hope they get married soon so that I can go attend their wedding dinners.
Few days ago I mentioned I was abit sick. I also said it became abit worse after I went to play bball.
Well, yesterday, after half a day of lethargy, mum forced me to take my temperature with this thermometer I got from army. The tempertature increased at a rate of 2 every 2 seconds, from about 25 degrees celsius all the way to 38.4 degrees.
I know that the following statement is going to cause a severe heartache to all my previous Science and Biology teachers, but I momentarily forgot the normal temperature for a normal human being. Forgot whether it was supposed to be 36 plus or 37 plus.
So I quickly messaged bm to ask her. According to her, more than 37 means fever. So I was like, 'then what does 38.4 mean? High fever??'
I was thinking there could be a problem with the thermometer since I haven't like used it ever before. But even if it ain't fever, it definitely IS fever; even a lousy thermometer has SOME form of credibility, even if it's from an unreliable source from SAF?
So off we went to see the doctor, me and mum. Something happened that made me realize how different two peoples' perception of a situation could be.
We were crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when the green man turned red and we were only about three quarters way through. I quickly walked across and to my slight horror, mum was still strolling along so I was like 'eh! kuai dian! hong ren liao!'
She gave me the so-what look and said "You cross first so I cross wad."
Me: Budden red man liao! So must faster cross!
She: Aiyah, this kind of thing I know one lah, red man so what, we already cross halfway, sure must cross finish wad.
Me: Budden the drivers are waiting to move off! At least walk faster ma. When I drive I see people cross road like this very pissed off one leh.
She: Haiyah, you people are too law-by-law liao lah.
Me: WTF?!?
So we proceeded to the clinic. I must say sorry to the SAF thermometer that I insulted just now. It was fairly accurate cos the doctor took my temperature to be a whooping 38.6 degrees~ I even need a double dosage of fever medicine cos my temperature too high.
Soon after I realized my eyes were SWOLLEN. My eyes already quite small, so with the additional lump to add salt to the wound, I worried for my vision.
Met bm in school today to pass her her comics and to have lunch together. Well that was the original plan but I realized I had no appetitie so I didn't eat.
Bm must be the most sympathetic person in the world.
Bm: Bg, why you squinting your eyes?
Me: .... Wah lau eh you think I want ah?
Bm: Eyes so small liao still squint.
Me: Swollen leh, neh, see? (Shows her my eyes and waits for words of consolation)
Bm: Orh.. Hahaha, 很 难 看 。
Me: WTF?!
But guess I'm alright now, cos I'm in the mood to type such a long and nonsensical at like 1.16 a.m. in the morning.
Tomorrow's another holiday. I must work extra hard to make up for the time lost yesterday man. What a unhappening waste of time. At least if I wasted the day playing I'd have been happier :(
Well, yesterday, after half a day of lethargy, mum forced me to take my temperature with this thermometer I got from army. The tempertature increased at a rate of 2 every 2 seconds, from about 25 degrees celsius all the way to 38.4 degrees.
I know that the following statement is going to cause a severe heartache to all my previous Science and Biology teachers, but I momentarily forgot the normal temperature for a normal human being. Forgot whether it was supposed to be 36 plus or 37 plus.
So I quickly messaged bm to ask her. According to her, more than 37 means fever. So I was like, 'then what does 38.4 mean? High fever??'
I was thinking there could be a problem with the thermometer since I haven't like used it ever before. But even if it ain't fever, it definitely IS fever; even a lousy thermometer has SOME form of credibility, even if it's from an unreliable source from SAF?
So off we went to see the doctor, me and mum. Something happened that made me realize how different two peoples' perception of a situation could be.
We were crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when the green man turned red and we were only about three quarters way through. I quickly walked across and to my slight horror, mum was still strolling along so I was like 'eh! kuai dian! hong ren liao!'
She gave me the so-what look and said "You cross first so I cross wad."
Me: Budden red man liao! So must faster cross!
She: Aiyah, this kind of thing I know one lah, red man so what, we already cross halfway, sure must cross finish wad.
Me: Budden the drivers are waiting to move off! At least walk faster ma. When I drive I see people cross road like this very pissed off one leh.
She: Haiyah, you people are too law-by-law liao lah.
Me: WTF?!?
So we proceeded to the clinic. I must say sorry to the SAF thermometer that I insulted just now. It was fairly accurate cos the doctor took my temperature to be a whooping 38.6 degrees~ I even need a double dosage of fever medicine cos my temperature too high.
Soon after I realized my eyes were SWOLLEN. My eyes already quite small, so with the additional lump to add salt to the wound, I worried for my vision.
Met bm in school today to pass her her comics and to have lunch together. Well that was the original plan but I realized I had no appetitie so I didn't eat.
Bm must be the most sympathetic person in the world.
Bm: Bg, why you squinting your eyes?
Me: .... Wah lau eh you think I want ah?
Bm: Eyes so small liao still squint.
Me: Swollen leh, neh, see? (Shows her my eyes and waits for words of consolation)
Bm: Orh.. Hahaha, 很 难 看 。
Me: WTF?!
But guess I'm alright now, cos I'm in the mood to type such a long and nonsensical at like 1.16 a.m. in the morning.
Tomorrow's another holiday. I must work extra hard to make up for the time lost yesterday man. What a unhappening waste of time. At least if I wasted the day playing I'd have been happier :(
我 也 不 能 为 你 做 些 什 么 。
希 望 看 到 我 的 祝 福 ,
你 会 感 到 开 心 。
一 点 点 也 好 。
这 不 是 歌 词 ,
更 不 是 诗 词 。
只 是 写 华 文 字 ,
一 块 一 块 写 ,
感 觉 比 较 cheem ,
比 较 深 奥 。
会 吗 ? : )
虽 然 现 在 只 是 朋 友 ,
但 你 是 我 最 珍 贵 的 朋 友 。
长 大 了 ,
凡 事 学 会 看 开 点 。
放 下 固 执 ,
放 下 ku-ku-ness 。
不 要 学 我 ,
整 天 act cool.
有烦 恼 ,
就 找 人 倾 诉 。
硬 硬 憋 着 ,
小 心 发 神 经 。
感 觉 好 像 ,
有 很 多 话 要 对 你 说 。
话 到 嘴 边 ,
却 老 说 不 出 口 。
我 想 ,
这 是 我 们 ,
共 同 的 毛 病 吧 。
被 你 ,
发 现 了 吧 。
我 在 ,
很 牵 强 地 ,
把 entry 拉 长 。
看 起 来 ,
比 较 有 诚 意 。
好 了 。
废 话 少 说 。
在 这 里 ,
From the bottom of my heart,
衷 心 地 ,
祝 福 你 ,
永 远 永 远 ,
幸 福 , 快 乐 : )
希 望 看 到 我 的 祝 福 ,
你 会 感 到 开 心 。
一 点 点 也 好 。
这 不 是 歌 词 ,
更 不 是 诗 词 。
只 是 写 华 文 字 ,
一 块 一 块 写 ,
感 觉 比 较 cheem ,
比 较 深 奥 。
会 吗 ? : )
虽 然 现 在 只 是 朋 友 ,
但 你 是 我 最 珍 贵 的 朋 友 。
长 大 了 ,
凡 事 学 会 看 开 点 。
放 下 固 执 ,
放 下 ku-ku-ness 。
不 要 学 我 ,
整 天 act cool.
有烦 恼 ,
就 找 人 倾 诉 。
硬 硬 憋 着 ,
小 心 发 神 经 。
感 觉 好 像 ,
有 很 多 话 要 对 你 说 。
话 到 嘴 边 ,
却 老 说 不 出 口 。
我 想 ,
这 是 我 们 ,
共 同 的 毛 病 吧 。
被 你 ,
发 现 了 吧 。
我 在 ,
很 牵 强 地 ,
把 entry 拉 长 。
看 起 来 ,
比 较 有 诚 意 。
好 了 。
废 话 少 说 。
在 这 里 ,
From the bottom of my heart,
衷 心 地 ,
祝 福 你 ,
永 远 永 远 ,
幸 福 , 快 乐 : )
One of your greatest gifts from God,
11:57 p.m, 11-02-05